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GREECE in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa GREECE

Pollution, an older problem than we expected

publicat 2025-02-03 00:00:09 (Bursa)
Pollution, an older problem than we expected Humans have been polluting nature since ancient times, this is the conclusion of a study. Human-caused environmental contamination with lead in the Aegean region began approximately 5,200 years ago, about 1,200 years earlier than previously thought, according to research that also reveals that... ...continuare.

GREECE, 'swept' by storms

publicat 2024-12-03 00:00:18 (Bursa)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>GREECE</span>, 'swept' by storms GREECE is not only struggling with fires, autumn storms are just as dangerous. Two people have died on the Greek island of Limnos, in the Aegean Sea, due to the weather that is affecting a large part of the country and which has caused significant damage on... ...continuare.

Bursa. Ce asteptari au pentru economia Romaniei? Suedezii de la East Capital au Banca Transilvania pe prima pozitie intr-un fond al Balcanilor de Est. Urmatoarele detineri sunt la Alpha Bank, Erste Group Bank, National Bank of GREECE si Purcari

publicat 2024-11-13 00:15:30 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Bursa. Ce asteptari au pentru economia Romaniei? Suedezii de la East Capital au Banca Transilvania pe prima pozitie intr-un fond al Balcanilor de Est. Urmatoarele detineri sunt la Alpha Bank, Erste Group Bank, National Bank of <span style='background:#EDF514'>GREECE</span> si Purcari Banca Transilvania (simbol bursier TLV), cea mai mare institutie de credit din Romania, se afla pe primul loc in portofoliul fondului East Capital Balkans al suedezilor de la East Capital, unul dintre cei mai mari investitori din Europa Centrala si de Est, cu o pondere de 9,9% din totalul... ...continuare.

Unprecedented fires in the last 40 years

publicat 2024-10-25 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Unprecedented fires in the last 40 years One of the main holiday destinations for Romanians, GREECE, has faced major challenges this year. The country faced in 2024 the 'most difficult year from a climate point of view in the last 40 years and #39; and #39;, a year during which vegetation fires... ...continuare.

GREECE has not come out from under the curse of the fires

publicat 2024-10-04 00:00:02 (Bursa)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>GREECE</span> has not come out from under the curse of the fires GREECE is still dealing with fires, even though summer is over. An important forest fire, which broke out on Sunday in the Corinth region, approximately 130 kilometers west of Athens, and which caused the death of two people, continues to burn... ...continuare.

Water crisis in GREECE

publicat 2024-08-27 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Water crisis in <span style='background:#EDF514'>GREECE</span> Faced with a shortage this summer, Athens and #39; water management operator will activate additional sources to strengthen the supply network of the Greek capital, according to an announcement cited by AFP. ...continuare.

GREECE: The two warmest summer months in the history of measurements

publicat 2024-08-07 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Tourists from all over the world faced very high temperatures this summer during their holidays in one of the most popular European holiday destinations. ...continuare.

Tourism: GREECE rises to the top of travel preferences

publicat 2024-07-17 00:00:02 (Bursa)
GREECE, one of the favorite destinations of Romanian tourists, is rising to the top of the preferences of travelers from all over Europe. ...continuare.

Tourist advisory: fires are increasing in GREECE

publicat 2024-07-10 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Tourism is facing problems related to the heat wave and its effects. ...continuare.

Tourism and nature, GREECE is expecting a 'fiery' summer

publicat 2024-07-03 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The favorite holiday destination of many Europeans, GREECE did not escape the curse of fires this year either. Despite the measures there are still problems. ...continuare.

