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Ce inveti la un curs de Data ANALYST? Ghid pentru incepatori

publicat 2025-01-15 16:00:14 (Jurnalul-National)
Ce inveti la un curs de Data <span style='background:#EDF514'>ANALYST</span>? Ghid pentru incepatori Analiza datelor este un domeniu in expansiune rapida, iar cererea pentru profesionisti in acest sector este in continua crestere. Daca esti interesat de o cariera in analiza datelor, un curs de Data ANALYST poate fi un pas esential pentru a-ti construi... ...continuare.

What is the China Bank and #39;s ownership of Chinese securities?

publicat 2025-01-13 00:00:19 (Bursa)
What is the China Bank and #39;s ownership of Chinese securities? China and #39;s central bank halted purchases of government bonds late last week in an attempt to slow one-way bond trading that has been weighing on the yuan, ANALYSTs said, CNBC reported. ...continuare.

Sources: LG Targets Up to $15 Billion Valuation for India IPO

publicat 2024-12-23 00:30:22 (Bursa)
Sources: LG Targets Up to $15 Billion Valuation for India IPO South Korean conglomerate LG Electronics Inc. is considering raising the valuation of its India unit to as much as $15 billion in a planned listing in Mumbai next year, following initial feedback from ANALYSTs and investors, according to people familiar... ...continuare.

Fairlead Strategies: Bitcoin and #39;s Failure to Hold Above $100,000 May Bring a Correction

publicat 2024-12-12 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Fairlead Strategies: Bitcoin and #39;s Failure to Hold Above $100,000 May Bring a Correction * It May Take a Few Weeks of Digestion Before Bitcoin Resumes Its Uptrend, Fairlead Strategies Founder Believes Bitcoin and #39;s failure to hold above the key psychological threshold of $100,000 recently reached could trigger a correction for the world and #39;s most famous cryptocurrency,... ...continuare.

Goldring sees Aages shares in the range of 7.08-7.11 lei, above the current market price

publicat 2024-12-02 03:01:21 (Bursa)
Goldring sees Aages shares in the range of 7.08-7.11 lei, above the current market price * ANALYSTs estimate that the induction heating equipment manufacturer will exceed the budgeted turnover and profit for this year The Market Analysis and Strategies Department of the Goldring brokerage house estimates a target price of between 7.08 lei and... ...continuare.

The surprise in the first round of the presidential elections makes BVB red

publicat 2024-11-26 00:00:09 (Bursa)
The surprise in the first round of the presidential elections makes BVB red * ANALYST Aurelian Dochia: 'It and #39;s an emotional reaction and I don and #39;t think we should give it too much importance' * Marcel Murgoci, Estinvest: 'Things are evolving, so I still expect volatility, which can be positive, not just negative' ...continuare.

The surprise in the first round of the presidential elections makes BVB red

publicat 2024-11-26 00:00:09 (Bursa)
The surprise in the first round of the presidential elections makes BVB red * ANALYST Aurelian Dochia: 'It and #39;s an emotional reaction and I don and #39;t think we should give it too much importance' * Marcel Murgoci, Estinvest: 'Things are evolving, so I still expect volatility, which can be positive, not just negative' ...continuare.

Lockheed Martin, compania care s-a angajat sa onoreze cel mai mare contract din istoria Armatei Romane

publicat 2024-11-15 14:30:25 (Libertatea)
Lockheed Martin, compania care s-a angajat sa onoreze cel mai mare contract din istoria Armatei Romane Lockheed Martin este una dintre cele mai mari companii din industria militara din lume, statut pe care l-a obtinut in doar 30 de ani de la fondare datorita in principal inovatiei tehnologice si contractelor guvernamentale, relateaza The Business Model ...continuare.

CFA Romania si-a ales conducerea pentru urmatorii doi ani: Adrian Codirlasu, presedinte. Alexandra Smedoiu si Andreea Nica - vicepresedinti

publicat 2024-11-15 10:15:32 (Ziarul-Financiar)
CFA Romania si-a ales conducerea pentru urmatorii doi ani: Adrian Codirlasu, presedinte. Alexandra Smedoiu si Andreea Nica - vicepresedinti Autor: Liviu Popescu CFA Romania, organizatia profesionistilor in investitii din Romania, detinatori ai titlului Chartered Financial ANALYST, care numara 250 de membri, si-a ales presedintele si componenta Consiliului Director care va conduce organizatia in... ...continuare.

