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ACCOUNTS in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa ACCOUNTS

10 trillion euros from Europeans and #39; ACCOUNTS, directed to the stock market - Von der Leyen and #39;s plan

publicat 2025-03-21 00:00:07 (Bursa)
10 trillion euros from Europeans and #39; <span style='background:#EDF514'>ACCOUNTS</span>, directed to the stock market - Von der Leyen and #39;s plan Ursula von der Leyen took the first step on Wednesday towards mobilizing European citizens and #39; savings from bank deposits to finance European industry and the defense industry. ...continuare.

Roxana Babatie, Head of Domestic Sales, managing the channels of Field Sales and Major ACCOUNTS in cadrul Cargus: In prezent avem un procent de sub 10% volume zilnice de la selleri din China. Am ajuns inclusiv la discutii de a limita volumul pe care il preluam din partea sellerilor chinezi, pentru ca nu dorim sa ramanem blocati

publicat 2025-03-19 16:46:17 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Roxana Babatie, Head of Domestic Sales, managing the channels of Field Sales and Major <span style='background:#EDF514'>ACCOUNTS</span> in cadrul Cargus: In prezent avem un procent de sub 10% volume zilnice de la selleri din China. Am ajuns inclusiv la discutii de a limita volumul pe care il preluam din partea sellerilor chinezi, pentru ca nu dorim sa ramanem blocati Autor: Alexandra Cepareanu In prezent, Cargus inregistreaza sub 10% volume zilnice de la selleri din China, a spus Roxana Babatie - Head of Domestic Sales, managing the channels of Field Sales and Major ACCOUNTS in cadrul Cargus, in cadrul conferintei ZF... ...continuare.

BVB Indices: Diametrically Opposite Trajectories Throughout Last Year

publicat 2025-02-10 00:00:11 (Bursa)
BVB Indices: Diametrically Opposite Trajectories Throughout Last Year * The Ministry of Finance raised 16.4 billion lei from the population through six Fidelis government bond issues * At the end of last year, investors at BVB held approximately 226,000 ACCOUNTS, a 26% increase from 2023 ...continuare.

American officials, prepared to combat disinformation

publicat 2024-11-06 00:00:17 (Bursa)
American officials, prepared to combat disinformation American officials are expecting a wave of misinformation and contestations in connection with the presidential elections held yesterday in the US, according to NBC News, which also shows that dozens of lawsuits have been opened in recent days - many of them frivolous - and that various domestic... ...continuare.

Conferinta ZF Digital '24. Andrei Ionita, Bitdefender: Putem antrena algoritmii de machine learning pentru a detecta anumite comportamente care ar putea fi atacuri cibernetice. Este foarte important sa antrenam permanent setul de date

publicat 2024-11-04 18:30:40 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Conferinta ZF Digital '24. Andrei Ionita, Bitdefender: Putem antrena algoritmii de machine learning pentru a detecta anumite comportamente care ar putea fi atacuri cibernetice. Este foarte important sa antrenam permanent setul de date Autor: Ramona Cornea Algoritmii de machine learning pot fi antrenati pentru a detecta anumite comportamente care ar putea fi atacuri cibernetice, astfel ca este foarte important sa antrenam permanent setul de date, sustine Andrei Ionita, regional director of government affairs and strategic ...continuare.

ECA report: Money from PNRRs has a very hard time reaching the real economy

publicat 2024-09-03 00:00:02 (Bursa)
ECA report: Money from PNRRs has a very hard time reaching the real economy *Only a third of the funds allocated through the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism were used by the European states until the end of 2023 *Of that amount, only 50% entered the ACCOUNTS of the final beneficiaries *ECA experts claim that there is a high risk... ...continuare.

For the protection of depositors, the Bank of Israel is closely monitoring its banking system

publicat 2024-08-09 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Bank of Israel has requested that banks present a plan to redirect deposits from current ACCOUNTS to term deposits, after banks stopped paying interest on these ACCOUNTS, according to the Israeli press. The letter... ...continuare.

Romanian Creative Week: One million people interacted with the 200 events

publicat 2024-05-29 00:30:03 (Bursa)
Over a million people interacted with the 200 events of the Romanian Creative Week (RCW) 2024, at this year and #39;s edition, held in Iasi. According to the RCW organizers, there were also over 20 million other interactions of the public on the event and #39;s ...continuare.

Andrei Ionita, Bitdefender: Am observat in ultimii ani o crestere importanta a nivelului de constientizare in ceea ce priveste securitatea cibernetica. Exista o preocupare mai mare in zona de business pentru a investi in cybersecurity

publicat 2024-05-13 15:45:16 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Andrei Ionita, Bitdefender: Am observat in ultimii ani o crestere importanta a nivelului de constientizare in ceea ce priveste securitatea cibernetica. Exista o preocupare mai mare in zona de business pentru a investi in cybersecurity Autor: Ramona Cornea In ultimii ani se vede o crestere importanta a nivelului de constientizare in ceea ce priveste securitatea cibernetica, exista o preocupare mai mare in zona de business pentru a investi in cybersecurity, sustine Andrei Ionita, regional director of government affairs and... ...continuare.

The USA, the world and #39;s largest producer of nuclear energy

publicat 2024-04-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* However, nuclear energy ACCOUNTS for only a fifth of the electricity generated in the US, while in France the proportion is 60% South Korean scientists recently broke a record in a nuclear fusion experiment - for 48 seconds they maintained a temperature... ...continuare.

ECA President: 'Under the pressure of the deadline for the implementation of the PNRR, the risk of defrauding European funds increases'

publicat 2024-04-11 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Tony Murphy, president of the European Court of Auditors (ECA - European Court of ACCOUNTS), states that the deadline - December 31, 2026 - for the implementation of the NRDPs represents a factor that 'contributes even more to the risk' of misappropriation... ...continuare.