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INVESTOR in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa INVESTOR

Tanczos Barna: We must be prepared to participate in the reconstruction of Ukraine

publicat 2025-02-21 00:00:13 (Bursa)
Tanczos Barna: We must be prepared to participate in the reconstruction of Ukraine * 'Fidelis government bonds represent a first step for many INVESTORs towards the capital market' * 'Our interest is that the external exposure is as low as possible, and that the income generated from these bond issues is as profitable as possible for... ...continuare.

Gold has a strong start of the year; what are the big investment banks and #39; forecasts?

publicat 2025-02-20 06:45:17 (Bursa)
Gold has a strong start of the year; what are the big investment banks and #39; forecasts? * Goldman Sachs: 'If uncertainty remains high, gold prices could reach $3,300 an ounce by year-end' * Morgan Stanley: 'We are alert to any slowdown in demand from central banks, which may arise in the event of a possible peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine' * StoneX: 'The continued... ...continuare.

India leads global IPOs in 2024, US in proceeds

publicat 2025-02-20 06:45:17 (Bursa)
India leads global IPOs in 2024, US in proceeds Global initial public offering (IPO) markets remained relatively healthy in 2024 despite economic uncertainties and geopolitical challenges, according to a visualcapitalist.com analysis, which notes that overall positive INVESTOR sentiment was boosted by... ...continuare.

INVESTORs are ignoring Trump and #39;s measures for now, buying stocks

publicat 2025-02-18 00:00:25 (Bursa)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>INVESTOR</span>s are ignoring Trump and #39;s measures for now, buying stocks When US President Donald Trump was inaugurated and announced that he would impose new tariffs on imports from US geopolitical allies and rivals, the initial reaction of the stock market was cautious, but the mood of INVESTORs has changed as the... ...continuare.

BVB Indices: Diametrically Opposite Trajectories Throughout Last Year

publicat 2025-02-10 00:00:11 (Bursa)
BVB Indices: Diametrically Opposite Trajectories Throughout Last Year * The Ministry of Finance raised 16.4 billion lei from the population through six Fidelis government bond issues * At the end of last year, INVESTORs at BVB held approximately 226,000 accounts, a 26% increase from 2023 ...continuare.

Stada - Solid INVESTOR demand ahead of IPO

publicat 2025-02-10 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Stada - Solid <span style='background:#EDF514'>INVESTOR</span> demand ahead of IPO German drugmaker Stada Arzneimittel AG is preparing for what could be Europe and #39;s largest initial public offering (IPO) this year, Bloomberg reports. The company has seen 'huge' interest during meetings with about 60 INVESTORs, Stada Chief Executive... ...continuare.

Goana dupa aur continua. Bancile centrale isi fac provizii tot mai mari in lingouri. Polonia conduce achizitiile

publicat 2025-02-06 11:45:35 (ProTV)
Goana dupa aur continua. Bancile centrale isi fac provizii tot mai mari in lingouri. Polonia conduce achizitiile Cererea totala de aur a crescut cu 1%, atingând un nou record trimestrial si contribuind la un total anual record de 4.974 tone, arata datele Global Markets INVESTOR. ...continuare.

ZF IT Generation. INVESTOR Watch. Valentin Filip, managing partner, Fortech Investments: Am ajuns la un portofoliu de 18 start-up-uri tech in care am investit in total 8 mil. euro. Anul acesta vrem sa mai investim in 2-4 proiecte

publicat 2025-02-06 08:00:37 (Ziarul-Financiar)
ZF IT Generation. <span style='background:#EDF514'>INVESTOR</span> Watch. Valentin Filip, managing partner, Fortech Investments: Am ajuns la un portofoliu de 18 start-up-uri tech in care am investit in total 8 mil. euro. Anul acesta vrem sa mai investim in 2-4 proiecte Fondul de investitii Fortech Investments, sustinut de asociatii companiei Fortech Product, a investit de la lansarea sa in 2021 si pana in prezent 8 milioane de euro in 18 start-up-uri tech, din care 2 milioane de euro au fost alocate anul trecut pentru 5 proiecte noi. Fondul are o tinta totala... ...continuare.

