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Intamplarea traita de Teo Trandafir in 1987 cu Gica Hagi, Marius Lacatus si Gabi Balint. Era la facultate: "Eram lesinata toata, va dati seama..."

publicat 2025-02-25 17:30:25 (Libertatea)
Intamplarea traita de Teo Trandafir in 1987 cu Gica Hagi, Marius Lacatus si Gabi Balint. Era la facultate: Teo Trandafir a facut publica o intamplare pe care a trait-o in urma cu ani de zile, pe cand era la facultate. Protagonisti sunt fotbalistii din Generatia de Aur, Gheorghe Hagi, Marius Lacatus si Gabi Balint. In emisiunea „FOLLOW Us” pe care o... ...continuare.

'POT does not deserve to lead this country because it would bring it to autocracy'

publicat 2025-02-24 00:00:29 (Bursa)
'POT does not deserve to lead this country because it would bring it to autocracy' *(Interview with Monica Ionescu, MP) *The Young People and #39;s Party (POT) is led by Anamaria Gavrila and is the political party that supported Calin Georgescu and #39;s candidacy in the presidential elections from the first moment *FOLLOWing Calin... ...continuare.

Iulian Fota: 'The Russians are being brought out of diplomatic isolation and are re-entering the game of the great powers'

publicat 2025-02-19 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Iulian Fota: 'The Russians are being brought out of diplomatic isolation and are re-entering the game of the great powers' Political analyst Iulian Fota, former presidential advisor and former secretary of state in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, claims that FOLLOWing yesterday and #39;s negotiations in Riyadh, the ones who won are the Russians, regardless of whether the... ...continuare.

Our country has four new academicians

publicat 2025-02-14 00:00:08 (Bursa)
Our country has four new academicians The Romanian Academy announced, FOLLOWing the General Assembly, the election of four new corresponding members and two honorary members from abroad. ...continuare.

Ilinca Vandici si Teo Trandafir, despre declaratiile Alinei Sorescu despre casnicia cu Alexandru Ciucu: "Simt ca vor mai urma"

publicat 2025-02-12 19:30:21 (Click)
Ilinca Vandici si Teo Trandafir, despre declaratiile Alinei Sorescu despre casnicia cu Alexandru Ciucu: Declaratiile Alinei Sorescu despre fostul ei sot i-a socat pe multi, iar multe vedete din Romania au spus ca sunt alaturi de artista, printre care si Oana Roman. In emisiunea pe care o prezinta, "FOLLOW Us", Ilinca Vandici si Teo Trandafir au comentat si... ...continuare.

The Presidency of Klaus Iohannis - tragedies, crises and political decline

publicat 2025-02-12 00:00:08 (Bursa)
The Presidency of Klaus Iohannis - tragedies, crises and political decline Klaus Iohannis is leaving Cotroceni today. Definitively, FOLLOWing his resignation, after having served two full terms as president of the country, plus an almost two-month extension granted by the Constitutional Court. Iohannis is leaving Cotroceni... ...continuare.

Additional funding for military mobility projects decided in June

publicat 2025-02-10 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Additional funding for military mobility projects decided in June The European Council will take a decision in June on the financing of military mobility programmes for the current budgetary framework and, FOLLOWing the decision, the European Parliament will approve either an adjustment to the current budget or the... ...continuare.

Ilinca Vandici si Teo Trandafir, despre zvonul ca Bianca Dragusanu s-ar iubi cu un arab: "Asa se spune, cum ca acest domn potent..."

publicat 2025-02-07 18:00:23 (Click)
Ilinca Vandici si Teo Trandafir, despre zvonul ca Bianca Dragusanu s-ar iubi cu un arab: Recent, au aparut zvonuri conform carora Bianca Dragusanu l-a dat uitarii pe Gabi Badalau si s-ar iubi cu un afacerist arab. In emisiunea lor de la Kanal D, "FOLLOW Us", llinca Vandici si Teo Trandafir au comentat stirea despre posibila noua relatiei a... ...continuare.

Reactia Ilincai Vandici si a lui Teo Trandafir dupa ce s-a zis ca Bianca Dragusanu si-a gasit iubit arab: "Tu, ca barbat, sa vii si sa ai cerintele astea?"

publicat 2025-02-07 15:00:22 (Libertatea)
Reactia Ilincai Vandici si a lui Teo Trandafir dupa ce s-a zis ca Bianca Dragusanu si-a gasit iubit arab: Ilinca Vandici si Teo Trandafir au comentat speculatii aparute in presa referitor la faptul ca Bianca Dragusanu si-a gasit iubit arab. Desi ea nu a comentat zvonurile, pe Instagram a postat un mesaj: „Fake news”, fara sa spuna la ce se refera. In emisiunea „...continuare.

Retail Market: Trends, figures and consumer preferences in 2025

publicat 2025-02-06 00:30:24 (Bursa)
Retail Market: Trends, figures and consumer preferences in 2025 *Bucharest - national leader in sales, with 10.49%, FOLLOWed by Timisoara (7.23%) and Cluj-Napoca (4.58%) *Basic foods - oil, sugar and milk - dominate purchases *The highest sales take place around paydays, on the 5th and 20th of each month ...continuare.