Aproape 4.000 de receptoare de satelit GNSS sunt vulnerabile atacurilor cibernetice

publicat 2024-11-13 16:00:19 (Bursa)
Aproape 4.000 de receptoare de satelit GNSS sunt vulnerabile    atacurilor cibernetice Security ANALYST Summit (SAS) a tras un semnal de alarma, cand a anuntat faptul ca aproape 4.000 de receptoare de satelit GNSS au fost vulnerabile la atacuri pe internet in acest an. Acest lucru poate fi atenuat prin asigurarea ca receptoarele GNSS sunt... ...continuare.

Prime Transaction estimates an intrinsic value of 1.7683 lei for DN Agrar shares, above the market price

publicat 2024-10-25 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Prime Transaction estimates an intrinsic value of 1.7683 lei for DN Agrar shares, above the market price * 'In the second semester, the impact of weather conditions on the group and #39;s agricultural production will have to be monitored', say the brokerage house and #39;s ANALYSTs * For valuation, Prime uses a combination of the market multiples method and... ...continuare.

The price of oil is rising strongly

publicat 2024-10-03 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The price of oil is rising strongly * Some ANALYSTs believe, however, that financial markets can avoid panic Oil futures quotes rose by around 3% yesterday, on the international stock exchanges, against the backdrop of escalating tensions in the Middle East, as concerns are fueled that Iran... ...continuare.

Politistii romani au primit premiul pentru Analiza Operationala din partea Europol, dupa ce au rezolvat un caz de trafic de persoane din Irlanda si Marea Britanie

publicat 2024-09-21 15:30:09 (Libertatea)
Politistii romani au primit premiul pentru Analiza Operationala din partea Europol, dupa ce au rezolvat un caz de trafic de persoane din Irlanda si Marea Britanie Politisti din Irlanda, Romania si Spania au primit, pe 19 septembrie, premiul Europol „Criminal ANALYST of the Year” pentru activitatea lor in domeniul analizei operationale si strategice, anunta Europol. Ceremonia de decernare a distinctiei din... ...continuare.

Drought: Almost Half of Our Crops Scorched by Heatwave

publicat 2024-08-27 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Drought: Almost Half of Our Crops Scorched by Heatwave * EU Harvest Decline The European Union is heading for a smaller corn harvest this year after drought and heatwaves devastated crops in Romania and neighboring countries, according to ANALYSTs interviewed by Reuters. ...continuare.

A comparison between George Simion and #39;s program and Kamala Harris and #39; program; what AUR wanted in the beginning and what it wants now - differences and adaptations

publicat 2024-08-20 00:00:02 (Bursa)
A comparison between George Simion and #39;s program and Kamala Harris and #39; program; what AUR wanted in the beginning and what it wants now - differences and adaptations After the American vice president Kamala Harris presented at the end of last week her economic program as a candidate for the position of the president of the USA, we wonder if what is called the Simion Plan still looks like a utopia - as economic and political ...continuare.

Prime Transaction: 'The easing of monetary policy has favorable consequences for TeraPlast'

publicat 2024-08-08 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* 'The company and #39;s approach is to increase its market share, at the expense of current profitability', say the brokerage house and #39;s ANALYSTs ...continuare.

Prime Transaction: 'The easing of monetary policy has favorable consequences for TeraPlast'

publicat 2024-08-08 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* 'The company and #39;s approach is to increase its market share, at the expense of current profitability', say the brokerage house and #39;s ANALYSTs * 'It is possible that fiscal changes will occur in the period immediately following the elections; their... ...continuare.

Expense Reduction ANALYSTs se rebranduieste si anunta o noua conducere

publicat 2024-07-02 20:30:03 (Bursa)
Expense Reduction ANALYSTs (ERA) se rebranduieste sub numele de ERA Group si anunta o noua echipa de management, coordonata la nivel mondial de CEO-ul Mark Taylor. Sub indrumarea lui Mark Taylor, ERA Group se pregateste sa ofere solutii personalizate si... ...continuare.