Investitorii individuali estimeaza ca piata americana va fi lider in ceea ce priveste randamentele

publicat 2025-02-03 18:00:17 (Bursa)
Investitorii individuali estimeaza ca piata americana va fi lider in ceea ce priveste randamentele Investitorii individuali din intreaga lume isi indreapta atentia catre piata din SUA, favorizand sectorul tehnologiei si criptoactivele in 2025, conform ultimului sondaj trimestrial Retail INVESTOR Beat al platformei de tranzactionare si investitii eToro. ...continuare.

Investitorii neglijeaza beneficiile ESG pe termen lung in goana dupa castiguri pe termen scurt

publicat 2025-01-28 14:00:20 (Bursa)
Investitorii neglijeaza beneficiile ESG pe termen lung in goana dupa castiguri pe termen scurt Comunitatea globala a investitorilor este dominata de o viziune limitata despre schimbarile climatice si sustenabilitate, care alimenteaza o orientare catre performanta pe termen scurt in detrimentul beneficiilor pe termen lung din investitiile de mediu, sociale si de guvernanta (ESG), potrivit... ...continuare.

EY: 92% dintre investitorii globali nu sunt dispusi sa sacrifice castigurile pe termen scurt pentru beneficii pe termen lung ale investitiilor ESG. Fenomenul de greenwashing a devenit o problema mai acuta decat in urma cu 5 ani

publicat 2025-01-28 12:45:42 (Ziarul-Financiar)
EY: 92% dintre investitorii globali nu sunt dispusi sa sacrifice castigurile pe termen scurt pentru beneficii pe termen lung ale investitiilor ESG.  Fenomenul de greenwashing a devenit o problema mai acuta decat in urma cu 5 ani Autor: Roxana Rosu Comunitatea globala a investitorilor este dominata de o viziune limitata despre schimbarile climatice si sustenabilitate, care alimenteaza o orientare catre performanta pe termen scurt in detrimentul beneficiilor pe termen lung din investitiile de mediu, sociale si de... ...continuare.

ZF IT Generation. INVESTOR Watch. Multi fondatori de start-up-uri tech din Romania sunt obsedati de produsul lor, iar restul aspectelor comerciale sunt in general neglijate

publicat 2025-01-27 08:00:23 (Ziarul-Financiar)
ZF IT Generation. <span style='background:#EDF514'>INVESTOR</span> Watch. Multi fondatori de start-up-uri tech din Romania sunt obsedati de produsul lor, iar restul aspectelor comerciale sunt in general neglijate Obsesia pentru dezvoltarea produsului tech in detrimentul aspectelor comerciale, planificarea financiara deficitara si reticenta fata de investitori sunt principalele provocari cu care se confrunta fondatorii de start-up-uri tech din Romania, potrivit lui Alin Stanciu, partener in cadrul fondului... ...continuare.

INVESTOR Watch. Multi fondatori de start-up-uri tech din Romania sunt obsedati de produsul lor, iar restul aspectelor comerciale sunt in general neglijate

publicat 2025-01-27 00:15:44 (Ziarul-Financiar)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>INVESTOR</span> Watch. Multi fondatori de start-up-uri tech din Romania sunt obsedati de produsul lor, iar restul aspectelor comerciale sunt in general neglijate Obsesia pentru dezvoltarea produsului tech in detrimentul aspectelor comerciale, planificarea financiara deficitara si reticenta fata de investitori sunt principalele provocari cu care se confrunta fondatorii de start-up-uri tech din Romania, potrivit lui Alin Stanciu, partener in cadrul fondului... ...continuare.

Fourth quarter in numbers

publicat 2025-01-27 00:00:19 (Bursa)
Fourth quarter in numbers * October 4 - The Ministry of Finance launches the first issue of Samurai bonds totaling 33 billion yen, with firm purchase orders from INVESTORs amounting to 34.1 billion yen. ...continuare.

Bank of Russia proposes to increase transparency of companies going public

publicat 2025-01-27 00:00:19 (Bursa)
Bank of Russia proposes to increase transparency of companies going public The Bank of Russia proposes to increase transparency of public stock offerings, and to make this possible, it is necessary to change the content of information disclosed by issuers and adapt it to the needs of retail INVESTORs, whose role has increased on... ...continuare.

