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2024 Olympics: Poor quality of medals, stain on the image of the organizers

publicat 2025-01-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
2024 Olympics: Poor quality of medals, stain on the image of the organizers The degradation of the medals offered at last year and #39;s Olympics represents an image problem for absolutely EVERYONE involved in this mega-sports competition. ...continuare.

Big companies, a brake on climate risk management plans

publicat 2024-11-27 00:30:23 (Bursa)
Big companies, a brake on climate risk management plans Protecting the environment involves enormous costs and clearly not EVERYONE is ready to assume them. Only 41% of companies have implemented climate risk management plans, and the companies with the highest emissions are the most flagrantly violating the... ...continuare.

Copernicus: 2024 to be warmest year on record

publicat 2024-11-11 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Copernicus: 2024 to be warmest year on record The world is warming and almost EVERYONE is feeling it. 2024 will almost certainly be the warmest year on record, the European Union and #39;s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) said on Thursday. ...continuare.

Normative act: Making higher education accessible to people with disabilities

publicat 2024-04-15 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Access to education is a right for absolutely EVERYONE. ...continuare.

Oscar 2024, geanta cadou in valoare de 180.000 de dolari: iata ce daruri primesc cei nominalizati

publicat 2024-03-10 19:15:09 (Mediafax)
Oscar 2024, geanta cadou in valoare de 180.000 de dolari: iata ce daruri primesc cei nominalizati Toata lumea castiga la Oscar. Nu doar cei care tin in mana prestigioasa statueta la sfarsitul serii, ci si multi alti nominalizati la Premiile Academiei. Pachetul cu premii care se livreaza se numeste EVERYONE Wins si contine cadouri de lux, inclusiv... ...continuare.

1.000 de persoane au invatat ce inseamna energia regenerabila prin proiectul Green Energy for EVERYONE

publicat 2024-03-01 17:30:02 (Bursa)
Aproximativ 1.000 de persoane au invatat ce inseamna energia regenerabila si care sunt beneficiile acesteia datorita cursurilor si workshop-urilor organizate de Green Energy for EVERYONE, un proiect creat pentru a determina cat mai multi dintre cetateni sa... ...continuare.