Cele mai recente stiri

Radiografia primului insurtech romanesc. Eazy Asigurari si-a propus pentru 2025 sa ajunga la subscrieri de 300 mil. lei, sa lanseze inca trei produse - Casco, asigurari de locuinte si asigurari de calatorie -, iar anul viitor estimeaza ca va trece pe profit Bursa. Evergent Investments iti mentine declaratia de retragere din actionariatul Aerostar, unde detine un pachet de peste 200 mil. lei din capitalul social Cum a reusit o tanara din Romania, absolventa a facultatii de psihologie, sa-si transforme pasiunea intr-o afacere profitabila Fabrica Nokian Tyres din Oradea incepe livrarile de anvelope Zsolt István Torjai, manager cu experienta in industria ospitalitatii, a fost numit director general al hotelului Hampton by Hilton Targu Mures, deschis in 2023 dupa investitii de 11 mil.euro Dexory, companie de robotica si AI fondata la Londra de trei antreprenori romani, a fost selectata pentru a face parte din reteaua globala Endeavor, organizatie care ofera mentorat si resurse strategice pentru scalarea afacerii Conferinta PwC CEO Survey 2025: Romania trebuie sa-si redefineasca modelul economic pentru a continua sa creasca. Inovatia, infrastructura si reforma statului sunt esentiale BREAKING. Stare de urgenta declarata in Myanmar in urma unui cutremur de 7.7 grade. Seismul s-a resimtit puternic pana si in Thailanda. Capitala Bangkok a fost declarata zona de dezastru BREAKING. Stare de urgenta declarata in Myanmar in urma unui cutremur de 7.7 grade. Seismul s-a resimtit puternic pana si in Thailanda. Capitala Bangkok a fost declarata zona de dezastru Avion militar Iliusin interceptat aproape de Germania. Era Avion militar Iliusin interceptat aproape de Germania. Era "un pericol considerabil pentru traficul aerian civil" Ion Creanga - viata si operele scriitorului roman. Ce opere sunt incluse in programa de Bacalaureat Ion Creanga - viata si operele scriitorului roman. Ce opere sunt incluse in programa de Bacalaureat

Cele mai citite stiri

Ultimele cautari

ALWAYS in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa ALWAYS

UN Conference to Combat Desertification Ends in Failure

publicat 2024-12-17 00:00:15 (Bursa)
UN Conference to Combat Desertification Ends in Failure Big initiatives do not ALWAYS lead to positive results. Negotiations at the UN Conference to Combat Desertification, COP16, have ended without reaching a binding agreement to combat the phenomenon. ...continuare.

Generation Z Uses AI the Most at Work

publicat 2024-12-10 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Generation Z Uses AI the Most at Work People have ALWAYS sought to create and use tools that reduce their tedious tasks and increase productivity, and AI (artificial intelligence) is the latest addition to their 'toolkit,' according to a visualcapitalist.com analysis ...continuare.

F1 Champion, Community Service in Rwanda

publicat 2024-12-10 00:00:11 (Bursa)
F1 Champion, Community Service in Rwanda Public statements do not ALWAYS bring benefits to those who make them. Drifts are most often sanctioned, including in the world of motor racing stars. ...continuare.

Council of University Ethics and Management: Harassment in 22 Universities

publicat 2024-12-04 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Council of University Ethics and Management: Harassment in 22 Universities The veil is slowly being lifted from an issue that has been intensely discussed, but is ALWAYS in a gray day. ...continuare.

Big businessmen in the US - famous, but not very appreciated by the population

publicat 2024-11-28 00:00:09 (Bursa)
Big businessmen in the US - famous, but not very appreciated by the population Being widely known does not ALWAYS equate to being appreciated, and if people like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk, for example, are famous, they do not enjoy a positive perception among the majority of Americans, according to an analysis by... ...continuare.

Over a thousand glaciers have disappeared in 30 years in a single region

publicat 2024-11-18 00:00:18 (Bursa)
Over a thousand glaciers have disappeared in 30 years in a single region Whether we want to admit it or not, things are changing, not ALWAYS for the better, around us. Over a thousand glaciers in Tajikistan have disappeared in the past three decades, the energy minister of this Central Asian republic warned on the sidelines of... ...continuare.