Venice Commission: Annulment of elections must be the last resort

publicat 2025-01-28 00:00:24 (Bursa)
Venice Commission: Annulment of elections must be the last resort Democratic elections must reflect the 'free expression of the people and #39;s opinion', according to Article 3 of Protocol No. 1 to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), and the annulment of elections is an extreme measure and can only be justified in exceptional circumstances, the... ...continuare.

Meta Estate Trust buys back its preferred shares

publicat 2025-01-27 00:00:19 (Bursa)
Meta Estate Trust buys back its preferred shares * The transaction will be FOLLOWed by a conversion into ordinary shares, through a capital increase Meta Estate Trust, a holding company operating in the real estate sector, has sent the repurchase agreements to the holders of preferred shares by e-mail,... ...continuare.

BVB indices - hit by the uncertainty brought by the electoral period

publicat 2025-01-27 00:00:19 (Bursa)
BVB indices - hit by the uncertainty brought by the electoral period * Decreases for seventeen of the twenty stocks in BET The evolution of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) was massively influenced, in the last quarter of last year, by the electoral period that culminated in the scandal of the presidential elections canceled ...continuare.

Bank of Russia proposes to increase transparency of companies going public

publicat 2025-01-27 00:00:19 (Bursa)
Bank of Russia proposes to increase transparency of companies going public The Bank of Russia proposes to increase transparency of public stock offerings, and to make this possible, it is necessary to change the content of information disclosed by issuers and adapt it to the needs of retail investors, whose role has increased on the Russian capital market, as ...continuare.

Controversa pe Facebook si Instagram: Oamenii acuza ca au fost fortati sa ii urmareasca pe Trump si JD Vance. Ce explicatii a dat Meta

publicat 2025-01-23 12:45:20 (Antena3)
Controversa pe Facebook si Instagram: Oamenii acuza ca au fost fortati sa ii urmareasca pe Trump si JD Vance. Ce explicatii a dat Meta Marti, a doua zi dupa investirea presedintelui Donald Trump, multi utilizatori Instagram si Facebook s-au trezit urmarindu-l pe acesta pe aplicatiile de socializare, chiar daca nu i-au dat FOLLOW. Iar cand... ...continuare.

December in numbers

publicat 2025-01-22 00:00:14 (Bursa)
December in numbers * December 1 - Parliamentary elections are held, and FOLLOWing the vote cast by over 9.4 million citizens, the FOLLOWing structure of the Legislature results: PSD - 122 mandates, AUR - 91, PNL - 71, USR - 59, SOS... ...continuare.

Large retailers under pressure: Romanian products, a priority on the shelf for Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu

publicat 2025-01-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Large retailers under pressure: Romanian products, a priority on the shelf for Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu Large retailers must facilitate access for Romanian products to store shelves, said Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, FOLLOWing his meeting with Florin Barbu, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, at the end of last week. ...continuare.

Ilinca Vandici si Teo Trandafir, prima reactie dupa ce Monica Gabor a devenit mama in secret: "Cica Mr. Pink asta o cam tine din scurt"

publicat 2025-01-16 18:45:21 (Click)
Ilinca Vandici si Teo Trandafir, prima reactie dupa ce Monica Gabor a devenit mama in secret: Vestea ca Monica Gabor ar fi devenit mama pentru a doua oara a facut inconjurul internetului. Fosta lui Irinel Columbeanu l-ar fi facut tata pe Mr. Pink. Ilinca Vandici si Teo Trandafir au comentat aceasta informatie in cadrul emisiunii pe care o modereaza, "...continuare.

Reactia lui Teo Trandafir dupa ce Gabriela Cristea si-a dat demisia de la Antena Stars: "Am lucrat cu ea foarte multi ani". Ilinca Vandici a dat-o de gol

publicat 2025-01-16 11:30:42 (Libertatea)
Reactia lui Teo Trandafir dupa ce Gabriela Cristea si-a dat demisia de la Antena Stars: Teo Trandafir a aflat ca Gabriela Cristea si-a dat demisia de la Antena Stars si a comentat stirea in emisiunea „FOLLOW Us” alaturi de Ilinca Vandici. Amandoua o cunosc pe prezentatoare si au inteles decizia ei de a renunta la aparitiile la TV... ...continuare.

Cum comenteaza Ilinca Vandici si Teo Trandafir plecarea din televiziune a Gabrielei Cristea. De ce cred cele doua ca a luat aceasta decizie: "N-as fi crezut vreodata in viata mea"

publicat 2025-01-15 17:00:23 (Click)
Cum comenteaza Ilinca Vandici si Teo Trandafir plecarea din televiziune a Gabrielei Cristea. De ce cred cele doua ca a luat aceasta decizie: Unul dintre cele mai discutate evenimente zilele acestea din lumea mondena este plecarea Gabrielei Cristea de la TV. Dupa ce a anuntat ca se retrage pentru o perioada de timp, Ilinca Vandici si Teo Trandafir au avut o prima reactie in cadrul emisiunii "...continuare.

