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ARIES in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa ARIES

Autoarea seriei celebre The Vampire DiARIES a murit la 66 de ani

publicat 2025-03-27 11:45:33 (Antena3)
Autoarea seriei celebre The Vampire Di<span style='background:#EDF514'>ARIES</span> a murit la 66 de ani LJ Smith, autoarea seriei celebre The Vampire DiARIES, a murit la 66 de ani. Scriitoarea se lupta de un deceniu cu o boala autoimuna rara. Decesul ei a fost confirmat de partenera sa, Julie Divola, si de sora sa,... ...continuare.

Minister: A collective labor agreement in culture, a necessity

publicat 2025-03-26 00:01:15 (Bursa)
Minister: A collective labor agreement in culture, a necessity The Minister of Culture, Natalia Intotero, stressed the importance of recognizing the work of those who work in the cultural field and announced that negotiations for a sectoral collective labor agreement are underway. 'People of culture bring added value to each country. Therefore, I believe... ...continuare.

Aplicatia zilei: Wiser - 15Mins Book SummARIES

publicat 2025-03-25 00:17:27 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Aplicatia zilei: Wiser - 15Mins Book Summ<span style='background:#EDF514'>ARIES</span> Autor: Alexandra Cepareanu Wiser - 15Mins Book SummARIES ...continuare.

Orchestra Philharmonia din Londra sub bagheta lui Santtu-Matias Rouvali - doua concerte de exceptie la Sala Palatului, cu violoncelistul Andrei Ionita si pianista Alexandra DARIEScu, in a XXVII-a editie a Festivalului Enescu

publicat 2025-03-15 10:30:17 (Jurnalul-National)
Orchestra Philharmonia din Londra sub bagheta lui Santtu-Matias Rouvali - doua concerte de exceptie la Sala Palatului, cu violoncelistul Andrei Ionita si pianista Alexandra D<span style='background:#EDF514'>ARIES</span>cu, in a XXVII-a editie a Festivalului Enescu Seria de concerte de la Sala Palatului va include, in editia din acest a Festivalului International George Enescu, doua concerte sustinute de Philharmonia Orchestra din Londra, sub bagheta renumitului dirijor finlandez Santtu-Matias Rouvali. ...continuare.

Romanian MEP: European Steel Action Plan to be adopted in the coming days

publicat 2025-03-12 13:00:30 (Mediafax)
Romanian MEP: European Steel Action Plan to be adopted in the coming days MediafaxMEP Dan Nica announced that the European Steel Action Plan will be adopted in the coming days by the European Commission. One of the main beneficiARIES of the plan could be the Galati steel plant.Articolul Romanian MEP: European Steel Action Plan to... ...continuare.

Cine sunt liderii mondiali cel mai bine platiti. Surpriza de pe locul 1

publicat 2025-03-04 18:00:57 (Libertatea)
Cine sunt liderii mondiali cel mai bine platiti. Surpriza de pe locul 1 Premierul singaporez Lawrence Wong este, in ianuarie 2025, cel mai bine platit sef de guvern din lume, cu un salariu colosal, relateaza site-ul PoliticalSalARIES. Cine formeaza podiumul Potrivit sursei citate, Lawrence Wong are un salariu anual de 1.608.000... ...continuare.

SeedBlink anunta oportunitate de investitie in Databricks, compania evaluata la 68,6 miliarde de euro, cofondata de romani

publicat 2025-02-28 12:30:38 (Bursa)
SeedBlink anunta oportunitate de investitie in Databricks, compania evaluata la 68,6 miliarde de euro, cofondata de romani SeedBlink, platforma europeana de investitii, anunta disponibilitatea actiunilor Databricks pentru investitori acreditati prin platforma SecondARIES, ...continuare.

Trade Unionists: 'Without culture, there is no future'

publicat 2025-01-16 00:00:18 (Bursa)
Trade Unionists: 'Without culture, there is no future' Culture Day was also marked with a protest by workers in the field, not just with festive events. Trade unionists from Cartel Alfa reported that the protest organized on Culture Day by employees of museums, librARIES and other cultural institutions... ...continuare.

Statiunea ARIESeni, locul de poveste unde sa mergi iarna asta. Ce poti face aici

publicat 2025-01-04 14:45:29 (ProTV)
Statiunea <span style='background:#EDF514'>ARIES</span>eni, locul de poveste unde sa mergi iarna asta. Ce poti face aici Statiunea ARIESeni se afla la granita dintre judetele Alba si Bihor si este un loc de poveste din Muntii Apuseni. ...continuare.

