INVESTOR in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa INVESTOR
ZF IT Generation. INVESTOR Watch. Alin Stanciu, partener, Catalyst Romania: Anul acesta vrem sa realizam 4-5 investitii noi din fondul II si sa facem si ultimele 3 exituri din primul fond. Pana acum am investit circa 22 mil. de euro din cel de-al doilea fond, iar din 2026 ne pregatim pentru fondul III
publicat 2025-01-22 08:00:30 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Catalyst Romania, primul fond de capital de risc de pe plan local axat pe investitii in start-up-uri de tehnologie, are in plan sa realizeze anul acesta 4-5 investitii noi, urmand sa ajunga astfel la un portofoliu de 14-15 companii aferent celui de-al doilea fond al sau.
Bursa. Agentia de rating Moody's a confirmat ratingul Baa3 pe termen lung al Transelectrica si a mentinut perspectiva stabila
publicat 2025-01-21 19:15:40 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Autor: Tibi Oprea Compania Nationala de Transport al Energiei Electrica "Transelectrica" (simbol bursier TEL) a anuntat marti seara ca in data de 20 ianuarie a fost notificata cu privire la faptul ca Agentia Internationala de Rating Moody's INVESTORs...
Banamex Listing May Be Delayed to 2026
publicat 2025-01-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
* Citigroup and #39;s Mexico Unit Aware of Market Conditions
Citigroup Inc. and #39;s effort to list its retail banking operations in Mexico may be extended to 2026, given market conditions and the need to obtain regulatory approvals, Bloomberg reported, noting that the US banking group is...
Romanul care achizitioneaza unul dintre cluburile de fotbal istorice ale Italiei
publicat 2025-01-16 11:45:32 (Jurnalul-National)
Un roman devine actionar la unul dintre cluburile de fotbal istorice ale Italiei. Fondul american de investitii Presidio INVESTORs, unde Christian Puscasiu este partener principal, a preluat oficial controlul clubului de fotbal Hellas Verona.
Un roman cumpara clubul italian Hellas Verona
publicat 2025-01-16 11:30:46 (Mediafax)
Fondul american de investitii Presidio INVESTORs a preluat oficial controlul clubului de fotbal Hellas Verona, dupa ce a finalizat tranzactia cu antreprenorul italian Maurizio Setti. Grupul din Texas devine astfel cel mai nou investitor american care intra...
How political instability influenced BVB stocks
publicat 2025-01-09 00:00:06 (Bursa)
* Dragos Mesaros, Goldring: 'Until July, we had an uninterrupted year-long growth on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, so it was normal for a decline to occur'
* Marcel Murgoci, Estinvest: 'We expected the elections to have an impact on the stock market, but not to such an extent; there were a few...
Optimism major pentru preturile actiunilor pe burse: Tesla, pe primul loc in topul actiunilor "7 magnifici" pentru 2025
publicat 2025-01-07 03:15:02 (Adevarul)
Investitorii individuali sunt optimisti ca actuala piata bull va continua si anul viitor, Tesla fiind cea mai populara actiune dintre grupul celor "7 magnifici", conform ultimului sondaj trimestrial Retail INVESTOR Beat.
Sources: LG Targets Up to $15 Billion Valuation for India IPO
publicat 2024-12-23 00:30:22 (Bursa)
South Korean conglomerate LG Electronics Inc. is considering raising the valuation of its India unit to as much as $15 billion in a planned listing in Mumbai next year, following initial feedback from analysts and INVESTORs, according to people familiar...
INVESTORs have flocked to gold this year; what are the prospects for the precious metal in 2025?
publicat 2024-12-20 00:00:22 (Bursa)
* Heraeus Precious Metals: 'With Trump and #39;s return to the US presidency, there is likely to be more uncertainty around trade and tariffs, which should also support the price of gold'
* Goldman Sachs: 'If the Fed were to cut interest rates by just 25 basis points (next year), we estimate that...
