MIDDLE EAST in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa MIDDLE EAST
India and the MIDDLE EAST - the new hotspots in the IPO market
publicat 2025-01-15 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Initial public offerings (IPOs) in dollars and Indian rupees in 2024 accounted for 56% of primary equity issuances, highlighting the growing importance of the Indian capital markets, alongside traditional US venues, shows an analysis by globaltrading.net.
Talabat - Gulf and #39;s biggest IPO in 2024
publicat 2024-12-12 00:00:07 (Bursa)
* Delivery Hero and #39;s MIDDLE EAST unit debuts on Dubai Stock Exchange this week
Talabat Holding Plc, one of the MIDDLE EAST and #39;s largest food delivery companies, raised $2 billion in the UAE and #39;s...
Delivery Hero MIDDLE EAST Unit Prepares for IPO of the Year in the Emirates
publicat 2024-12-02 03:01:21 (Bursa)
Talabat Holding, one of the largest food delivery companies in the MIDDLE EAST, is set to raise about $2 billion in the United Arab Emirates and #39; largest initial public offering (IPO) this year after its parent, Germany-based Delivery Hero SE, priced...
Incendii, foc, natura, clima
publicat 2024-11-21 00:00:22 (Bursa)
Fires have devastated large parts of the world over the past decade. Last year, Europe, the MIDDLE EAST and Africa suffered some of the worst forest fires since 2000, according to the Forest Fires 2023 report, published by the Commission and #39;s Joint...
Delivery Hero seeks to raise up to $1.5 billion from Talabat IPO
publicat 2024-11-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
German delivery company Delivery Hero SE is seeking to raise up to $1.5 billion from an initial public offering (IPO) of its MIDDLE EAST unit, Talabat, in a deal that would rank as one of the region and #39;s largest in 2024, Bloomberg reported.
Trump and #39;s victory: reactions from Europe, Asia and the MIDDLE EAST
publicat 2024-11-07 00:00:13 (Bursa)
Political leaders around the world reacted quickly to Donald Trump and #39;s victory in the US presidential election, with reactions varying significantly according to political orientations and national interests specific to each country.
How does the war in the MIDDLE EAST benefit our economy?
publicat 2024-10-24 00:00:12 (Bursa)
In the context of the current economic and political tensions in Israel, generated in particular by the war with Hamas that began on October 7, 2023, the impact on Romania and #39;s economy is considerable, considering the close economic relations between the two countries.
5 to go urca pe locul 7 in topul european al lanturilor de cafenele, cu 600 de locatii deschise
publicat 2024-10-08 13:45:03 (Bursa)
Brandul romanesc 5 to go urca pe locul 7 in topul european al lanturilor de cafenele,cu 600 de locatii deschise conform clasamentului publicat de Food Service, Europe and MIDDLE EAST pentru anul 2023.
A year of war in the MIDDLE EAST
publicat 2024-10-08 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The MIDDLE EAST has been in a fever of war for a year after Hamas terrorists decided to illegally enter Israel, kill the young, old and children and take several hundred people hostage, mostly civilians, to achieve their political goals .
The Iranians and the Israelis keep taking revenge on each other
publicat 2024-10-03 06:45:02 (Bursa)
The law of retaliation (an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth) seems to dominate the conduct of the two main powers in conflict in the MIDDLE EAST.
The price of oil is rising strongly
publicat 2024-10-03 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Some analysts believe, however, that financial markets can avoid panic
Oil futures quotes rose by around 3% yesterday, on the international stock exchanges, against the backdrop of escalating tensions in the MIDDLE EAST, as concerns are fueled that Iran...
Putin vrea sa vina in Turcia insotit de propriile sale avioane de lupta. Erdogan l-a refuzat
publicat 2024-09-11 16:00:01 (Adevarul)
Liderul de la Kremlin a cerut ca avionul sau sa fie escortat de avioane de lupta rusesti in timpul vizitei sale in Turcia, scrie publicatia MIDDLE EAST Eye.
The war in Ukraine - financial boom for European defense companies
publicat 2024-08-30 00:30:02 (Bursa)
Longer-term concerns about how Russia is acting not only on the front in Ukraine, but also in the MIDDLE EAST and the Far East have led European NATO member states to embark on an extensive program to increase their own weapons stockpiles, fact that turned...
Marius Dorner, Citi MIDDLE EAST & Africa global network banking head: Multe companii multinationale din Romania nu se finanteaza prin sistemul bancar local. Iar capitalul romanesc are inca nevoie de sustinere pentru a evolua
publicat 2024-08-21 17:30:16 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Marius Dorner, managing director, Citi MIDDLE EAST & Africa global network banking head: Chiar daca este cu cativa pasi in spate, evolutia Romaniei este chiar impresionanta. In ultimii 20 de ani cred ca am avut o stabilitate financiara si chiar bancara de...
