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Global Market Capitalization, Dominated by the US

publicat 2025-03-03 00:00:15 (Bursa)
Global Market Capitalization, Dominated by the US America and #39;s dominance of the global stock market is unmatched, and its share has only increased in the past two years, according to an analysis by visualcapitalist.com, which notes that the remarkable performance of the S and P 500 stock index played a role in the US and #39;s leadership... ...continuare.

The impact of Donald Trump and #39;s tariffs: who will be most affected?

publicat 2025-02-26 00:00:11 (Bursa)
The impact of Donald Trump and #39;s tariffs: who will be most affected? According to an analysis by Allianz Trade and published yesterday by the German website Finanzen100.de, Donald Trump and #39;s imPOSITION of tariffs, aimed at reducing the United States and #39; trade imbalance, could have a significant impact on emerging... ...continuare.

European banks step up mergers and acquisitions

publicat 2025-02-19 00:00:12 (Bursa)
European banks step up mergers and acquisitions The European banking sector is facing a wave of consolidation, as institutions seek to strengthen their market POSITION, expand their asset base and improve returns, Global Finance Magazine reports. ...continuare.

Nora Alexandra Anghel, MHP - a Porsche Company: Leadershipul uman, cel concentrat pe oameni, este cel mai important. Avem un program de dezvoltare a carierei personalizat pentru fiecare dintre angajati

publicat 2025-02-13 14:00:50 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Nora Alexandra Anghel, MHP - a Porsche Company: Leadershipul uman, cel concentrat pe oameni, este cel mai important. Avem un program de dezvoltare a carierei personalizat pentru fiecare dintre angajati Autor: Ramona Cornea Leadershipul care pune cel mai mult accentul pe oameni este cel mai important in aceasta perioada, este de parere Nora Alexandra Anghel, head of talent acquisition & communication, MHP - a Porsche Company. Munca de 4 zile pe saptamana este un concept foarte interesant, il... ...continuare.

Ilie Bolojan assumed his duties as interim president

publicat 2025-02-13 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Ilie Bolojan assumed his duties as interim president Ilie Bolojan, former president of the Senate, assumed his duties as interim president yesterday after the Constitutional Court took note of Klaus Iohannis and #39; resignation on Tuesday. Before becoming interim president, Ilie Bolojan suspended himself from the PNL, where he held the ...continuare.

'We are witnessing a shift towards deglobalization of the global economy'

publicat 2025-02-13 00:00:14 (Bursa)
'We are witnessing a shift towards deglobalization of the global economy' * (Interview with Georgi Georgiev, portfolio manager at Karoll Capital Management, Bulgaria) * 'The political environment, the historical burden of the communist regime, and the geographical location, close to a turbulent zone with various conflicts, are the main vulnerabilities of the Romanian... ...continuare.

Klaus Iohannis has resigned; not according to the law, but out of fear

publicat 2025-02-11 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Klaus Iohannis has resigned; not according to the law, but out of fear Klaus Iohannis is leaving Cotroceni Palace. He announced yesterday that he is resigning from the POSITION of president of the country and that the resignation will take effect tomorrow, February 12. ...continuare.

Planul de rezerva pentru Mo Salah: echipa favorita sa-i obtina semnatura, daca nu prelungeste cu Liverpool

publicat 2025-01-29 20:45:15 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Planul de rezerva pentru Mo Salah: echipa favorita sa-i obtina semnatura, daca nu prelungeste cu Liverpool Avand in vedere ca negocierile pentru prelungirea contractului dintre Liverpool si Mohamed Salah nu progreseaza, devine tot mai probabila despartirea in vara. Conform cotidianului The Telegraph, in pole-POSITION pentru a-i obtine semnatura egipteanului, in... ...continuare.

Ilie Bolojan decides to fire 178 Senate employees

publicat 2025-01-23 00:00:21 (Bursa)
Ilie Bolojan decides to fire 178 Senate employees The President of the Senate, Ilie Bolojan, announced yesterday a broad institutional reform plan that will reduce the total number of POSITIONs in the Senate from 796 to 618, involving the firing of 178 employees. ...continuare.

Elections 2025: Reduction of the voting program in the diaspora causes dissatisfaction

publicat 2025-01-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Elections 2025: Reduction of the voting program in the diaspora causes dissatisfaction The provisions of the government ordinance approved on Thursday by the Government for the organization of the presidential elections to be held on May 4 and 18 have attracted criticism from both the opPOSITION and civil society, which accuses the fact that... ...continuare.

Max Allegri, principalul candidat sa preia o echipa din Arabia Saudita » Care sunt conditiile mutarii

publicat 2025-01-12 21:45:22 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Max Allegri, principalul candidat sa preia o echipa din Arabia Saudita » Care sunt conditiile mutarii Ramas liber de contract dupa despartirea de Juventus, care a avut loc in primavara anului trecut, Max Allegri (57 de ani) se afla in pole-POSITION pentru functia de antrenor al celor de la Al-Ahli, formatie din Arabia Saudita.Meciurile etapei a 15-a din... ...continuare.

