DEFENSE in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa DEFENSE
Ukraine conflict: new intervention options considered by NATO and European leaders
publicat 2024-11-27 00:30:23 (Bursa)
As the conflict in Ukraine continues to escalate, NATO and its European allies are considering new and more ambitious options to support Kiev. According to sources cited by Le Monde and other French and American publications, sensitive discussions have resumed in recent days on the possibility of...
Romanian-Korean collaboration for the development of the DEFENSE industry
publicat 2024-11-21 00:00:22 (Bursa)
Hanwha Aerospace announced, yesterday, during the Land Warfare Europe conference in Bucharest, the opening of the Hanwha Aerospace Romania branch, a company designed to help the development of the DEFENSE industry in our country and the transfer of...
Military crisis in Europe: although allocated budgets are increasing, DEFENSE remains fragile
publicat 2024-11-11 00:00:12 (Bursa)
*The allocation for military personnel has decreased from 60% to 40% of the DEFENSE budgets of European NATO member states, according to a study carried out by the IISS
*The decrease in this allocation has led to a reduction in the number of military...
US responds to China and #39;s planned maritime blockade: amplified support for Indo-Pacific allies
publicat 2024-11-01 00:00:11 (Bursa)
In a tense geopolitical context marked by China and #39;s growing military and economic influence in the Indo-Pacific region, the United States Coast Guard (U.S. Coast Guard) has declared its intention to step up support to its regional allies by deploying teams specialized training resources and...
Norvegia va contribui cu 127 milioane de dolari la achizitia unui sistem Patriot pentru Romania
publicat 2024-10-29 14:45:25 (Mediafax)
"Ministerul Apararii Nationale saluta initiativa Regatului Norvegiei de a sprijini Romania in achizitia unui sistem avansat de rachete sol-aer Patriot. Decizia guvernului norvegian de a contribui semnificativ la aceasta achizitie, cu 1.4 miliarde NOK (aproximativ 127 milioane USD), a fost...
Paul McCartney ar putea canta la Notre-Dame, la redeschiderea catedralei
publicat 2024-10-15 22:00:22 (Mediafax)
Fostul membru al trupei Beatles va sustine doua concerte la Paris La Défense Arena pe 4 si 5 decembrie, lasandu-i suficient timp liber pentru a participa la evenimentul dedicat redeschiderii catedralei. Desi participarea sa nu a fost confirmata oficial, surse din anturajul sau au declarat ca...
Statele Unite vor implementa sistemul antiracheta THAAD in Israel pentru protectie impotriva Iranului
publicat 2024-10-15 12:15:17 (Puterea)
Statele Unite au anuntat ca vor desfasura sistemul antiracheta ultraperformant THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area DEFENSE) in Israel, alaturi de o echipa de militari americani care va manevra acest sistem, potrivit Pentagonului. Aceasta miscare este menita...
Romania va plati peste 860 de milioane de euro unei firme din Turcia, pentru 1 059 de blindate Cobra
publicat 2024-10-05 11:15:08 (Libertatea)
Compania de aparare Otokar a anuntat ca a castigat o licitatie in Romania pentru furnizarea de vehicule blindate pe roti. Firma turceasca va furniza tarii noastre vehiculul sau blindat pe roti, Cobra II 4×4, in baza unui contract in valoare totala de putin peste 934 milioane dolari, relateaza...
Financial Times: Prigojin a folosit doua celebre banci occidentale pentru a plati trupele Wagner
publicat 2024-09-25 07:15:15 (Mediafax)
Documente obtinute de Center for Advanced DEFENSE Studies (C4ADS), un think-tank american, au aratat ca o companie sudaneza detinuta de Prigojin a cumparat echipament industrial din China, platile fiind procesate de mari banci vestice.
The Romanian army needs ammunition
publicat 2024-09-20 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The Romanian Army has run out of combat ammunition, following the military support given to Ukraine, according to the press release issued by the Presidential Administration following yesterday and #39;s meeting of the Supreme Council of DEFENSE of the...
B9 DEFENSE Ministers demand a NATO response to the illegal overflight of Russian drones
publicat 2024-09-19 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Ministers of DEFENSE from the member states of the Bucharest Format 9 (B9) request NATO to react robustly regarding the illegal overflight of the Eastern Flank of the alliance by Russian drones, said Angel Tilvar, the Minister of National ...continuare.
Nicoleta Pauliuc: 'The penetration of a Russian drone into the airspace can be considered a vulnerability'
publicat 2024-09-12 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The penetration of a Russian drone over a certain period of time and over a distance of tens of kilometers represents a vulnerability, said yesterday, Nicoleta Pauliuc, the president of the DEFENSE, Public Order and National Security Committee in the...
Mars analysis: 'European states must invest massively in the DEFENSE industry'
publicat 2024-09-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
European states living under the threat of the Russian Federation must invest massively in the production capacities of the national DEFENSE industry, says an analysis by the think-tank Mars (formerly the 2 March Foundation - 2-Mars) published in the French...
The Minister of National DEFENSE, summoned to Parliament in the Russian drone scandal
publicat 2024-09-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
*Minister Angel Tilvar would participate in the meeting of the DEFENSE Committee in the Senate today *USR summoned Minister Tilvar to the Government Hour program, in the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies on October 8
Inca o tara se pregateste de razboi. Olanda vrea sa cheltuiesca 2,4 mld. euro pe an pentru aparare
publicat 2024-09-10 14:45:16 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Autor: Andreea Soare Tarile de Jos planuiesc intarirea fortelor lor armate prin reconstituirea unui batalion de tancuri, achizitii noi de avioane F-35 si de fregate, intrucat olandezii vor sa devina o forta militara credibila in cadrul NATO, scrie Monitorul Apararii, care citeaza ...continuare.
