DEATH in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa DEATH
Concern: first human DEATH from bird flu in the US
publicat 2025-01-09 00:00:06 (Bursa)
There are concerns coming from the US. A tragic but not unexpected case has been reported in Louisiana, where the first DEATH associated with the H5N1 virus in the United States has been confirmed by health authorities. The patient, a man over 65 years old...
Fires and air pollution: a global crisis with millions of victims
publicat 2024-11-29 00:00:18 (Bursa)
Air pollution caused by fires has become a major global problem, responsible for more than 1.5 million DEATHs per year, according to a study recently published in the prestigious journal The Lancet.
The Sims 4, jocul video care s-a inspirat din arhitectura romaneasca din Transilvania intr-o extensie despre viata, moarte si funeralii
publicat 2024-11-14 15:45:26 (Libertatea)
Expansiuna jocului Sims 4, „Life and DEATH”, aduce o serie de noutati impresionante in joc. Potrivit The Nexus, aceasta expansiune introduce elemente precum inmormantari, o lista de dorinte si un sistem de doliu in patru etape. De asemenea,...
Greece has not come out from under the curse of the fires
publicat 2024-10-04 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Greece is still dealing with fires, even though summer is over. An important forest fire, which broke out on Sunday in the Corinth region, approximately 130 kilometers west of Athens, and which caused the DEATH of two people, continues to burn...
The end of the pandemic, researched by scientists
publicat 2024-08-30 00:30:02 (Bursa)
Recent research published in The European Physical Journal B offers an interesting explanation for the sharp decline in DEATHs from Covid-19 in the United States between August 2022 and March 2023. Although vaccines have played a crucial role in fighting...
Amazonian dolphins, threatened
publicat 2024-08-27 00:00:03 (Bursa)
A team of biologists, veterinarians and fishermen in Brazil briefly captured rare freshwater dolphins in the Amazon to study their health, hoping to avoid a repeat of the DEATHs of hundreds of such mammals last year due to severe drought, reports Reuters .
Criminal files on DEATHs from ATI, blocked by lack of medical experts
publicat 2024-08-13 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The medical expertise ordered in the 13 criminal files regarding the suspicious DEATHs of some patients in the ATI Covid section of the Sibiu Emergency Clinical County Hospital have not been completed, although 3 years and 5 months have passed since the...
Cel mai fierbinte loc de pe Pamant tocmai a inregistrat cea mai fierbinte luna din istorie
publicat 2024-08-10 20:15:17 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Autor: Laura Buciu Parcul National DEATH Valley, cel mai fierbinte loc de pe planeta, a inregistrat in luna iulie cea mai calda luna inregistrata vreodata, atingand o temperatura medie sufocanta de 42,5°C in 24 de ore.
Cel mai fierbinte loc de pe Pamant tocmai a inregistrat cea mai fierbinte luna din istorie
publicat 2024-08-05 21:30:08 (Jurnalul-National)
Parcul National DEATH Valley, cel mai fierbinte loc de pe planeta, a inregistrat in luna iulie cea mai calda luna inregistrata vreodata, atingand o temperatura medie sufocanta de 42,5°C in 24 de ore.
DEATH" in urma actualizarii CrowdStrike">Circa 8,5 milioane de computere au fost afectate de "blue screen of DEATH" in urma actualizarii CrowdStrike
publicat 2024-07-22 17:15:07 (Go4IT)
DEATH" in urma actualizarii CrowdStrike">
Vinerea trecuta, un update defectuos lansat de CrowdStrike a facut ca milioane de computere ce ruleaza Windows sa se blocheze. Se pare ca evenimentul a afectat circa 8,5 milioane de dispozitive. O actualizare venita furnizorul […]Articolul Circa 8,5 milioane de computere au fost afectate de...
DEATH or Glory"">Concert Palaye Royale la Arenele Romane din Bucuresti, pentru promovarea noului album, "DEATH or Glory"
publicat 2024-07-22 13:30:26 (ProTV)
DEATH or Glory"">
Formatia Palaye Royale revine la Arenele Romane din Bucuresti în 20 noiembrie, într-un concert ce face parte din turneul „DEATH or Glory”, dedicat promovarii albumului omonim. În deschidere: I See Stars si Huddy.
The authorities targeted the brown bear again
publicat 2024-07-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The authorities targeted the bears again. A tragic event, resulting in the DEATH of a young woman, put a problem that was always postponed, but never solved, back on the screen.
Study: Air pollution causes many DEATHs
publicat 2024-07-08 10:30:03 (Bursa)
Pollution literally suffocates people.
Violent storms affected a good part of Europe
publicat 2024-07-02 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Europe was hit, especially in the central part, by a series of violent storms and torrential rains. They fell on Switzerland, France, Germany and Italy and resulted in at least 7 DEATHs, according to the first balance published by the local authorities.
Study: Too much multivitamins don and #39;t help at all
publicat 2024-06-28 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Excess pills are often harmful to health. A study found that taking daily multivitamins does not help people live longer and may even increase the risk of premature DEATH.
Razer anunta noul mouse ergonomic wireless DEATHAdder V3 HyperSpeed
publicat 2024-06-24 15:30:08 (Go4IT)
Razer anunta lansarea noului DEATHAdder V3 HyperSpeed, un mouse ergonomic wireless destinat esports. Celebrul DEATHAdder V3 Pro a servit drept inspiratie pentru acest model. De ce sa alegi ...continuare.
Eminem provoaca controverse cu noua sa piesa "Houdini"
publicat 2024-06-13 18:30:03 (Click)
In urma cu ceva timp, Eminem a lansat un nou single, "Houdini", care a devenit extrem de apreciat de fanii din intreaga lume, dar a provocat si controverse. Multi s-au intrebat daca melodia reprezinta un pas catre finalul carierei sale, piesa anuntand ca "The ...continuare.
"Era doar o chestiune de timp": Eminem il ucide pe alter ego-ul Slim Shady in noul album VIDEO
publicat 2024-04-26 18:30:14 (Adevarul)
Unul dintre marile alter ego-uri din pop ar putea avea un sfarsit macabru, Eminem anuntand primul sau album de dupa cel din 2020, intitulat "The DEATH of Slim Shady (Coup de Grace)", relateaza The Guardian.
DEATH'n'roll made in Romania". A fost lansat "The Beguiling Mind games", albumul de debut al proiectului The Shepherd">"DEATH'n'roll made in Romania". A fost lansat "The Beguiling Mind games", albumul de debut al proiectului The Shepherd
publicat 2024-04-16 15:00:17 (ProTV)
DEATH'n'roll made in Romania". A fost lansat "The Beguiling Mind games", albumul de debut al proiectului The Shepherd">
Liviu Gugui, chitaristul trupei românesti de DEATH’n’roll Blacksheep, a lansat albumul solo de debut al proiectului one-man THE SHEPHERD.
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