PLAIN in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa PLAIN
Ce trebuie sa faci daca ai gripa. Medicamentele pe care nu trebuie sa le combini
publicat 2025-02-18 07:15:17 (Antena3)

Neymar, blocked by salary cap
publicat 2025-01-13 00:00:19 (Bursa)

Ce este o inmormantare de stat si cine va participa la Jimmy Carter?
publicat 2025-01-05 07:45:14 (Puterea)
Inmormantarea de stat a lui Jimmy Carter, care dureaza aproape o saptamana, a inceput oficial, dupa moartea acestuia luna trecuta, la varsta de 100 de ani, scrie BBC. Ceremoniile au inceput sambata cu o procesiune din orasul natal al sotilor Carters, ...continuare.
Jimmy Carter, al 39-lea Presedinte al SUA si castigator al Premiului Nobel pentru Pace, a murit
publicat 2024-12-30 08:15:17 (Mediafax)

Fostul presedinte al Statelor Unite, Jimmy Carter, a decedat la varsta de 100 de ani in locuinta sa din PLAINs, Georgia.
publicat 2024-12-30 01:30:25 (Puterea)

A murit fostul presedinte american Jimmy Carter la 100 de ani, cel mai longeviv presedinte din istoria SUA
publicat 2024-12-30 00:30:46 (Ziarul-Financiar)

Jimmy Carter a murit. Fostul presedinte american implinise recent 100 de ani
publicat 2024-12-29 23:45:17 (Mediafax)

Jimmy Carter a murit. Fostul presedinte al SUA avea 100 de ani
publicat 2024-12-29 23:30:17 (Libertatea)

ExPLAINer: Ce inseamna pentru business intrarea completa a Romaniei in Schengen
publicat 2024-12-13 11:45:19 (Jurnalul-National)

Laura Codruta Kovesi, the target of a criminal comPLAINt in the 'PfizerGates' scandal
publicat 2024-12-10 00:00:11 (Bursa)

The CJEU and the Pfizergate scandal: missing or deleted SMS?
publicat 2024-11-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)

Credinta lui AJ Griffin l-a facut sa renunte la NBA: "Stiu ca pare o pierdere in ochii lumii"
publicat 2024-10-01 19:00:11 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)

The Ministry of Education promotes some general regulations related to cases of sexual harassment
publicat 2024-08-12 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Sexual harassment in education has become a hot topic this summer. The Ministry of Education supports the need to promote general regulations regarding cases of sexual harassment, which apply equally to public and private educational institutions, as well as to all public institutions, proposing,...
For the protection of depositors, the Bank of Israel is closely monitoring its banking system
publicat 2024-08-09 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Bank of Israel has requested that banks present a plan to redirect deposits from current accounts to term deposits, after banks stopped paying interest on these accounts, according to the Israeli press. The letter sent by the Bank of Israel includes, according to sources, requirements for...
"Clovnul ucigas", barbatul care a ucis cel putin 33 de tineri. A ascuns cadavrele sub podeaua casei sale
publicat 2024-07-06 14:45:04 (Click)

The students were angry about the new status
publicat 2024-06-27 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Vacation does not stop students from protesting. Their comPLAINts are more and more frequent, and the dialogue with the Ministry of Education is not exactly constructive.
THE PFIZERGATE FILE Laura Codruta Kovesi, accused of obstructing the right to defense in the case of Covid 19 purchases
publicat 2024-05-14 00:30:03 (Bursa)
Laura Codruta Kovesi, chief prosecutor of the European Public Prosecutor and #39;s Office, and the EPPO are accused by the French lawyer Diane Protat in a criminal comPLAINt for preventing the exercise of the right to the defense, says the publication...
The PSD president exPLAINed, in part, the decision to give up the 'candidate' Carstoiu
publicat 2024-04-24 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Many political decisions remain unexPLAINed to the general public, which often creates real gulfs between voters and those requesting the vote.
Norway and #39;s first F-16s have arrived at Turzii PLAIN
publicat 2024-04-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The first three F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft, out of the 32 purchased from Norway, arrived on Friday at Air Base 71 at Turzii PLAIN and will join the 48th Fighter Squadron.
Philipp PLAIN, cadou de imparcare de 350.000 de euro oferit iubitei romance! Faimosul designer i-a luat un Ferarri de ziua ei
publicat 2024-03-30 11:45:19 (

The case of Rosia Montana: Accusations of stock market manipulation
publicat 2024-03-11 00:15:03 (Bursa)
* Catalin Drula, USR: 'We will file a criminal comPLAINt with the DNA for manipulating the capital market and undermining the national economy'
* Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu: 'It seems to me that maybe we don and #39;t live in the same world! What...
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