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GOLD PRICE in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa GOLD PRICE

Gold has a strong start of the year; what are the big investment banks and #39; forecasts?

publicat 2025-02-20 06:45:17 (Bursa)
Gold has a strong start of the year; what are the big investment banks and #39; forecasts? * Goldman Sachs: 'If uncertainty remains high, GOLD PRICEs could reach $3,300 an ounce by year-end' * Morgan Stanley: 'We are alert to any slowdown in demand from central banks, which may arise in the event of a possible peace agreement between Russia and... ...continuare.

Noi cresteri pe piata chineza a aurului. Tranzactii pe EFT, plus de 1,3 miliarde dolari, in aprilie.

publicat 2024-05-19 20:15:12 (Puterea)
Noi cresteri pe piata chineza a aurului. Tranzactii pe EFT, plus de 1,3 miliarde dolari, in aprilie. Tranzactiile activelor EFT pe aur, de pe piata din China au inregistrat o noua crestere, in luna aprilie, pentru a cincea luna consecutiv, cu 9 miliarde RMB (Renminbi moneda locala), adica 1,3 miliarde dolari, valoarea unui plus de 17 tone de aur. Shanghai Gold Benchmark PM (SHAUPM) in RMB si... ...continuare.

New record for GOLD PRICE

publicat 2024-04-02 00:00:16 (Bursa)
The spot price of gold reached a new record level yesterday, on foreign markets, against the background of expectations related to the interest rate cut by the US central bank (Federal Reserve - Fed), but also of geopolitical tensions and solid demand for the yellow metal, coming from China,... ...continuare.