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INVESTOR in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa INVESTOR

Razvan Popescu, CEO of Romgaz: 'The funds raised through the bond issue will support the company and #39;s entire investment plan'

publicat 2024-11-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Razvan Popescu, CEO of Romgaz: 'The funds raised through the bond issue will support the company and #39;s entire investment plan' * The British from Man GNG - the largest INVESTOR in bonds issued by the natural gas producer * Romgaz bonds worth 500 million euros were listed yesterday on the BVB ...continuare.

Japan, the country with the highest government debt to GDP

publicat 2024-11-15 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Japan, the country with the highest government debt to GDP The public debt/GDP ratio is a key indicator of a country and #39;s financial health, providing insight into a government and #39;s ability to manage its debt, while also shaping the flexibility of fiscal policy and playing a crucial role in influencing ...continuare.

Tesla atinge o capitalizare de n trilion de dolari dupa victoria lui Donald Trump. Actiunile au crescut cu 29% intr-o saptamana

publicat 2024-11-09 09:45:18 (Libertatea)
Tesla atinge o capitalizare de n trilion de dolari dupa victoria lui Donald Trump. Actiunile au crescut cu 29% intr-o saptamana Actiunile Tesla au crescut peste 300 de dolari, vineri, recastigand o capitalizare de piata de un trilion de dolari. Gigantul vehiculelor electrice a cunoscut o crestere semnificativa de cand Donald Trump a invins-o pe Kamala Harris la alegerile prezidentiale de la inceputul acestei saptamani,... ...continuare.

Generatia Z este mai atrasa de investitii

publicat 2024-11-07 16:30:18 (Bursa)
Generatia Z este mai atrasa de investitii Un nou val de investitori individuali din Generatia Z transforma pietele financiare intr-un subiect de discutat la cina, acest grup de varsta fiind mult mai predispus sa discute despre portofoliile lor de investitii cu prietenii si familia, conform datelor din cel mai recent studiu Retail ...continuare.

Compania de consultanta VERTIK lanseaza Programul INVESTOR Readiness, dedicat antreprenorilor care doresc sa atraga investitori pentru dezvoltarea afacerii

publicat 2024-11-05 13:45:27 (Money.ro)
Bucuresti, 5 noiembrie 2024: VERTIK, companie de consultanta de top in Relatia cu Investitorii si comunicare strategica, anunta lansarea Programului INVESTOR Readiness (IRP), o initiativa creata pentru antreprenorii si managerii care doresc sa isi dezvolte... ...continuare.

Phone maker Honor is attracting new INVESTORs

publicat 2024-11-04 00:30:12 (Bursa)
Phone maker Honor is attracting new <span style='background:#EDF514'>INVESTOR</span>s The Chinese smartphone manufacturer Honor revealed, at the end of last week, a new round of INVESTORs that it has attracted, Reuters reports, noting that it is China Telecom and a division of CICC Capital Corp. Other ...continuare.

South Korea and #39;s K Bank is delaying its listing again

publicat 2024-10-21 12:00:17 (Bursa)
South Korea and #39;s K Bank is delaying its listing again * The financial institution cites weak demand from INVESTORs South Korean online lender K Bank Co. has postponed its planned more than $700 million initial public offering (IPO) on the Seoul Stock Exchange for the second time after failing to attract enough... ...continuare.

Alexandru Petrescu, ASF: 'State bonds - a basis for converting INVESTORs to other stock market instruments'

publicat 2024-10-18 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Alexandru Petrescu, ASF: 'State bonds - a basis for converting <span style='background:#EDF514'>INVESTOR</span>s to other stock market instruments' State bonds are a basis for converting INVESTORs to other stock market instruments, said yesterday Alexandru Petrescu, President of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF), on the occasion of the event that marked the listing of the last Fidelis issue at... ...continuare.

Record subscriptions in the latest issue of Fidelis government bonds

publicat 2024-10-14 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Record subscriptions in the latest issue of Fidelis government bonds * The value of the purchase orders launched by the INVESTOR amounted to almost 3.5 billion lei, above the August record of 3.2 billion lei * The titles will be listed on the BVB on October 17 ...continuare.

Investitorii romani nu au incredere in piata imobiliara si se tem de inflatie

publicat 2024-10-11 20:15:13 (Income-Magazine)
Investitorii romani nu au incredere in piata imobiliara si se tem de inflatie Peste 55% dintre investitori spun ca nu au incredere in piata imobiliara din Romania, ceea ce reprezinta o crestere de 20% fata de trimestrul anterior, cand majoritatea investitorilor se aratau increzatori, arata un sondaj eToro Retail INVESTOR Beat.... ...continuare.

Sondaj eToro: Investitorii romani nu au incredere in piata imobiliara si se tem de inflatie

publicat 2024-10-10 16:30:03 (Bursa)
Sondaj eToro: Investitorii romani nu au incredere in piata imobiliara si se tem de inflatie Potrivit specialistilor de la eToro, atentia investitorilor se concentreaza la acest moment pe datele privind inflatia din SUA. De altfel, piata incearca sa analizeze posibilitatea aparitiei unei recesiuni a economiei americane, cu implicatii si asupra celei globale. Aceste lucruri sunt in... ...continuare.