World Cup 2026, favorable draw for the tricolors

publicat 2024-12-16 00:00:07 (Bursa)
World Cup 2026, favorable draw for the tricolors The draw for the groups in the World Cup preliminARIES took place in Zurich. The same story, with complicated rules for establishing groups, often difficult to understand, in the already classic style of those from FIFA. ...continuare.

Calin Georgescu, close to neo-legionARIES

publicat 2024-12-06 00:00:08 (Bursa)
Calin Georgescu, close to neo-legion<span style='background:#EDF514'>ARIES</span> New revelations question the independence and political past of Calin Georgescu, a candidate who entered the presidential final. The evidence suggests a close connection with neo-legionary groups, raising concerns about the ideological influences on his campaign and the nature of his supporters. ...continuare.

SeedBlink aduce in fata investitorilor gigantul Klarna prin lansarea platformei SecondARIES, facilitand accesul la oportunitati Pre-IPO si companii tech inovatoare

publicat 2024-11-26 12:00:19 (Bursa)
SeedBlink aduce in fata investitorilor gigantul Klarna prin lansarea platformei Second<span style='background:#EDF514'>ARIES</span>, facilitand accesul la oportunitati Pre-IPO si companii tech inovatoare SeedBlink, platforma all-in-one de equity management and investitii, face un pas major in democra-tizarea pietei secundare de investitii prin lansarea platformei SecondARIES. Aceasta ofera acces facil la oportunitati Pre-IPO si companii tech emergente din... ...continuare.

Stefanita Ciuca, fiul lui Nicolae Ciuca, prima aparitie la TV, la emisiunea electorala de la Antena 3

publicat 2024-11-20 21:45:25 (Libertatea)
Stefanita Ciuca, fiul lui Nicolae Ciuca, prima aparitie la TV, la emisiunea electorala de la Antena 3 Presedintele PNL, Nicolae Ciuca, si-a adus fiul, pe Stefanita Bogdan Ciuca, la emisiunea electorala de la Antena 3 de miercuri seara, 20 noiembrie, cu patru zile inaintea alegerilor prezidentiale. Stefanita Ciuca a stat in primul rand alaturi de mama sa si de Doru M...continuare.

Global Wealth Distribution: US Home to Most Dollar Millionaires

publicat 2024-11-19 00:00:10 (Bursa)
Global Wealth Distribution: US Home to Most Dollar Millionaires The distribution of personal wealth vARIES significantly across the world and #39;s regions, reflecting economic disparities driven by differences in development, resource availability and access to finance, according to an analysis by visualcapitalist.com. ...continuare.

ARIES", a fost ceruta in casatorie. Cum arata inelul cu diamant">Nina Dobrev, protagonista din "The Vampire DiARIES", a fost ceruta in casatorie. Cum arata inelul cu diamant

publicat 2024-11-01 14:00:07 (Antena-1)
Nina Dobrev, protagonista din ARIES", a fost ceruta in casatorie. Cum arata inelul cu diamant"> Nina Dobrev, actrita care a interpretat rolul Elenei Gilbert in "The Vampire DiARIES", a fost ceruta in casatorie. Shaun White, iubitul vedetei, i-a oferit un inel de logodna spectaculos, cu un diamant urias. ...continuare.

Iceland and Portugal have the lowest charging costs for an electric vehicle in Europe

publicat 2024-10-15 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Iceland and Portugal have the lowest charging costs for an electric vehicle in Europe * At the opposite pole are Slovenia and Norway The cost of charging an electric vehicle at a public charging station vARIES between 0 and 5 euros/100 km for most of Europe, with the lowest prices being charged in Iceland (2.9 euros), Portugal (3, 2 euros)... ...continuare.

National campaign for the digitization of cultural heritage

publicat 2024-10-09 00:00:04 (Bursa)
National campaign for the digitization of cultural heritage The Director of the National Institute of Heritage, Oana Zaharia, stated at the European Heritage Hub Forum that INP is making efforts, together with the Ministry of Culture, to support a national campaign to digitize the collections of cultural goods owned by museum archives for libr...continuare.

Downward trend regarding the purchase of fully electric cars

publicat 2024-10-09 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Downward trend regarding the purchase of fully electric cars *Dan Vardie, president of APIA, states that one of the causes is the halving of the value of the vouchers granted to the beneficiARIES of the Rabla program The downward trend of registrations of fully electric cars, recorded in the first six months of... ...continuare.

Daniel Giurea, ARIES: 'Digital nomads work not only for companies in Israel, but also for other IT companies in the world'

publicat 2024-09-10 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Daniel Giurea, <span style='background:#EDF514'>ARIES</span>: 'Digital nomads work not only for companies in Israel, but also for other IT companies in the world' There is currently no IT workforce exodus from Romania to Israel, but we have digital nomads who work from our country for companies from other countries of the world, including those from the Holy Land, Daniel Giurea, the president, told us of the Timisoara branch of the Romanian Electronic and... ...continuare.