Nu Mourinho e in pole-POSITION! Se contureaza o revenire de senzatie in Premier League

publicat 2025-01-10 11:30:21 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Nu Mourinho e in pole-<span style='background:#EDF514'>POSITION</span>! Se contureaza o revenire de senzatie in Premier League David Moyes (61 de ani) este principala tinta a celor de la Everton pentru a-l succeda pe Sean Dyche. Antrenorul scotian ar reveni astfel la conducerea "caramelelor" la 12 ani dupa ce a parasit Goodison Park pentru Manchester United.Joi seara, cu numai cateva ore inaintea meciului de Cupa cu... ...continuare.

Revenire spectaculoasa pentru Jose Mourinho » Patronul care l-a dat afara il angajeaza din nou!

publicat 2025-01-09 13:30:26 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Revenire spectaculoasa pentru Jose Mourinho » Patronul care l-a dat afara il angajeaza din nou! Jose Mourinho (61 de ani), antrenorul lui Fenerbahce, este anuntat de presa engleza ca principal favorit s-o preia pe Everton. Managerul portughez fusese demis de la AS Roma de Dan Friedkin, care a devenit in vara proprietarul clubului din Liverpool."Caramele fierbinti pentru Jose", este titlul... ...continuare.

Friedrich Merz, favorit in cursa pentru functia de cancelar al Germaniei, vrea reluarea discutiilor pentru un acord de liber schimb intre UE si SUA. "Avem nevoie de o relatie pozitiva cu SUA, de care sa beneficieze atat consumatorii americani, cat si cei europeni"

publicat 2025-01-02 17:30:35 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Friedrich Merz, favorit in cursa pentru functia de cancelar al Germaniei, vrea reluarea discutiilor pentru un acord de liber schimb intre UE si SUA. Autor: Valeriu Danila Liderul conservator german Friedrich Merz, care este in pole POSITION pentru a deveni urmatorul cancelar al tarii, a declarat ca UE ar trebui sa incerce reluarea unui acord de liber schimb cu SUA odata ce Donald Trump redevine... ...continuare.

Inox Magurele enters into preventive comPOSITION procedure

publicat 2024-12-23 00:30:22 (Bursa)
Inox Magurele enters into preventive com<span style='background:#EDF514'>POSITION</span> procedure * The company did not pay the last coupon and principal of a one million euro bond issue listed on the BVB The Ilfov Court has ordered the opening of the preventive comPOSITION procedure for the company Inox Magurele, according to a report by the issuer... ...continuare.

Instability and reforms: the image of the Parliament, at the end of the 2020-2024 legislature

publicat 2024-12-19 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Instability and reforms: the image of the Parliament, at the end of the 2020-2024 legislature The Parliament established following the 2020 elections ends its four-year mandate today, a period that can be characterized as one marked by major crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the energy crisis following the war in Ukraine, political instability, essential legislative reforms, but also... ...continuare.

What dividends does Prime Transaction estimate for BVB companies next year?

publicat 2024-12-13 00:00:15 (Bursa)
What dividends does Prime Transaction estimate for BVB companies next year? * 'Surprises may arise from both larger issuers, mainly state-owned, and smaller ones, some of which have a predisPOSITION towards additional dividend distributions' * 'Given the precarious situation of public finances after the 2024 election year, the... ...continuare.

The best-performing stocks in the S and P 500 index over the past 20 years

publicat 2024-12-12 00:00:07 (Bursa)
The best-performing stocks in the S and P 500 index over the past 20 years * Nvidia, the leader in returns The American technology company Nvidia Corp. is the best-performing stock in the S and P 500 stock index, a POSITION it has maintained for the past 20 years, according to an analysis by visualcapitalist.com, which ranked the... ...continuare.

Pope, a clear POSITION in favor of women

publicat 2024-12-11 00:15:07 (Bursa)
Pope, a clear <span style='background:#EDF514'>POSITION</span> in favor of women Pope Francis and #39; public POSITIONs still manage to surprise with the themes addressed. ...continuare.

Merz, probabilul cancelar al Germaniei in 2025, vrea o alianta europeana pentru Ucraina. Noua alianta ar putea sa actioneze independent de Statele Unite in coordonarea unui plan de pace

publicat 2024-12-09 19:00:24 (Mediafax)
Merz, probabilul cancelar al Germaniei in 2025, vrea o alianta europeana pentru Ucraina. Noua alianta ar putea sa actioneze independent de Statele Unite in coordonarea unui plan de pace Merz, care se afla in pole POSITION pentru a deveni urmatorul cancelar al Germaniei inainte de alegerile federale din tara sa, programate pentru 23 februarie, a sugerat ca liderii europeni, impreuna cu Ucraina, ar avea nevoie de propria lor strategie pentru... ...continuare.

Liderul opozitiei germane, Friedrich Merz, viziteaza Ucraina

publicat 2024-12-09 13:15:25 (Money.ro)
Liderul opozitiei germane, Friedrich Merz, viziteaza Ucraina KYIV (Reuters) – Liderul opozitiei conservatoare germane, Friedrich Merz, care se afla in pole POSITION pentru a deveni urmatorul cancelar al tarii, a sosit luni la Kiev pentru a-si promite sprijinul pentru conducerea ucraineana in razboiul cu Rusia.... ...continuare.