Domeniul care pare neafectat de crize. Investitorii se asteapta la castiguri semnificative si in 2025
publicat 2024-12-18 18:00:23 (ProTV)
Investitorii privesc cu optimism evolutia portofoliilor lor în urmatoarele 12 luni, aratând o îmbunatatire clara fata de anul precedent, conform celei de-a treia editii a Real Estate INVESTORs Sentiment Barometer.
Cushman and Wakefield Echinox: Perspective optimiste pentru piata imobiliara din Romania in 2025
publicat 2024-12-18 11:00:17 (Bursa)
Investitorii privesc cu optimism evolutia portofoliilor lor in urmatoarele 12 luni, aratand o imbunatatire clara fata de anul precedent. Conform celei de-a treia editii a Real Estate INVESTORs Sentiment Barometer, realizat de compania de consultanta...
Today is the last day INVESTORs can subscribe to Fidelis government bonds this year
publicat 2024-12-18 00:00:13 (Bursa)
* The bonds will be listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange on December 27th
INVESTORs who wish to subscribe to Fidelis government bonds can do so until today, at 1:00 p.m., according to information in the offer prospectus of the Ministry of Finance.
Bursa de la Bucuresti creste luni, valul de optimism continua printre INVESTORi
publicat 2024-12-09 12:30:28 (Libertatea)
Bursa de Valori Bucuresti (BVB) crestea luni, valul de optimism continuand printre investitori, dupa ce Curtea Constitutionala a decis anularea alegerilor prezidentiale, iar autoritatile au descins la mai multe grupari legionare si de evazionisti. Indicele BET - care contine cele mai importante...
Gala by ARIR 2024: Cine sunt liderii si companiile listate care au excelat in Relatia cu INVESTORii
publicat 2024-11-27 13:30:24 (
Bucuresti, 27 noiembrie 2024 - ARIR (Asociatia Romana pentru Relatia cu Investitorii), promotorul conceptului de INVESTOR Relations (IR), a premiat companiile listate care s-au remarcat pentru activitatea in piata de capital si in Relatia cu Investitorii in...
Bitcoin and #39;s March to $100,000 Has Stopped; Why?
publicat 2024-11-27 00:30:23 (Bursa)
* Bitwise: 'Long-Term INVESTORs Have Started to Distribute Significant Amounts During Recent Rally'
* Galaxy Digital: 'There Was a Huge Seller Last Week; Sold $14-15 Billion in Bitcoin'
Bitcoin and #39;s March to $100,000 Has Stopped; Why?
publicat 2024-11-27 00:30:23 (Bursa)
* Bitwise: 'Long-Term INVESTORs Have Started to Distribute Significant Amounts During Recent Rally'
* Galaxy Digital: 'There Was a Huge Seller Last Week; Sold $14-15 Billion in Bitcoin'
Fiscal deficit tests patience of international financial markets
publicat 2024-11-27 00:30:23 (Bursa)
Financial markets may be losing patience with Romania and #39;s high fiscal deficit, Daniel Daianu, president of the Fiscal Council, warned, noting that the seven-year deficit reduction plan risks being too slow for some INVESTORs, Reuters reports.
Razvan Popescu, CEO of Romgaz: 'The funds raised through the bond issue will support the company and #39;s entire investment plan'
publicat 2024-11-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
* The British from Man GNG - the largest INVESTOR in bonds issued by the natural gas producer
* Romgaz bonds worth 500 million euros were listed yesterday on the BVB
Japan, the country with the highest government debt to GDP
publicat 2024-11-15 00:00:14 (Bursa)
The public debt/GDP ratio is a key indicator of a country and #39;s financial health, providing insight into a government and #39;s ability to manage its debt, while also shaping the flexibility of fiscal policy and playing a crucial role in influencing ...continuare.
Tesla atinge o capitalizare de n trilion de dolari dupa victoria lui Donald Trump. Actiunile au crescut cu 29% intr-o saptamana
publicat 2024-11-09 09:45:18 (Libertatea)
Actiunile Tesla au crescut peste 300 de dolari, vineri, recastigand o capitalizare de piata de un trilion de dolari. Gigantul vehiculelor electrice a cunoscut o crestere semnificativa de cand Donald Trump a invins-o pe Kamala Harris la alegerile prezidentiale de la inceputul acestei saptamani,...