National Restoration Program Suffers from Lack of Specialists

publicat 2024-11-13 00:00:07 (Bursa)
National Restoration Program Suffers from Lack of Specialists Money does not ALWAYS solve problems. The absence of specialists is a big problem, regardless of the field. The Manager of the National Institute of Heritage (INP), Oana Zaharia, stated at the opening of the 7th edition of the 'Constantin Brancusi'... ...continuare.

The BNR revised upward the inflation forecast for the end of the year

publicat 2024-11-12 00:00:22 (Bursa)
The BNR revised upward the inflation forecast for the end of the year * Isarescu: 'We know that a fiscal-budgetary correction will follow, an adjustment that will also lead to an external adjustment' * 'We expect a coherent correction program; any adjustment means belt tightening,' according to the governor * 'It is not the problem of the deficit as such that is... ...continuare.

The President of the Academy spoke about models for transforming agriculture

publicat 2024-11-04 00:30:12 (Bursa)
The President of the Academy spoke about models for transforming agriculture Good examples are not ALWAYS followed, which is precisely why it is necessary to popularize them. The President of the Romanian Academy, Ioan-Aurel Pop, highlighted the importance of creating the Royal Domains, true 'model centers for transforming... ...continuare.

Romanul a inscris in strainatate si l-a copiat pe Mario Balotelli: "De ce mereu eu?"

publicat 2024-10-27 15:15:22 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Romanul a inscris in strainatate si l-a copiat pe Mario Balotelli: Deian Sorescu, 27 de ani, a inscris in meciul dintre Gaziantep si Konyaspor, scor 3-1, apoi a revelat mesajul pe care-l avea scris pe tricoul de compresie de sub echipament: "Why ALWAYS me?", sloganul facut celebru de Mario Balotelli in 2011.Astazi, Deian... ...continuare.

Why does the Fed and #39;s rate cut matter for global markets?

publicat 2024-09-17 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Why does the Fed and #39;s rate cut matter for global markets? * BNP Paribas: 'The US election will have a major influence as different fiscal policies complicate the rate cut cycle' Barclays: * 'The equity market is ALWAYS jittery around the first cut as investors wonder why central banks are cutting rates' * The US... ...continuare.

Kapital Minds study: Two out of three entrepreneurs in our country consider selling the business as the main option for exit

publicat 2024-09-06 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Kapital Minds study: Two out of three entrepreneurs in our country consider selling the business as the main option for exit * Laurentiu Stan, founder of Kapital Minds: 'Many potential transactions are not realized due to the very different expectations of the seller and the buyer regarding the price' * 'An independent, objective assessment anchored in the reality of the specific market is ...continuare.

The authorities targeted the brown bear again

publicat 2024-07-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The authorities targeted the bears again. A tragic event, resulting in the death of a young woman, put a problem that was ALWAYS postponed, but never solved, back on the screen. ...continuare.

Nature: Desert bloomed

publicat 2024-07-10 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Nature ALWAYS offers spectacular surprises. ...continuare.

Technical Issues Hinder Russian Space Program

publicat 2024-04-12 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Calculations in the laboratory don and #39;t ALWAYS match those in the field. This holds true for space rocket launches as well. ...continuare.

ALWAYS Love You", de la Dolly Parton la Elvis si Whitney Houston | VIDEO">Povestea piesei "I Will ALWAYS Love You", de la Dolly Parton la Elvis si Whitney Houston | VIDEO

publicat 2024-03-14 11:30:02 (Adevarul)
Povestea piesei ALWAYS Love You", de la Dolly Parton la Elvis si Whitney Houston | VIDEO"> Probabil nu exista niciun indragostit care sa nu fi fredonat, macar o data in viata, hitul "I Will ALWAYS Love You" al lui Whitney Houston. Dar aproape nimeni nu stie ca, de fapt, melodia ii apartine cantaretei de muzica country Dolly Parton. ...continuare.