MEET in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa MEET
Business Magazin. Cum a ajuns Virgil Soncutean, CEO al Allianz-Tiriac: "Rolul de CEO este unul destul de solitar, in care trebuie sa ai incredere in echipa, pentru ca nu poti controla totul"
publicat 2024-11-17 13:15:28 (Ziarul-Financiar)
"Rolul de CEO este adesea unul solitar, in care trebuie sa te bazezi pe echipa, pentru ca nu poti controla totul" - spune Virgil Soncutean, CEO al Allianz-Tiriac, in cadrul celui mai recent eveniment MEET the CEO. Dupa trei decenii de la infiintare, dintre...
The robot and the 'putini' workshop
publicat 2024-11-15 00:00:14 (Bursa)
A summary MEETing at the newspaper is a spectacle in itself, sometimes funny, sometimes serious, sometimes too complicated, sometimes a little boring. This week, political topics, elections, Ciuca, Simion, Ciolacu, Trump, Gusa, judo, Putin were inevitably...
Nations League, decisive match for 1st place in the group
publicat 2024-11-15 00:00:14 (Bursa)
The national football team will MEET today, at the National Arena, Kosovo in a decisive match for the first position in the group. Undefeated, our team starts with the first chance, also having a moral ascendancy after the 3-0 victory in the round match.
Business MAGAZIN. Cum influenteaza ceea ce mancam in pauza de masa dintre MEETingurile pe Zoom starea pielii? Ni se poate citi sanatatea pe fata? Ce spune medicul Amalia Anghel, care a investit 2 mil. euro in SkinMed Clinic, un centru de dermatologie si estetica
publicat 2024-11-10 13:00:39 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Medicul Amalia Anghel a deschis SkinMed Clinic, un centru specializat in dermatologie si estetica in Pipera, inima zonei corporatiste, in care a investit 2 milioane de euro. Care sunt cele mai frecvente probleme de sanatate in nordul Capitalei? Cum influenteaza ceea ce mancam in pauza de masa...
Bucharest becomes the capital of world zoology
publicat 2024-11-06 00:00:17 (Bursa)
Zoology researchers MEET in Bucharest, within the International Congress of Zoology (ZoologyCon 2024), which will take place at the Casa Universitarilor, between November 6 and 9.
Climate Change Accelerating Destructive 'DANA' Phenomena
publicat 2024-11-01 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Natural disasters are increasing at an alarming rate, much to people and #39;s concern. The catastrophic floods that killed at least 72 people in Spain were caused by a destructive weather system in which cold and warm air MEET to produce heavy rain clouds,...
Trump profita de gafele lui Biden in ultimele zile de campanie. Aparitie inedita a fostului presedinte la un MEETing
publicat 2024-10-31 17:30:25 (ProTV)
Donald Trump continua sa se foloseasca de controversa din jurul declaratiei lui Joe Biden. Presedintele, sustin republicanii, i-a fi numit „gunoi” pe votantii candidatului republican.
Adoption Fair at the 'Grigore Antipa' Museum
publicat 2024-10-24 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Animal lovers have a MEETing point in the Capital this weekend. The 'Grigore Antipa' National Museum of Natural History together with the TNR Association are organizing, on Saturday, Black Cat Day.
Francois Villeroy, ECB: 'We will probably cut interest rates this month'
publicat 2024-10-08 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The European Central Bank (ECB) will probably cut interest rates at the monetary policy MEETing in October, says Francois Villeroy de Galhau, a member of the ECB Governing Council, quoted by La Repubblica publication, Bloomberg reports.
Google MEET ar putea elimina in curand suportul pentru Google TV si Android TV
publicat 2024-09-29 22:30:14 (Jurnalul-National)
Google pregateste inchiderea aplicatiei Google MEET pentru Android TV si Google TV, conform unui cod descoperit in actualizarea recenta, ceea ce sugereaza ca utilizarea acesteia va fi oprita curand, scrie 9to5Google.
Google MEET ar putea elimina in curand suportul pentru Google TV si Android TV
publicat 2024-09-29 14:30:15 (Mediafax)
Aplicatia Google MEET pentru Android TV si Google TV, desi nu este extrem de utilizata, s-a dovedit a fi utila pentru unii. Totusi, se pare ca Google se pregateste sa inchida aplicatia in curand.
The Romanian army needs ammunition
publicat 2024-09-20 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The Romanian Army has run out of combat ammunition, following the military support given to Ukraine, according to the press release issued by the Presidential Administration following yesterday and #39;s MEETing of the Supreme Council of Defense of the...
B9 Defense Ministers demand a NATO response to the illegal overflight of Russian drones
publicat 2024-09-19 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Ministers of Defense from the member states of the Bucharest Format 9 (B9) request NATO to react robustly regarding the illegal overflight of the Eastern Flank of the alliance by Russian drones, said Angel Tilvar, the Minister of National Defense, after the ...continuare.
We are one step away from eliminating visas for the USA
publicat 2024-09-13 07:45:02 (Bursa)
Our country is 'very close to MEETing all the technical criteria for the elimination of visas', announced Andrei Muraru, Romania and #39;s ambassador to Washington. Visa waiver means our country and #39;s inclusion in the Visa Waiver program, which allows...
The Minister of National Defense, summoned to Parliament in the Russian drone scandal
publicat 2024-09-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
*Minister Angel Tilvar would participate in the MEETing of the Defense Committee in the Senate today *USR summoned Minister Tilvar to the Government Hour program, in the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies on October 8
Care este suma incasata deja de FCSB pentru calificarea in grupa de Europa League » Cum isi poate multiplica de 5 ori banii la finalul campaniei europene!
publicat 2024-09-10 21:00:11 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Dupa ce, inaintea tragerii la sorti a celor 8 adversari din grupa de 36 de echipe, am publicat o estimare a castigurilor pe care FCSB le-ar putea obtine la capatul aventurii sale in Europa League, acum facem o rectificare dupa ce s-a aflat pe cine si unde va infrunta campioana Romaniei, dar si...