Generatia Z este mai atrasa de investitii
publicat 2024-11-07 16:30:18 (Bursa)
Un nou val de investitori individuali din Generatia Z transforma pietele financiare intr-un subiect de discutat la cina, acest grup de varsta fiind mult mai predispus sa discute despre
portofoliile lor de investitii cu prietenii si familia, conform datelor din cel mai recent studiu Retail ...continuare.
Compania de consultanta VERTIK lanseaza Programul INVESTOR Readiness, dedicat antreprenorilor care doresc sa atraga investitori pentru dezvoltarea afacerii
publicat 2024-11-05 13:45:27 (
Bucuresti, 5 noiembrie 2024: VERTIK, companie de consultanta de top in Relatia cu Investitorii si comunicare strategica, anunta lansarea Programului INVESTOR Readiness (IRP), o initiativa creata pentru antreprenorii si managerii care doresc sa isi dezvolte...
Phone maker Honor is attracting new INVESTORs
publicat 2024-11-04 00:30:12 (Bursa)
The Chinese smartphone manufacturer Honor revealed, at the end of last week, a new round of INVESTORs that it has attracted, Reuters reports, noting that it is China Telecom and a division of CICC Capital Corp. Other ...continuare.
South Korea and #39;s K Bank is delaying its listing again
publicat 2024-10-21 12:00:17 (Bursa)
* The financial institution cites weak demand from INVESTORs
South Korean online lender K Bank Co. has postponed its planned more than $700 million initial public offering (IPO) on the Seoul Stock Exchange for the second time after failing to attract enough...
Alexandru Petrescu, ASF: 'State bonds - a basis for converting INVESTORs to other stock market instruments'
publicat 2024-10-18 00:00:07 (Bursa)
State bonds are a basis for converting INVESTORs to other stock market instruments, said yesterday Alexandru Petrescu, President of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF), on the occasion of the event that marked the listing of the last Fidelis issue at...
Record subscriptions in the latest issue of Fidelis government bonds
publicat 2024-10-14 00:00:04 (Bursa)
* The value of the purchase orders launched by the INVESTOR amounted to almost 3.5 billion lei, above the August record of 3.2 billion lei
* The titles will be listed on the BVB on October 17
Investitorii romani nu au incredere in piata imobiliara si se tem de inflatie
publicat 2024-10-11 20:15:13 (Income-Magazine)
Peste 55% dintre investitori spun ca nu au incredere in piata imobiliara din Romania, ceea ce reprezinta o crestere de 20% fata de trimestrul anterior, cand majoritatea investitorilor se aratau increzatori, arata un sondaj eToro Retail INVESTOR Beat....
Sondaj eToro: Investitorii romani nu au incredere in piata imobiliara si se tem de inflatie
publicat 2024-10-10 16:30:03 (Bursa)
Potrivit specialistilor de la eToro, atentia investitorilor se concentreaza la acest moment pe datele privind inflatia din SUA. De altfel, piata incearca sa analizeze posibilitatea aparitiei unei recesiuni a economiei americane, cu implicatii si asupra celei globale. Aceste lucruri sunt in...
OPINION CAEN code 0000 - Fraud Industry
publicat 2024-10-10 00:00:02 (Bursa)
On the Botswana Stock Exchange, the AeBO section, numerous companies have listed, all presented as resounding financial successes. But in some listings, entrepreneurs, brokers and PR people reaped the financial success and INVESTORs reaped the buzz.
Prime Transaction: How can we buy stocks at lows and sell near highs?
publicat 2024-10-09 00:00:03 (Bursa)
*'The strategy tries to be one step ahead of the market in terms of selecting companies that will soon return to the attention of INVESTORs and liquidating those that have reached maximum values'
*'At the opposite pole, it identifies companies that may have...
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