ZF IT Generation. INVESTOR Watch. Alin Stanciu, partener, Catalyst Romania: Anul acesta vrem sa realizam 4-5 investitii noi din fondul II si sa facem si ultimele 3 exituri din primul fond. Pana acum am investit circa 22 mil. de euro din cel de-al doilea fond, iar din 2026 ne pregatim pentru fondul III

publicat 2025-01-22 08:00:30 (Ziarul-Financiar)
ZF IT Generation. <span style='background:#EDF514'>INVESTOR</span> Watch. Alin Stanciu, partener, Catalyst Romania: Anul acesta vrem sa realizam 4-5 investitii noi din fondul II si sa facem si ultimele 3 exituri din primul fond. Pana acum am investit circa 22 mil. de euro din cel de-al doilea fond, iar din 2026 ne pregatim pentru fondul III Catalyst Romania, primul fond de capital de risc de pe plan local axat pe investitii in start-up-uri de tehnologie, are in plan sa realizeze anul acesta 4-5 investitii noi, urmand sa ajunga astfel la un portofoliu de 14-15 companii aferent celui de-al doilea fond al sau. ...continuare.

Bursa. Agentia de rating Moody's a confirmat ratingul Baa3 pe termen lung al Transelectrica si a mentinut perspectiva stabila

publicat 2025-01-21 19:15:40 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Bursa. Agentia de rating Moody's a confirmat ratingul Baa3 pe termen lung al Transelectrica si a mentinut perspectiva stabila Autor: Tibi Oprea Compania Nationala de Transport al Energiei Electrica "Transelectrica" (simbol bursier TEL) a anuntat marti seara ca in data de 20 ianuarie a fost notificata cu privire la faptul ca Agentia Internationala de Rating Moody's INVESTORs... ...continuare.

Banamex Listing May Be Delayed to 2026

publicat 2025-01-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Banamex Listing May Be Delayed to 2026 * Citigroup and #39;s Mexico Unit Aware of Market Conditions Citigroup Inc. and #39;s effort to list its retail banking operations in Mexico may be extended to 2026, given market conditions and the need to obtain regulatory approvals, Bloomberg reported, noting that the US banking group is... ...continuare.

Romanul care achizitioneaza unul dintre cluburile de fotbal istorice ale Italiei

publicat 2025-01-16 11:45:32 (Jurnalul-National)
Romanul care achizitioneaza unul dintre cluburile de fotbal istorice ale Italiei Un roman devine actionar la unul dintre cluburile de fotbal istorice ale Italiei. Fondul american de investitii Presidio INVESTORs, unde Christian Puscasiu este partener principal, a preluat oficial controlul clubului de fotbal Hellas Verona. ...continuare.

Un roman cumpara clubul italian Hellas Verona

publicat 2025-01-16 11:30:46 (Mediafax)
Un roman cumpara clubul italian Hellas Verona Fondul american de investitii Presidio INVESTORs a preluat oficial controlul clubului de fotbal Hellas Verona, dupa ce a finalizat tranzactia cu antreprenorul italian Maurizio Setti. Grupul din Texas devine astfel cel mai nou investitor american care intra... ...continuare.

How political instability influenced BVB stocks

publicat 2025-01-09 00:00:06 (Bursa)
How political instability influenced BVB stocks * Dragos Mesaros, Goldring: 'Until July, we had an uninterrupted year-long growth on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, so it was normal for a decline to occur' * Marcel Murgoci, Estinvest: 'We expected the elections to have an impact on the stock market, but not to such an extent; there were a few... ...continuare.

Optimism major pentru preturile actiunilor pe burse: Tesla, pe primul loc in topul actiunilor "7 magnifici" pentru 2025

publicat 2025-01-07 03:15:02 (Adevarul)
Optimism major pentru preturile actiunilor pe burse: Tesla, pe primul loc in topul actiunilor Investitorii individuali sunt optimisti ca actuala piata bull va continua si anul viitor, Tesla fiind cea mai populara actiune dintre grupul celor "7 magnifici", conform ultimului sondaj trimestrial Retail INVESTOR Beat. ...continuare.

