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PSG castiga Supercupa Frantei dupa un gol decisiv marcat de Dembélé in fata lui Monaco

publicat 2025-01-05 21:15:20 (Mediafax)
PSG castiga Supercupa Frantei dupa un gol decisiv marcat de Dembélé in fata lui Monaco Desi debutul partidei a fost mai degraba linistit, amintind de un amical de pre-sezon, parizienii au fost aproape sa deschida scorul inca din minutul 10, cand Désiré Doué a lovit bara transversala dupa o greseala a portarului Philipp Köhn. ...continuare.

Romania, vulnerable to Calin Georgescu: How the Kremlin exploited our DESIRE for independence and honorability

publicat 2024-12-06 00:00:08 (Bursa)
Romania, vulnerable to Calin Georgescu: How the Kremlin exploited our <span style='background:#EDF514'>DESIRE</span> for independence and honorability The declassification of documents presented by STS, SRI, SIE and the Ministry of Interior showed us the true face of Calin Georgescu. We are talking about a surprising face, behind which both people close to the Kremlin and the mafia, underworld figures and influencers in Romania acted nonchalantly. ...continuare.

Presidential elections in the diaspora: massive mobilization only on the last day of the election

publicat 2024-11-25 00:15:19 (Bursa)
Presidential elections in the diaspora: massive mobilization only on the last day of the election Although the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) organized an extended three-day voting process for the diaspora, the participation of Romanians abroad at the polls in the first round of the presidential elections left much to be ...continuare.

Armand Duplantis, recordmanul mondial la saritura cu prajina, si-a surprins iubita cu o cerere in casatorie inedita

publicat 2024-10-12 21:30:05 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Armand Duplantis, recordmanul mondial la saritura cu prajina, si-a surprins iubita cu o cerere in casatorie inedita Suedezul Armand Duplantis (24 de ani), campion olimpic, mondial si european la saritura cu prajina si recordman al lumii, a avut emotii imense cand a cerut-o in casatorie pe iubita sa, Desiré Inglander, in cadrul unei puneri in scena surprinzatoare. ... ...continuare.

PSG a castigat duelul cu Bayern pentru vedeta de la Jocurile Olimpice! Achizitie de 60 de milioane de euro

publicat 2024-08-12 16:00:07 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
PSG a castigat duelul cu Bayern pentru vedeta de la Jocurile Olimpice! Achizitie de 60 de milioane de euro DESIRE Doue, 19 ani, una dintre vedetele Frantei la JO 2024, a ales PSG, desi multa vreme a inclinat spre un transfer la Bayern. Parizienii ii vor plati 60 de milioane de euro lui Rennes.Bayern si PSG au dus o lupta la baioneta pentru noua stea a... ...continuare.

Political movements before the PSD Congress

publicat 2024-08-12 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The leaders of the Social Democratic Party have already begun to announce their DESIRE to occupy certain positions in the future leadership team of the political formation that will be elected at the Congress that would take place on August 24. ...continuare.

Digital identification of contributors - measure DESIREd by the MF in the Fiscal Code

publicat 2024-08-01 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The use by natural persons of a digital identification number, as an alternative to the personal numerical code, the option to choose the method of payment of taxes and the modernization of the sale of confiscated goods through online auctions are the measures that the Ministry of Finance wants... ...continuare.

Familia lui Radamel Falcao, la un pas de tragedie. Transportati de urgenta la spital!

publicat 2024-07-30 18:00:10 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Familia lui Radamel Falcao, la un pas de tragedie. Transportati de urgenta la spital! Sotia lui Radamel Falcao, cei cinci copii si socrii fostului international columbian au ajuns cu totii la spital, unde au fost tratati pentru intoxicatie cu monoxid de carbon.Familia fostului international columbian Radamel Falcao s-a aflat la un pas de-o tragedie! Sotia lui, Lorelei Taron, cei... ...continuare.

Duel "la baioneta" Bayern vs PSG pentru un supertalent de 19 ani. Cat a ajuns sa coste si ce a decis jucatorul

publicat 2024-07-26 12:30:06 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Duel DESIRE Doue, extrema lui Rennes, este disputat de Bayern si PSG. Jucatorul de 19 ani a ales Bayern, PSG ofera mai multi bani! De el s-a interesat si Manchester United.Scoala franceza de fotbal produce in continuare jucatori foarte atractivi pentru piata... ...continuare.

The works on the historical monuments are done only under the inspection of the Ministry of Culture

publicat 2024-07-08 10:30:03 (Bursa)
Protecting historical monuments is a priority for the authorities. Out of the DESIRE to do good, one often does immense harm, including in this regard. ...continuare.

Close, but very far

publicat 2024-07-04 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Eliminated from EURO 2024, the national team returns home riding a huge wave of sympathy. The tens of thousands of people present in Germany and the millions in the country showed that they have an immense DESIRE to believe in something, to be happy, to be... ...continuare.

PORR Romania - partener principal in cadrul EBcon 2024, prima conferinta internationala de Employer Branding din Romania

publicat 2024-05-27 19:45:03 (Bursa)
EBcon, prima conferinta internationala de Employer Branding din Romania, a avut loc pe 13-14 mai, in Bucuresti, la Nord Events Center by Globalworth. Timp de doua zile, participantii au avut acces la un continut valoros oferit de 15 speakeri internationali si locali, masterclass-uri si sesiuni de... ...continuare.

Peste 15 speakeri internationali si locali sunt prezenti la EBcon

publicat 2024-04-24 18:30:03 (Bursa)
EBcon, prima conferinta internationala de Employer Branding din Romania, revine aceasta primavara cu a 5-a editie. Evenimentul va avea loc pe 13-14 mai, in Bucuresti, la Nord Events Center by Globalworth. Participantii vor lua parte la o experienta de invatare completa alaturi de peste 15... ...continuare.

Remus Danila, BVB: 'Optimism related to the MSCI upgrade is not as high as it was three months ago'

publicat 2024-03-08 00:00:06 (Bursa)
* 'We are slightly below the level DESIREd by MSCI, from the point of view of liquidity' ...continuare.