Von der Leyen: 'We need major investments to be able to protect ourselves from any attack'
publicat 2024-09-02 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Investments in the European DEFENSE industry are necessary for EU member states to have the necessary means to protect themselves and to repel any attack against them, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the Commission, said last Friday in Prague at the...
Ventura Capital - with an eye on military security business
publicat 2024-09-02 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Reuters: Trump and #39;s possible return to the White House boosts investment in European DEFENSE startups
* DEFENSE and security spending in Europe rose 16 percent last year, according to the Stockholm...
The DEFENSE industry - on the radar of some venture capital funds in our country
publicat 2024-09-02 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* McKinsey has identified three distinct waves of DEFENSE technology start-ups over the past 20 years
The managers of some venture capital funds in our country follow the DEFENSE industry to identify investment...
The war in Ukraine - financial boom for European DEFENSE companies
publicat 2024-08-30 00:30:02 (Bursa)
Longer-term concerns about how Russia is acting not only on the front in Ukraine, but also in the Middle East and the Far East have led European NATO member states to embark on an extensive program to increase their own weapons stockpiles, fact that turned into a real financial boom for companies...
Nicu Falcoi: 'The only solution is the privatization of state companies in the DEFENSE industry'
publicat 2024-08-30 00:30:02 (Bursa)
The only solution is the privatization of the state companies in the DEFENSE industry subordinated to Romarm, if we want this sector of economic activity to modernize and become a competitive one, deputy Nicu Falcoi (USR), vice-president of the NATO...
The armaments industry - the new attraction for companies and investment funds
publicat 2024-08-30 00:30:02 (Bursa)
* The Arms Race Hampered by the Financial Situation of State-Owned Companies in Our DEFENSE Industry
Aurel Cazacu: 'If the Russians attack us, we only have ammunition for two or three days'
publicat 2024-08-30 00:30:02 (Bursa)
The DEFENSE industry in our country does not produce as much as it is needed, and this fact leaves us exposed to an armed attack from Russia, military expert Aurel Cazacu, former director general of Romarm, told us.
Damen Shipyard - ignored by the Romanian state for the development of the DEFENSE industry
publicat 2024-08-30 00:30:02 (Bursa)
Damen Shipyards Galati is an atypical case for the way in which the central authorities understand to collaborate with foreign companies that have opened subsidiaries in our country, collaboration that leads to the endowment of the Romanian Army.
Constantin Bucuroiu: 'We need a financing of 250 million euros in the DEFENSE industry'
publicat 2024-08-30 00:30:02 (Bursa)
The DEFENSE industry in our country urgently needs a financing of 250 million euros to retechnology and modernize, claims Constantin Bucuroiu, the president of the Alliance of Trade Unions in the DEFENSE and...
The US approves the purchase of 186 supersonic missiles by the Romanian Air Force
publicat 2024-08-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
*The missiles are compatible with F-16 and F-35 planes *The purchase was approved by the Bucharest Parliament last spring at the request of the Ministry of DEFENSE
Val de start-up-uri israelian in tehnologiile de aparare
publicat 2024-08-15 13:15:02 (Bursa)
Tehnologiile de aparare (DEFENSE Tech) concentreaza atentia rezervistilor israelieni care revin de pe campul de lupta si dezvolta solutii inovatoare pentru nevoile militare, astfel ca se ridica un nou val de start-up-uri in Israel, atragand atentia...
New financial instruments for financing military expenditure
publicat 2024-08-14 00:00:03 (Bursa)
In the context of the increase in DEFENSE spending at the European level and the need to quickly equip the Romanian armed forces with the latest equipment and technology, compatible with those of NATO allies, in order to ensure the stability of the ...continuare.
Armata SUA isi intensifica pregatirile pentru un conflict de lunga durata in Orientul Mijlociu, investind in sisteme avansate de aparare aeriana cu laser
publicat 2024-08-13 13:15:04 (Bursa)
Razboiul din Orientul Mijlociu este posibil sa se intinda pe ani de zile, daca tinem cont ca, dupa cum informeaza DEFENSE News, armata SUA isi planifica, pentru anii 2025-2026, cercetarile care includ adaptarea la conditiile dificile din Orientul Mijlociu.
Compania statului israelian Rafael Advanced DEFENSE Systems - integritate indoielnica
publicat 2024-08-13 11:45:03 (Bursa)
Considerat un apropiat al familiei premierului Benjamin Netanyahu, profesorul Alon Pikarski, directorul sectiei de chirurgie si al departamentului de chirurgie generala de la Spitalul Hadassah Ein Kerem din Ierusalim, a fost numit membru al consiliului de administratie al companiei de stat Rafael...
Rafael Advanced DEFENSE Systems, rol crucial in securitatea nationala a Israelului
publicat 2024-08-13 11:45:03 (Bursa)
Cu rol crucial in securitatea nationala a Israelului, Rafael Advanced DEFENSE Systems, cunoscuta simplu ca Rafael, este o companie israeliana de top specializata in dezvoltarea si productia de sisteme avansate de aparare si securitate
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