OPINION CAEN code 0000 - Fraud Industry

publicat 2024-10-10 00:00:02 (Bursa)
OPINION CAEN code 0000 - Fraud Industry On the Botswana Stock Exchange, the AeBO section, numerous companies have listed, all presented as resounding financial successes. But in some listings, entrepreneurs, brokers and PR people reaped the financial success and INVESTORs reaped the buzz. ...continuare.

Prime Transaction: How can we buy stocks at lows and sell near highs?

publicat 2024-10-09 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Prime Transaction: How can we buy stocks at lows and sell near highs? *'The strategy tries to be one step ahead of the market in terms of selecting companies that will soon return to the attention of INVESTORs and liquidating those that have reached maximum values' *'At the opposite pole, it identifies companies that may have... ...continuare.

ASF deruleaza o serie de actiuni de educatie financiara, in aceasta saptamana

publicat 2024-10-08 17:15:11 (Income-Magazine)
ASF deruleaza o serie de actiuni de educatie financiara, in aceasta saptamana Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiara (ASF) deruleaza, in perioada 7 – 13 octombrie 2024, o serie de actiuni de educatie financiara pentru elevi, studenti si adulti, sub egida „Saptamanii Mondiale a Investitorului” (World INVESTOR Week... ...continuare.

US stock market gropes new highs; does it still have growth fuel?

publicat 2024-10-08 00:00:04 (Bursa)
US stock market gropes new highs; does it still have growth fuel? * Ned Davis Research: 'Bull markets don and #39;t die of old age' * Jack Ablin, Cresset Capital: 'INVESTORs anticipate fairly solid profits and dividend growth' * Mona Mahajan, Edward Jones Investments: 'In the weeks following the presidential election,... ...continuare.

The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, on the rise after a year of war

publicat 2024-10-08 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, on the rise after a year of war The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange has gone through a period marked by volatility since October 7, 2023, but despite this, INVESTORs have maintained a cautious optimism, according to an article published yesterday by the website www.calcalist .co.il. ...continuare.

Investitorii individuali isi cresc detinerile de actiuni; activele in sectorul serviciilor financiare, cele mai detinute de romani

publicat 2024-09-29 09:15:08 (Income-Magazine)
Proportia investitorilor individuali care detin actiuni a crescut semnificativ, la nivel global, in ultimele trei luni, romanii majorand si ei alocarile, in timp ce a celor care detin active in numerar a scazut, potrivit datelor din ultimul sondaj trimestrial Retail ...continuare.

eToro: Investitorii individuali din intreaga lume isi incarca portofoliile cu actiuni, pe masura ce Rezerva Federala incepe ciclul de reducere a dobanzilor

publicat 2024-09-27 18:15:18 (Ziarul-Financiar)
eToro: Investitorii individuali din intreaga lume isi incarca portofoliile cu actiuni, pe masura ce Rezerva Federala incepe ciclul de reducere a dobanzilor Autor: Eduard Ivanovici La nivel global, proportia investitorilor individuali care detin actiuni a crescut semnificativ in ultimele trei luni, in timp ce a celor care detin active in numerar a scazut, potrivit datelor din ultimul sondaj trimestrial Retail ...continuare.

Gala by ARIR 2024: Companiile pot aplica pentru premiile de excelenta in comunicarea cu investitorii pana pe 15 Octombrie

publicat 2024-09-26 14:00:16 (Money.ro)
Gala by ARIR 2024: Companiile pot aplica pentru premiile de excelenta in comunicarea cu investitorii pana pe 15 Octombrie Bucuresti, 26 septembrie 2024 - ARIR (Asociatia Romana pentru Relatia cu Investitorii), promotorul conceptului de INVESTOR Relations (IR), invita companiile listate la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti sa aplice pentru premiile de excelenta in comunicarea cu... ...continuare.

INVESTORs are flocking to sell FP shares in the offering

publicat 2024-09-25 00:00:03 (Bursa)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>INVESTOR</span>s are flocking to sell FP shares in the offering * The market operation ends today at 12:00 INVESTORs are flocking to sell shares in Fondul Proprietatea and #39;s offer made by administrator Franklin Templeton, according to data available on the platform of a brokerage house. ...continuare.

Mihai Daraban, CCIR: 'Until we solve the structural problems of the economy, the sovereign fund is beyond the horizon'

publicat 2024-09-24 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Mihai Daraban, CCIR: 'Until we solve the structural problems of the economy, the sovereign fund is beyond the horizon' * 'The only way to attract INVESTORs is a low and predictable taxation' Our country and #39;s economy has massive structural problems, the revival of which must be a priority, said Mihai Daraban, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of... ...continuare.

