ESSENTIAL in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa ESSENTIAL
Theater education, an ESSENTIAL step in the new reform of Romanian education
publicat 2025-02-24 00:00:29 (Bursa)

Prolonged drought is linked to the collapse of political regimes
publicat 2025-02-13 00:00:14 (Bursa)

Romanian History and Grammar Return to High School Curriculum
publicat 2025-02-12 00:00:15 (Bursa)

Pope Francis calls for freedom for journalists
publicat 2025-01-28 00:00:24 (Bursa)

Cine sunt Cornel si Rodica, parintii romani ai lui Sam Cosmi, jucatorul de fotbal american care castiga 74 de milioane de dolari
publicat 2025-01-17 15:45:26 (Libertatea)

De astazi se poate comanda cel mai nou model Dacia, Bigster. Cat costa acesta
publicat 2025-01-09 12:00:25 (Puterea)

Uzina Dacia de la Mioveni se pregateste pentru Bigster: Grupul Renault anunta ca noul SUV compact produs in Romania are un pret de pornire de 23.000 de euro - primul model Dacia care pleaca de la peste 20.000 de euro
publicat 2025-01-09 12:00:20 (Mediafax)

Dacia Bigster este disponibila pentru comanda in Romania. Care sunt preturile pentru cel mai nou model al marcii
publicat 2025-01-09 12:00:03 (Adevarul)

Instability and reforms: the image of the Parliament, at the end of the 2020-2024 legislature
publicat 2024-12-19 00:00:12 (Bursa)

UN: Crises are interconnected
publicat 2024-12-19 00:00:12 (Bursa)

WHO warns: Climate crisis is a global health crisis
publicat 2024-12-17 00:00:15 (Bursa)

Digitalization, Decarbonization and Circular Economy - Summary
publicat 2024-11-19 00:00:10 (Bursa)

Generic Medicines Crisis: The Danger of a Supply Collapse
publicat 2024-11-07 00:00:13 (Bursa)

Free, competitive market - ESSENTIAL condition for economic growth
publicat 2024-10-31 00:00:07 (Bursa)

Lloyd and #39;s Register Foundation: Fishing, construction and mining - the most dangerous industries
publicat 2024-10-29 00:00:06 (Bursa)

Dacia reduce din nou pretul pentru Duster 3, pe fondul cererii scazute
publicat 2024-10-05 20:45:12 (Puterea)

Calvin Klein lanseaza campania Toamna 2024 cu NewJeans
publicat 2024-09-26 10:45:07 (Bursa)

Google a anuntat lansarea aplicatiei Google ESSENTIALs, pentru utilizatorii Windows
publicat 2024-08-23 23:30:08 (Jurnalul-National)

Google a anuntat lansarea aplicatiei Google ESSENTIALs, pentru utilizatorii Windows
publicat 2024-08-23 15:00:09 (Mediafax)

Un american la Paris. Kevin Durant si ambitiile Evei Longoria
publicat 2024-08-21 12:45:12 (

Piperea: 'The law capping interest on IFNs has big differences compared to the original draft'
publicat 2024-08-15 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The law capping interest on loans granted by non-banking financial institutions (IFNs) and debt collectors has, unfortunately, big, ESSENTIAL differences compared to the original draft, lawyer Gheorghe Piperea, current MEP, who wrote the draft normative act...
Record budget for the restoration and preservation of cultural heritage
publicat 2024-08-13 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Minister of Culture, Raluca Turcan, announced that the institution he leads has allocated a 'record budget' of over 400 million lei for the restoration and preservation of cultural heritage, the funds targeting ESSENTIAL projects, such as memorial...
The contract for the refurbishment of the Vidraru hydropower plant was signed
publicat 2024-07-10 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu: 'The upgrading of the hydropower plant is one of the ESSENTIAL objectives of our energy system'
* The Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja: 'The upgrading of Vidraru CHE will increase the production capacity of renewable...
Marcus Ehrenberger, Strabag: 'If the construction sector does not move towards sustainability, we will have a big problem'
publicat 2024-07-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Given that Europe has only 9% of the necessary raw materials, sustainability is an ESSENTIAL condition for the construction sector, argue the specialists of the Strabag company who work in the Zublin Innovation Center in Stuttgart, Germany and who are...
Paramount+ va creste preturile pentru abonamentele sale de streaming
publicat 2024-06-25 14:30:07 (Income-Magazine)
Paramount Global creste pretul serviciului sau de streaming emblematic, in timp ce compania incearca sa-si redreseze afacerea, transmite CNBC. Compania a declarat luni ca va creste pretul abonamentului Paramount+ cu Showtime cu 1 USD, la 12,99 USD pe luna, iar pretul optiunii Paramount+ ...continuare.
Moscova preia controlul asupra activelor companiilor occidentale
publicat 2024-05-21 08:15:12 (

Correct functioning of prevention mechanisms - ESSENTIAL factor for preventing insolvency
publicat 2024-05-17 16:30:03 (Bursa)
Following the crises that followed from 2019 until now and the over-indebtedness of companies, individuals, but also of states, it is vital that the mechanisms to prevent insolvency or bankruptcy work correctly and an interpretation agreed by all insolvency practitioners and of courts of law in...
PlayStationPlus iti aduce o selectie impresionanta de jocuri gratuite pentru luna mai
publicat 2024-05-04 07:15:10 (Puterea)

Funding for the restoration of memorial houses, heritage stations and open-air museums
publicat 2024-04-02 00:00:16 (Bursa)
Protecting historical monuments is an ESSENTIAL step for any self-respecting state. The government allocated, last week, through an ordinance that amends Law 422/2001 on the protection of historical monuments, funds to start a national program of memorial...
'The development of derivative financial instruments markets - an ESSENTIAL element in the maturation of the capital market'
publicat 2024-04-01 00:00:03 (Bursa)
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