The Swiss franc - at the highest rate against the euro, in the last almost ten years
publicat 2024-08-05 18:30:03 (Bursa)
The Swiss franc reached, yesterday, the highest level against the euro, in the last almost ten years, in the context of the turbulences on the financial markets, against the background of fears regarding a possible recession in the USA and the geopolitical tensions in the ...continuare.
Jerusalem Post: Killing Haniyeh in Tehran - huge image benefit for Benjamin Netanyahu
publicat 2024-08-02 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The main beneficiary of the killing in Tehran of the leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, is Benjamin Netanyahu, argue journalists Amir Bohbot and Philissa Cramer in the analyzes prepared for the Israeli publication Jerusalem Post, after the event that took place on Wednesday morning and which...
Tensions rise in MIDDLE EAST, after killing of Hamas leader
publicat 2024-08-01 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Tension is rising in the MIDDLE EAST after Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of Hamas, was killed while in a building intended for war veterans located in Tehran, the capital of Iran.
Analist: Israelul urmareste sa se asigure ca Hamas nu poate guverna Gaza. Cabinetul lui Netanyahu are azi o intalnire pentru a discuta situatia de securitate
publicat 2024-07-31 15:30:09 (Mediafax)
Nimrod Goren, senior fellow pentru afaceri israeliene la MIDDLE EAST Institute, a declarat pentru Sky News ca asasinarea marcheaza o schimbare in modul in care Israelul urmareste Hamas si liderii sai - desi Israelul nu a revendicat inca responsabilitatea...
Aeroportul din Beirut isi anuleaza zborurile de teama unui atac israelian
publicat 2024-07-29 08:00:03 (Bursa)
Unele zboruri de pe aeroportul din Beirut au fost anulate sau intarziate, iar compania libaneza MIDDLE EAST Airlines (MEA) a declarat ca intreruperile programului sau au fost legate de riscurile de asigurare, in contextul escaladarii tensiunilor dintre...
O companie aeriana libaneza amana sosirea unor zboruri catre Beirut. Hezbollah si-a evacuat anumite pozitii de teama unui atac israelian
publicat 2024-07-28 22:45:06 (Libertatea)
Compania aeriana MIDDLE EAST Airlines (MEA) a anuntat amanarea unor zboruri programate pentru aterizare pana luni dimineata la Beirut. MEA nu prezinta motivele acestei decizii, dar o sursa informata spune ca este legata de amenintarile de atacuri israeliene...
Microsoft se plange: "PlayStation dispune de bugete de marketing pe care Xbox nu le are"
publicat 2024-07-23 13:30:06 (Go4IT)
Intr-un interviu cu publicatia Marketing Week, Michael Flatt, conducatorul diviziei de marketing a Xbox din EMEA (Europe, MIDDLE EAST, Africa), a facut cateva afirmatii surprinzatoare. Astfel, conform lui Flatt, echipa sa de la Xbox are […]Articolul...
Marius Dorner, Citi MIDDLE EAST & Africa: Chiar daca este cu cativa pasi in spate, evolutia Romaniei este impresionanta. Cred ca in ultimii 20 de ani am avut o stabilitate financiara si bancara de invidiat
publicat 2024-06-18 13:00:15 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Autor: Ramona Cornea Evolutia Romaniei este impresionanta, chiar daca tara noastra este cu cativa pasi in spate fata de alte piete mai dezvoltate, sustine Marius Dorner, managing director, Citi MIDDLE EAST & Africa, global network banking head, adaugand ca...
Presedintele CCIB a participat la Masa Rotunda 'Kazahstan: Calea reformelor progresive. Un nou Capitol al Cooperarii Romania-Kazahstan'
publicat 2024-05-20 10:45:03 (Bursa)
Presedintele Camerei de Comert si Industrie a Municipiului Bucuresti, Iuliu Stocklosa, a participat in data de 15 mai la o Masa Rotunda organizata de MEPEI (The MIDDLE EAST Political and Economic Institute) si EuroDefense Romania in parteneriat cu Ambasada...
Israel ready to retaliate, G7 and UN ask it not to
publicat 2024-04-16 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The authorities in Israel are ready to retaliate after the air attack launched by Iran at the end of last week, they promise to retaliate at the most appropriate time, but the world and #39;s most powerful states from an economic point of view in the G7 and the UN Security Council I ask them not...
Tense situation between Iran and Israel: US officials talk again about an imminent Iranian airstrike
publicat 2024-04-12 00:00:04 (Bursa)
*Lufthansa has suspended flights to Tehran until Sunday *The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation has warned its citizens not to travel to the MIDDLE EAST these days *Benjamin Netanyahu: 'We have established a simple principle: whoever hits...
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