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Venice Commission: Annulment of elections must be the last resort

publicat 2025-01-28 00:00:24 (Bursa)
Venice Commission: Annulment of elections must be the last resort Democratic elections must reflect the 'free expression of the people and #39;s opinion', according to Article 3 of Protocol No. 1 to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), and the annulment of elections is an extreme measure and can only be justified in exceptional circumstances, the... ...continuare.

The CCR decision on the presidential elections - a dangerous precedent for European democracy

publicat 2025-01-14 00:00:12 (Bursa)
The CCR decision on the presidential elections - a dangerous precedent for European democracy The decision of the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) by which the entire process regarding the presidential elections was anNULLed on December 6, 2024, represents a dangerous precedent for European democracy, if we take into account the statement made... ...continuare.

O tornada misterioasa a facut un crater de peste 11 kilometri

publicat 2024-11-27 11:15:24 (Mediafax)
O tornada misterioasa a facut un crater de peste 11 kilometri Craterul urias a fost descoperit in Campia NULLarbor, o zona izolata a Australiei, potrivit LiveScience. Este o portiune indepartata, uscata, fara copaci din sudul Australiei. Barbatul care a descoperit modificarea de relief a folosit imagini Google Earth... ...continuare.

Insula iubirii sezon 8, 24 iulie 2024. Doua ispite au facut show complet cu dans. Ce au spus concurentii baieti

publicat 2024-07-25 00:15:03 (Antena-1)
Insula iubirii sezon 8, 24 iulie 2024. Doua ispite au facut show complet cu dans. Ce au spus concurentii baieti Ispitele feminine au facut show total pe Insula Iubirii sezoNULL 8, 24 iuli 2024. Cum au dansat. ...continuare.

Ursula von der Leyen, reinstalled as head of the European Commission

publicat 2024-07-19 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The European Parliament, with 401 votes in favor, 284 votes against, 15 abstentions and 7 NULL votes, decided yesterday to grant Ursula von der Leyen a new mandate as President of the European Commission, despite the fact that the EU Court of Justice ruled... ...continuare.