Urmariti azi de la ora 19 la ZF IT Generation, INVESTOR Watch: Cum au mers investitiile in start-up-uri tech in prima parte din 2024? Ce perspective de crestere are ecosistemul local de start-up-uri tech si ce sanse exista pentru crearea mai multor unicorni in regiune? O discutie cu Marius Istrate, presedintele TechAngels.

publicat 2024-09-18 17:00:16 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Urmariti azi de la ora 19 la ZF IT Generation, <span style='background:#EDF514'>INVESTOR</span> Watch: Cum au mers investitiile in start-up-uri tech in prima parte din 2024? Ce perspective de crestere are ecosistemul local de start-up-uri tech si ce sanse exista pentru crearea mai multor unicorni in regiune? O discutie cu Marius Istrate, presedintele TechAngels. Urmariti azi de la ora 19 la ZF IT Generation, INVESTOR Watch: Cum au mers investitiile in start-up-uri tech in prima parte din 2024? Ce perspective de crestere are ecosistemul local de start-up-uri tech si ce sanse exista pentru crearea mai multor unicorni... ...continuare.

Calcalist: Israeli institutional INVESTORs have directed 150 billion shekels abroad since the start of the war

publicat 2024-09-18 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Calcalist: Israeli institutional <span style='background:#EDF514'>INVESTOR</span>s have directed 150 billion shekels abroad since the start of the war The war in the Gaza Strip, fears of a widening deficit and subdued economic growth have led institutional INVESTORs in Israel to transfer 151 billion shekels (the equivalent of nearly US$40.2 billion) abroad since early October 2023, according to the... ...continuare.

Why does the Fed and #39;s rate cut matter for global markets?

publicat 2024-09-17 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Why does the Fed and #39;s rate cut matter for global markets? * BNP Paribas: 'The US election will have a major influence as different fiscal policies complicate the rate cut cycle' Barclays: * 'The equity market is always jittery around the first cut as INVESTORs wonder why central banks are cutting rates' * The US... ...continuare.

Start-up-ul edtech Youni a atras o noua finantare: un milion de euro pentru lansarea unei tehnologii bazate pe AI

publicat 2024-09-16 17:00:20 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Start-up-ul edtech Youni a atras o noua finantare: un milion de euro pentru lansarea unei tehnologii bazate pe AI Autor: Ioana Nita Start-up-ul local Youni, care a dezvoltat platforma Younichoice.com prin intermediul careia ajuta elevii sa-si gaseasca facultatea potrivita la nivel international, a atras o runda noua de finantare in valoare de un milion de euro de la fondul ceh Soulmates Ventures (lead ...continuare.

'Energy, shipping, and finance can offer attractive investment opportunities'

publicat 2024-09-16 00:00:02 (Bursa)
'Energy, shipping, and finance can offer attractive investment opportunities' * (Interview with Amit Kupfer, Popular INVESTOR on eToro) ...continuare.

Istvan Sarkany, candidate for a seat in the FP Representative Committee: 'The state seems to want to block the listing of companies from the fund and #39;s portfolio'

publicat 2024-09-16 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Istvan Sarkany, candidate for a seat in the FP Representative Committee: 'The state seems to want to block the listing of companies from the fund and #39;s portfolio' * 'We must find solutions that bring value to all shareholders of Fondul Proprietatea' * 'We want to see a clear FP management strategy; at the moment everything is a nebula' Fondului Proprietatea must have a clear management strategy that will benefit all shareholders, says Istvan Sarkany,... ...continuare.

What was the significance of the debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump?

publicat 2024-09-12 00:00:03 (Bursa)
What was the significance of the debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump? * NASDAQ penalizes Trump The televised debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump had a negative impact on INVESTOR confidence in the shares of Trump Media and Technology Group Corp (NASDAQ: DJT), according to a report from Investing.com, which stated... ...continuare.

Intesa Sanpaolo Group, lider in clasamentul Extel

publicat 2024-09-11 16:30:06 (Bursa)
Intesa Sanpaolo Group, lider in clasamentul Extel Intesa Sanpaolo Group isi consolideaza pozitia in topul liderilor din sectorul bancar european, potrivit sondajului anual al companiei de cercetare Extel, cunoscuta anterior drept Institutional INVESTOR Research ...continuare.

ZF IT Generation. INVESTOR Watch. Carmen Sebe, CEO, platforma de finantare SeedBlink: Pentru noi 2024 a inceput foarte bine, apoi am avut cateva luni neasteptat de slabe, dar acum stam mai bine decat am stat vreodata din punctul de vedere al cifrei de afaceri

publicat 2024-09-11 08:00:20 (Ziarul-Financiar)
ZF IT Generation. <span style='background:#EDF514'>INVESTOR</span> Watch. Carmen Sebe, CEO, platforma de finantare SeedBlink: Pentru noi 2024 a inceput foarte bine, apoi am avut cateva luni neasteptat de slabe, dar acum stam mai bine decat am stat vreodata din punctul de vedere al cifrei de afaceri SeedBlink, platforma de crowdfunding pentru start-up-uri de tehnologie lansata la inceputul anului 2020, sta acum "mai bine decat a fost vreodata" din punctul de vedere al cifrei de afaceri in ciuda climatului dificil din mediul de finantari pentru start-up-uri, care ramane la un nivel scazut, pe... ...continuare.