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The third year of a presidential term brought the best performance for the S and P 500

publicat 2024-10-31 00:00:07 (Bursa)
The third year of a presidential term brought the best performance for the S and P 500 In US history, the third year of a presidential term has been the most favorable for the US stock market, which may be due to policies adopted in those years to stimulate the economy ahead of the next election, according to an analysis visualcapitalist.com, based on ...continuare.

Al treilea an al unui mandat prezidential a adus cea mai buna evolutie pentru S and P 500

publicat 2024-10-31 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Al treilea an al unui mandat prezidential a adus cea mai buna evolutie pentru S and P 500 De-a lungul istoriei Statelor Unite ale Americii, al treilea an al unui mandat prezidential a fost cel mai favorabil pentru bursa din SUA, lucru care s-ar putea datora politicilor adoptate in anii respectivi in vederea stimularii economiei inaintea urmatoarelor alegeri, conform unei analize... ...continuare.