Veste excelenta dupa recitalul kosovar. Sanse MARI sa prindem a doua urna valorica la tragerea la sorti pentru CM 2026!
publicat 2024-09-07 13:45:05 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Gratie triumfului net repurtat vineri seara, la Pristina (3-0), nationala Romaniei este creditata cu 88% posibilitati de a castiga grupa a 2-a din Nations League si a reveni in divizia secunda a competitiei # Mai mult, conform algoritmului de simulare al Football ...continuare.
Sebastian Burduja: 'Diversification of energy supply through the Green Corridor will lead to cheaper energy'
publicat 2024-09-04 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The diversification of energy supply through the Green Corridor will lead to a cheaper price of energy in our country and in the region, stated Sebastian Burduja, the Minister of Energy, yesterday, during the press conference held at the end of the eighth ...continuare.
Au simulat TOATE rezultatele din grupa de Europa League: ce sanse de calificare ii dau lui FCSB
publicat 2024-09-01 20:45:07 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Platforma Football MEETs Data a calculat ca FCSB are doar 3% sanse de a prinde TOP 8 in grupa de Europa League si 31% sanse sa se claseze intre primele 24 de formatii. Doar FC RFS, din Letonia, sta mai rau!Vineri, UEFA a stabilit prin tragere la sorti...
Water queue in Spain
publicat 2024-08-27 00:00:03 (Bursa)
A severe drought has made tap water undrinkable in several towns in Spain and #39;s Costa Blanca region, forcing tourists and locals to queue at bottled water dispensers to MEET their needs. base, reports Reuters.
subTURAT Summer MEET: O expozitie de peste 100 de masini personalizate la Mega Mall
publicat 2024-08-24 11:00:09 (Income-Magazine)
Mega Mall gazduieste in perioada 19 - 25 august expozitia auto subTURAT, aducand in prim-plan peste 100 dintre cele mai interesante modele de masini personalizate, pentru vizitatorii pasionati de motoare puternice, precum si un design exterior spectaculos. Evenimentul culmineaza in weekendul 24 -...
The minutes of Fed MEETing indicate, as likely, the interest rate cut in September
publicat 2024-08-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* The key interest rate is currently in the range of 5.25%-5.5%, the highest level in the last 23 years
An interest rate cut in the United States in September is increasingly likely, according to the minutes of the last monetary policy MEETing of Federal...
The BVB Board did not inform the shareholders, at the balance sheet MEETing, about the impasse of the Central Counterparty; What does Radu Hanga say?
publicat 2024-08-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* The project still needs five million euros for the CCP to become operational, according to CCP.RO Bucharest
The Board of Directors of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) did not inform the shareholders, at the balance sheet MEETing, about the impasse in...
Noutati Google MEET: Subtitrari in timp real si optiuni de personalizare pentru iOS si Android
publicat 2024-08-16 16:45:07 (Go4IT)
Google a dezvaluit recent o serie de noi instrumente si functionalitati menite sa transforme Google MEET intr-o platforma versatila, potrivita nu doar pentru discutiile cu colegii, ci si pentru comunicarea de zi cu zi cu […]Articolul Noutati Google...
FP shareholders were convened for the election of the fund administrator
publicat 2024-08-14 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* 'The investment mandate of the FP should focus mainly on the continuation of investments in national entities', is one of the criteria that the administrator must fulfill, subject to the vote of the shareholders
Fondul Proprietatea (FP) shareholders are summoned, on September 27, to an...
FP shareholders were convened for the election of the fund administrator
publicat 2024-08-14 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* 'The investment mandate of the FP should focus mainly on the continuation of investments in national entities', is one of the criteria that the administrator must fulfill, subject to the vote of the shareholders
Fondul Proprietatea (FP) shareholders are summoned, on September 27, to an...
Feasibility studies for a high-speed railway between Bucharest and Budapest
publicat 2024-07-29 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Bucharest and Budapest would be connected by a high-speed railway, and the governments of Romania and Hungary will start feasibility studies in this regard, said Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, after the informal MEETing he had on Friday in the Capital with...
The ECB maintains the reference interest rate
publicat 2024-07-19 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* The president of the ECB, Christine Lagarde: 'The next monetary policy MEETing will be open to all options'.
The European Central Bank (ECB) decided yesterday to keep the reference interest rate unchanged and did not give any indication of the next move,...
Distribution companies demand a favorable regulatory framework for energy investments
publicat 2024-07-17 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The energy distribution companies commit to invest 6 billion euros until 2030 to strengthen the networks, provided a favorable regulatory framework, which allows them to gradually recover these investments, from the distribution tariff, over a period of 25- 30 years, the representatives of the...
Metalhead MEETing Festival 2024 se desfasoara la Romexpo intre 17 si 19 iulie. Judas Priest, Doro si Steel Panther vor urca pe scena. Program si reguli de acces
publicat 2024-07-16 12:30:08 (Libertatea)
Metalhead MEETing Festival 2024 se desfasoara la Romexpo intre 17 si 19 iulie, iar pe scena vor urca Judas Priest, Doro, Steel Panther, Skindred, Alestorm, Kamelot, Moonspell, Ne Obliviscaris, Rotting Christ, Ihsahn, Bucovina, Tiamat si multi alti artisti....
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