Fondul Proprietatea shareholders approve delisting of London GDRs

publicat 2024-12-03 00:00:18 (Bursa)
Fondul Proprietatea shareholders approve delisting of London GDRs * Nicholas Paris elected as member of FP Board of Representatives * FP receives two offers for director POSITION; Franklin Templeton drops out after more than a decade at FP helm The shareholders of Fondul Proprietatea (FP) approved, in yesterday and #39;s... ...continuare.

Plastic pollution strains international relations

publicat 2024-12-03 00:00:18 (Bursa)
Plastic pollution strains international relations The fight against polluters is an extremely tough one. At the conference in Busan, South Korea, talks for a global treaty on plastic pollution entered a critical phase, marked by strong opPOSITION from oil-producing countries such as Saudi Arabia, Russia... ...continuare.

Victorie pentru Max Verstappen in Qatar. Titlul constructorilor se decide in ultima cursa

publicat 2024-12-02 03:15:13 (OnlineSport)
Victorie pentru Max Verstappen in Qatar. Titlul constructorilor se decide in ultima cursa Max Verstappen a revenit dupa ce a fost deposedat de pole POSITION pentru a obtine victoria în Marele Premiu de Formula 1 al Qatarului, pe circuitul de la Losail, în nocturna. ...continuare.

Max Verstappen a pierdut la masa verde pole-ul din Qatar. Cum arata grila de start

publicat 2024-12-01 12:30:19 (OnlineSport)
Max Verstappen a pierdut la masa verde pole-ul din Qatar. Cum arata grila de start Campionul mondial Max Verstappen a fost cel mai rapid în calificarile din Qatar (1:20.520), dar din pole POSITION va pleca un alt pilot. ...continuare.

Daniel Fenechiu: Ilie Bolojan, in pole-POSITION pentru conducerea PNL

publicat 2024-11-25 12:00:18 (Jurnalul-National)
Daniel Fenechiu: Ilie Bolojan, in pole-<span style='background:#EDF514'>POSITION</span> pentru conducerea PNL Ilie Bolojan are sansele cele mai mari sa preia conducerea PNL, spune liderul senatorilor liberali, Daniel Fenechiu. El precizeaza ca un congres al partidului ar putea avea loc la inceputul anului viitor, dupa eventuala demisie a lui Ciuca, aflat pe locul al cincilea in primul tur al alegerilor. ...continuare.

Cine ar putea prelua conducerea PNL daca Nicolae Ciuca isi anunta demisia? Daniel Fenechiu: Ilie Bolojan, in pole-POSITION pentru conducerea PNL

publicat 2024-11-25 11:45:32 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Cine ar putea prelua conducerea PNL daca Nicolae Ciuca isi anunta demisia? Daniel Fenechiu: Ilie Bolojan, in pole-<span style='background:#EDF514'>POSITION</span> pentru conducerea PNL Autor: Cosmin Pirv Ilie Bolojan are sansele cele mai mari sa preia conducerea PNL, spune liderul senatorilor liberali, Daniel Fenechiu. El precizeaza ca un congres al partidului ar putea avea loc la inceputul anului viitor, dupa eventuala demisie a lui Ciuca, aflat pe locul al cincilea in primul... ...continuare.

Daniel Fenechiu: Ilie Bolojan, in pole-POSITION pentru conducerea PNL

publicat 2024-11-25 11:30:31 (Mediafax)
Daniel Fenechiu: Ilie Bolojan, in pole-<span style='background:#EDF514'>POSITION</span> pentru conducerea PNL Ilie Bolojan are sansele cele mai mari sa preia conducerea PNL, spune liderul senatorilor liberali, Daniel Fenechiu. El precizeaza ca un congres al partidului ar putea avea loc la inceputul anului viitor, dupa eventuala demisie a lui Ciuca, aflat pe locul al cincilea in primul tur al alegerilor. ...continuare.

The referendum called by Nicusor Dan has passed the first validation threshold

publicat 2024-11-25 00:15:19 (Bursa)
The referendum called by Nicusor Dan has passed the first validation threshold The citizens with the right to vote in Bucharest yesterday expressed, in addition to the option for the POSITION of President of Romania, those regarding the questions in the referendum organized by the General City Hall of the Capital, a referendum that... ...continuare.

Max Verstappen s-a incoronat campion mondial in Las Vegas. O cursa castigata de George Russell cu plecare din pole POSITION

publicat 2024-11-24 11:45:22 (OnlineSport)
Max Verstappen s-a incoronat campion mondial in Las Vegas. O cursa castigata de George Russell cu plecare din pole <span style='background:#EDF514'>POSITION</span> Britanicul George Russell a câstigat Grand Prix-ul de Formula 1 din Las Vegas, cursa pe care a abordat-o din pole POSITION si care i-a adus matematic al patrulea titlu mondial consecutiv lui Max Verstappen, pilot clasat pe locul 5 în aceasta... ...continuare.