ECA report: Money from PNRRs has a very hard time reaching the real economy

publicat 2024-09-03 00:00:02 (Bursa)
ECA report: Money from PNRRs has a very hard time reaching the real economy *Only a third of the funds allocated through the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism were used by the European states until the end of 2023 *Of that amount, only 50% entered the accounts of the final beneficiARIES *ECA experts claim that there is a high risk... ...continuare.

LibrARIES are preparing for collaboration with artificial intelligence

publicat 2024-08-30 00:30:02 (Bursa)
Libr<span style='background:#EDF514'>ARIES</span> are preparing for collaboration with artificial intelligence The world is constantly changing, and librARIES are no exception. ...continuare.

The government has adopted a set of measures for students

publicat 2024-08-30 00:30:02 (Bursa)
The government has adopted a set of measures for students Students from the state pre-university education were included in the area of possible beneficiARIES of non-refundable funding for cultural projects, through an ordinance approved by the Government. ...continuare.

Damen Shipyard - ignored by the Romanian state for the development of the defense industry

publicat 2024-08-30 00:30:02 (Bursa)
Damen Shipyard - ignored by the Romanian state for the development of the defense industry Damen Shipyards Galati is an atypical case for the way in which the central authorities understand to collaborate with foreign companies that have opened subsidiARIES in our country, collaboration that leads to the endowment of the Romanian Army. ...continuare.

Smithfield Foods separates from European operations

publicat 2024-08-28 00:30:03 (Bursa)
Smithfield Foods separates from European operations The American company Smithfield Foods Inc., the world and #39;s largest producer of pork, announced yesterday that it will separate its European operations, Smithfield Foods and Morliny Foods, which will still remain subsidiARIES of the WH Group, according... ...continuare.

Statiunea din Romania ideala pentru cei care vor sa se bucure de relaxare. Are peisaje de poveste si este inconjurata de obiective turistice foarte populare

publicat 2024-08-26 13:30:04 (Click)
Statiunea din Romania ideala pentru cei care vor sa se bucure de relaxare. Are peisaje de poveste si este inconjurata de obiective turistice foarte populare Situata intr-o zona cu adevarat pitoreasca din Muntii Apuseni, la granita dintre judetele Alba si Bihor, fiind inconjurata de obiective turistice foarte populare, ARIESeni este una dintre cele mai frumoase statiuni din Romania, ideala pentru cei care doresc... ...continuare.

Cum schimba turismul fata unei comunitati? ARIESeni, statiunea din Muntii Apuseni, si-a triplat numarul de turisti in 15 ani, iar oamenii isi castiga existenta din activitatea turistica. "Noi traim din turism si agricultura, a inceput sa fie tot mai bine"

publicat 2024-08-21 16:45:17 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Cum schimba turismul fata unei comunitati? <span style='background:#EDF514'>ARIES</span>eni, statiunea din Muntii Apuseni, si-a triplat numarul de turisti in 15 ani, iar oamenii isi castiga existenta din activitatea turistica. Cea mai buna perioada pentru turismul din zona a fost pandemia, cand majoritatea turistilor romani au contribuit la economia locala calatorind mai mult in tara. La polul opus se afla sezonul turistic din acest an. ...continuare.

Scholarships for student athletes will not be affected by the changes to the Framework Methodology

publicat 2024-08-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Scholarships for student athletes will not be affected by the changes to the Framework Methodology The changes made to the Framework Methodology for awarding school scholarships, valid in the 2024-2025 school year, do not affect the sports students who are potential beneficiARIES thereof, the Ministry of Education said. ...continuare.

Cod galben de inundatii pe rauri din 14 judete

publicat 2024-08-17 12:00:09 (Mediafax)
Cod galben de inundatii pe rauri din 14 judete Sunt vizate raurile din bazinele hidrografice: ARIES (judetele: Alba si Cluj), Mures (judetele: Alba si Cluj), Mures (judetele: Alba, Sibiu si Hunedoara), Olt (judetele: Harghita, Covasna, Brasov, Sibiu, Valcea si Arges), Arges, Dambovita (judetele: Arges... ...continuare.

Cadavrul unui barbat cautat de o luna, gasit in zona ARIESeni

publicat 2024-07-25 21:30:07 (Jurnalul-National)
Cadavrul unui barbat cautat de o luna, gasit in zona <span style='background:#EDF514'>ARIES</span>eni Cadavrul unui barbat disparut in urma cu aproximativ o luna a fost gasit, joi, de jandarmii montani din ARIESeni, judetul Alba. ...continuare.