Curtea de Conturi va efectua, in 2025, 1.322 de misiuni de audit si 1.353 de verificari privind indeplinirea recomandarilor

publicat 2024-12-31 22:15:18 (Jurnalul-National)
Curtea de Conturi va efectua, in 2025, 1.322 de misiuni de audit si 1.353 de verificari privind indeplinirea recomandarilor Curtea de Conturi a Romaniei va efectua, in 2025, 1.322 de misiuni de audit si 1.353 de misiuni de verificare a modului de ducere la indeplinire a recomandarilor (FOLLOW-up), potrivit Programului de activitate pe anul 2025, aprobat de Plenul Curtii si... ...continuare.

Sources: LG Targets Up to $15 Billion Valuation for India IPO

publicat 2024-12-23 00:30:22 (Bursa)
Sources: LG Targets Up to $15 Billion Valuation for India IPO South Korean conglomerate LG Electronics Inc. is considering raising the valuation of its India unit to as much as $15 billion in a planned listing in Mumbai next year, FOLLOWing initial feedback from analysts and investors, according to people familiar... ...continuare.

Instability and reforms: the image of the Parliament, at the end of the 2020-2024 legislature

publicat 2024-12-19 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Instability and reforms: the image of the Parliament, at the end of the 2020-2024 legislature The Parliament established FOLLOWing the 2020 elections ends its four-year mandate today, a period that can be characterized as one marked by major crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the energy crisis FOLLOWing the... ...continuare.

Romania and #39;s rating: Fitch sees us walking the wire

publicat 2024-12-19 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Romania and #39;s rating: Fitch sees us walking the wire * Marcel Bolos: 'We remain in the and #171;BBB- and #187; category; fiscal-budgetary consolidation measures must FOLLOW' * Economics professor Mircea Cosea: 'The policy of the current decision-makers is a brake on the development of the Romanian economy'... ...continuare.

Reactia Ilincai Vandici si a lui Teo Trandafir cand au aflat ca Sebastian Dobrincu si Otniela Sandu sunt iubiti: "Asta are, asta n-are, asta e castigatoare"

publicat 2024-12-08 08:30:18 (Libertatea)
Reactia Ilincai Vandici si a lui Teo Trandafir cand au aflat ca Sebastian Dobrincu si Otniela Sandu sunt iubiti: Ilinca Vandici si Teo Trandafir au comentat in emisiunea lui de la Kanal D vestea ca Sebastian Dobrincu si Otniela Sandu formeaza un cuplu. Cele doua prezentatoare ii cunosc pe tinerii indragostiti si i-au felicitat pentru povestea de iubire pe care o traiesc. In emisiunea „...continuare.

The specter of extremism has woken us up; the PSD-PNL ostrich-camel, detested until now, has suddenly become preferable

publicat 2024-12-02 03:01:21 (Bursa)
The specter of extremism has woken us up; the PSD-PNL ostrich-camel, detested until now, has suddenly become preferable The Social Democratic Party won the parliamentary elections, being credited in the exit poll prepared by CURS with 25.7% of the over 9.4 million votes cast, and in the INSCOP exit poll with 24% of the votes. PSD is FOLLOWed by AUR, which stood, according to... ...continuare.

Parliamentary elections: far-right on the rise, pro-European parties retreat

publicat 2024-11-29 00:00:18 (Bursa)
Parliamentary elections: far-right on the rise, pro-European parties retreat The parliamentary elections taking place on Sunday, December 1, are the most tense since 1990, in light of the rise of far-right political forces close to Russia, anti-European and anti-NATO, and the retreat of pro-European parties FOLLOWing the result of... ...continuare.

FOLLOW the money. Contestarea alegerilor inca e posibila legal

publicat 2024-11-26 23:00:02 (Adevarul)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>FOLLOW</span> the money. Contestarea alegerilor inca e posibila legal Toata lumea sta stupefiata de rezultatul formidabil obtinut de Calin Gerogescu in primul tur al prezidentialelor, analistii si expertii in IT cauta explicatii savante privind maniera in care a folosit algoritmii TikTok, dar nimeni nu pare sa meaga acolo unde e sediul materiei: la lege. ...continuare.

Calin Georgescu - the big winner of the first round of the presidential elections

publicat 2024-11-25 02:30:27 (Bursa)
Calin Georgescu - the big winner of the first round of the presidential elections Calin Georgescu is the big winner of the first round of the presidential elections, as he recorded an unprecedented progress for a relatively obscure candidate who was credited with 2% at the beginning of the electoral campaign and was in first place, with 22.07% after counting 83% of the polling... ...continuare.

The referendum called by Nicusor Dan has passed the first validation threshold

publicat 2024-11-25 00:15:19 (Bursa)
The referendum called by Nicusor Dan has passed the first validation threshold The citizens with the right to vote in Bucharest yesterday expressed, in addition to the option for the position of President of Romania, those regarding the questions in the referendum organized by the General City Hall of the Capital, a referendum that far exceeded the minimum threshold of 30%... ...continuare.