Sources: LG Targets Up to $15 Billion Valuation for India IPO

publicat 2024-12-23 00:30:22 (Bursa)
Sources: LG Targets Up to $15 Billion Valuation for India IPO South Korean conglomerate LG Electronics Inc. is considering raising the valuation of its India unit to as much as $15 billion in a planned listing in Mumbai next year, following initial feedback from analysts and INVESTORs, according to people familiar... ...continuare.

INVESTORs have flocked to gold this year; what are the prospects for the precious metal in 2025?

publicat 2024-12-20 00:00:22 (Bursa)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>INVESTOR</span>s have flocked to gold this year; what are the prospects for the precious metal in 2025? * Heraeus Precious Metals: 'With Trump and #39;s return to the US presidency, there is likely to be more uncertainty around trade and tariffs, which should also support the price of gold' * Goldman Sachs: 'If the Fed were to cut interest rates by just 25 basis points (next year), we estimate that... ...continuare.

Domeniul care pare neafectat de crize. Investitorii se asteapta la castiguri semnificative si in 2025

publicat 2024-12-18 18:00:23 (ProTV)
Domeniul care pare neafectat de crize. Investitorii se asteapta la castiguri semnificative si in 2025 Investitorii privesc cu optimism evolutia portofoliilor lor în urmatoarele 12 luni, aratând o îmbunatatire clara fata de anul precedent, conform celei de-a treia editii a Real Estate INVESTORs Sentiment Barometer.   ...continuare.

Cushman and Wakefield Echinox: Perspective optimiste pentru piata imobiliara din Romania in 2025

publicat 2024-12-18 11:00:17 (Bursa)
Cushman  and  Wakefield Echinox: Perspective optimiste pentru piata imobiliara din Romania in 2025 Investitorii privesc cu optimism evolutia portofoliilor lor in urmatoarele 12 luni, aratand o imbunatatire clara fata de anul precedent. Conform celei de-a treia editii a Real Estate INVESTORs Sentiment Barometer, realizat de compania de consultanta... ...continuare.

Today is the last day INVESTORs can subscribe to Fidelis government bonds this year

publicat 2024-12-18 00:00:13 (Bursa)
Today is the last day <span style='background:#EDF514'>INVESTOR</span>s can subscribe to Fidelis government bonds this year * The bonds will be listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange on December 27th INVESTORs who wish to subscribe to Fidelis government bonds can do so until today, at 1:00 p.m., according to information in the offer prospectus of the Ministry of Finance. ...continuare.

Bursa de la Bucuresti creste luni, valul de optimism continua printre INVESTORi

publicat 2024-12-09 12:30:28 (Libertatea)
Bursa de la Bucuresti creste luni, valul de optimism continua printre <span style='background:#EDF514'>INVESTOR</span>i Bursa de Valori Bucuresti (BVB) crestea luni, valul de optimism continuand printre investitori, dupa ce Curtea Constitutionala a decis anularea alegerilor prezidentiale, iar autoritatile au descins la mai multe grupari legionare si de evazionisti. Indicele BET - care contine cele mai importante... ...continuare.

Gala by ARIR 2024: Cine sunt liderii si companiile listate care au excelat in Relatia cu INVESTORii 

publicat 2024-11-27 13:30:24 (Money.ro)
Bucuresti, 27 noiembrie 2024 - ARIR (Asociatia Romana pentru Relatia cu Investitorii), promotorul conceptului de INVESTOR Relations (IR), a premiat companiile listate care s-au remarcat pentru activitatea in piata de capital si in Relatia cu Investitorii in... ...continuare.

Bitcoin and #39;s March to $100,000 Has Stopped; Why?

publicat 2024-11-27 00:30:23 (Bursa)
* Bitwise: 'Long-Term INVESTORs Have Started to Distribute Significant Amounts During Recent Rally' * Galaxy Digital: 'There Was a Huge Seller Last Week; Sold $14-15 Billion in Bitcoin' ...continuare.