Climate: GREECE 'simmering'

publicat 2024-06-14 00:00:02 (Bursa)
GREECE, a Mediterranean country accustomed to heatwaves, has been dealing with intense heat for several ...continuare.

mAiGREECE, aplicatie in 31 de limbi, inclusiv romana, pentru turistii aflati in Grecia

publicat 2024-06-04 14:00:15 (Puterea)
mAi<span style='background:#EDF514'>GREECE</span>, aplicatie in 31 de limbi, inclusiv romana, pentru turistii aflati in Grecia Ministrul grec al turismului, Olga Kefalogianni, si ministrul guvernantei digitale, Dimitris Papastergiou, au anuntat lansarea unei noi aplicatii –  mAiGREECE – destinate turistilor, in 31 de limbi, inclusiv in limba romana, care ofera toate... ...continuare.

Guvernul grec a anuntat o noua aplicatie pentru turisti, mAiGREECE

publicat 2024-06-04 12:30:02 (Adevarul)
Guvernul grec a anuntat o noua aplicatie pentru turisti, mAi<span style='background:#EDF514'>GREECE</span> Ministrul grec al turismului, Olga Kefalogianni, si ministrul guvernantei digitale, Dimitris Papastergiou, au anuntat luni o noua aplicatie digitala pentru turisti, mAiGREECE, relateaza presa din Grecia. ...continuare.

Grecia introduce o aplicatie digitala pentru turisti bazata pe AI care actioneaza ca "asistent personal de calatorie"

publicat 2024-06-04 09:15:08 (Libertatea)
Grecia introduce o aplicatie digitala pentru turisti bazata pe AI care actioneaza ca Noua aplicatie digitala pentru turismul grecesc a fost prezentata luni de ministrul Turismului, Olga Kefalogianni, si ministrul Digitalizarii, Dimitris Papastergiou, anunta publicatia Kathimerini, citata de Hotnews.ro. Este vorba despre aplicatia digitala mAi...continuare.

Statista: GREECE - the country with the most people worried about their financial future

publicat 2024-05-27 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* OECD: The main challenges in the Greek economy - productivity consolidation and fiscal adjustment The widening cost of living crisis and rising inflation in recent years have made many households wary of their bank balances, and this sentiment is particularly pronounced in ...continuare.

Exim Banca Romaneasca si Export Credit GREECE are un nou proiect de cooperare pentru dezvoltarea comertului si investitiilor dintre Romania si Grecia

publicat 2024-05-22 19:00:02 (Bursa)
Exim Banca Romaneasca, in calitate de agentie de export a Romaniei, si Export Credit GREECE au semnat un memorandum de intelegere in marja reuniunii semestriale a Clubului de la Praga al Uniunii de la Berna, organizata pentru prima oara la Atena, Grecia, in... ...continuare.

Exim Banca Romaneasca si Export Credit GREECE, memorandum pentru largirea colaborarii

publicat 2024-05-22 18:45:11 (Puterea)
Exim Banca Romaneasca si Export Credit <span style='background:#EDF514'>GREECE</span>, memorandum pentru largirea colaborarii Exim Banca Romaneasca, in calitate de agentie de export a Romaniei, si Export Credit GREECE au semnat un memorandum de intelegere in marja reuniunii semestriale a Clubului de la Praga al Uniunii de la Berna, organizata pentru prima oara la Atena, Grecia, in... ...continuare.

Exim Banca Romaneasca si Export Credit GREECE vor colabora pentru dezvoltarea comertului si investitiilor

publicat 2024-05-22 14:30:02 (Adevarul)
Exim Banca Romaneasca si Export Credit <span style='background:#EDF514'>GREECE</span> vor colabora pentru dezvoltarea comertului si investitiilor Exim Banca Romaneasca, in calitate de agentie de export, si Export Credit GREECE au semnat un memorandum de intelegere pentru dezvoltarea comertului si investitiilor dintre Romania si Grecia. ...continuare.

Paris Olympics: The Olympic flame will be lit today

publicat 2024-04-16 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The Olympic flame will be lit today at the ancient site of Olympia in GREECE in the presence of IOC President Thomas Bach, almost 100 days before the opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics, before a vast journey that will take it from Acropolis in Paris. ...continuare.