Expense Reduction ANALYSTs (ERA) se rebranduieste sub numele de ERA Group

publicat 2024-07-02 10:45:03 (Bursa)
Expense Reduction ANALYSTs (ERA) se rebranduieste sub numele de ERA Group si anunta o noua echipa de management, coordonata la nivel mondial de CEO-ul Mark Taylor ...continuare.

S and P 500 Marks New All-Time Highs; Wall Street ANALYSTs see a downturn on the horizon

publicat 2024-07-01 03:15:03 (Bursa)
* Stifel: 'Extremely high valuations are about to collide with an image of the weakened economy, which can bring losses to investors' * UBS: 'Bubbles tend to appear when stock returns have been very high relative to bond returns, and investors extrapolate historical returns as predictive of... ...continuare.

Supercomputerul a prezis » Ce sanse sunt sa se termine egal Slovacia - Romania

publicat 2024-06-26 16:45:06 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Supercomputerul a prezis » Ce sanse sunt sa se termine egal Slovacia - Romania Se termina sau nu la egalitate Slovacia - Romania? Aceasta este intrebarea pe care suporterii cele doua reprezentative si-o pun inainte de cea de-a treia runda din grupa E de la Euro 2024. Un rezultat nul califica ambele adversare in optimile turneului final.Supercomputerul Opta ...continuare.

Erste raises the price target for the MedLife share to 6.06 lei, 17% above yesterday and #39;s market quote

publicat 2024-06-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* ANALYSTs changed the recommendation from 'Hold' to 'Accumulate', for the shares of the healthcare provider * 'Romania has promising growth, both in terms of GDP and purchasing power, and quality healthcare is still far from ubiquitous,' the Erste report... ...continuare.

Prime Transaction estimates an intrinsic value of 15.5521 lei for the 2B Intelligent Soft share

publicat 2024-05-31 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* The value is 15% above yesterday and #39;s market price of the share in the first part of the trading session * 2B Intelligent Soft and #39;s return on equity reached 2019-2024 high, according to ANALYSTs ...continuare.

S and P: China and #39;s fiscal stimulus is losing its effectiveness

publicat 2024-04-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
China and #39;s fiscal stimulus is losing its effectiveness, being more of a strategy to buy time for the country and #39;s industrial and consumer policies, says Yunbang Xu, senior ANALYST at S and P Global Ratings, in a report published last week, writes... ...continuare.

ANALYSTs: Indian stock market can grow more than tenfold in next two decades

publicat 2024-04-11 00:00:04 (Bursa)
* LGT Wealth India: 'India and #39;s nominal GDP growth, which translates into profit growth and stock market returns will remain intact even over the next 20 years' * Anand Rathi: 'India has a 'pipeline of new capital and #39; that can continue to boost stock valuations' ...continuare.

Goldring: 'The budgets of BET companies reflect their visions in a changing economic landscape'

publicat 2024-04-10 00:00:04 (Bursa)
* The uncertain geopolitical context and financial market fluctuations - the main threats that can influence the economic course of our country in 2024, according to the brokerage house * TeraPlast, Fondul Proprietatea and OMV Petrom - among the companies whose budgets were noticed by ...continuare.

Bitcoin 'Halving' - Significance and Prospects

publicat 2024-03-20 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Bitwise Asset Management: 'The launch of ETFs was the moment of Bitcoin and #39;s IPO' * Bitbank: 'We expect interest rate cuts, halvings and ETFs to lead to strong price growth in the second half of the year' * JP Morgan: 'The reduction of rewards will lead to an increase in the production... ...continuare.

ECB: 'The mitigation of inflation makes possible a possible reduction of interest rates in 2024'

publicat 2024-03-08 00:00:06 (Bursa)
The European Central Bank (ECB) decided, in yesterday and #39;s monetary policy meeting, to keep interest rates unchanged for the fourth consecutive time, as expected by ANALYSTs. ...continuare.

ANALYSTs bet: The first G10 central bank to cut interest rates will be Switzerland and #39;s

publicat 2024-03-04 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* Most economists expect the Bank of Japan to end an eight-year run of negative interest rates in April ...continuare.