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Ultimele cautari

PRESIDENT in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa PRESIDENT

The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Bucharest: The election is set to take place on 28 June

publicat 2024-06-21 16:45:02 (Bursa)
The embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Bucharest, pursuant to Article 131 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, would like to announce that the PRESIDENTial election of the Islamic Republic of Iran will be held following the demise of... ...continuare.

Klaus Iohannis has withdrawn his candidacy for the NATO leadership

publicat 2024-06-20 17:15:09 (Mediafax)
Klaus Iohannis has withdrawn his candidacy for the NATO leadership The decisions were made during a meeting of the CSAT, where PRESIDENT Klaus Iohannis asked the members to decide on supporting Mark Rutte's candidacy for the post of NATO Secretary General. ...continuare.

Tension is rising globally: NATO threatens Russia and China with its nuclear arsenal

publicat 2024-06-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Statements over the past two years by Russian PRESIDENT Vladimir Putin regarding the use of the nuclear arsenal as the last weapon to defend the territory of the Russian Federation found their counterpart in yesterday and #39;s statement by Jens... ...continuare.

Big crowding at the USR presidency

publicat 2024-06-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The resignation of Catalin Drula from the leadership of the USR after the disastrous result recorded in the elections of June 9 and the start of the internal process for the election of the new PRESIDENT of that political formation, revealed the fact that... ...continuare.

CONFERINTA "DIGITALIZARE SI SIGURANTA CIBERNETICA" Tudor Cosaceanu, UiPath: 'Nivelul digitalizarii a crescut foarte mult in sectorul public'

publicat 2024-06-17 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* 'Este esential sa implementam cat mai multi asistenti virtuali, care sa faca lucrurile ce ne depasesc ca volum sau complexitate' Nivelul digitalizarii a crescut foarte mult in sectorul public, dar inca mai exista ministere care nu utilizeaza solutii automatizate, a afirmat Tudor Cosaceanu,... ...continuare.

Marcel Ciolacu: 'The PRESIDENTial elections will be organized in September, as decided in the coalition'

publicat 2024-06-17 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The PRESIDENTial elections will be organized in September, as established four months ago by the governing coalition, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, the PSD PRESIDENT, said at Sambata de Sus, Friday, who rejected any... ...continuare.

Agentia de marketing si comunicare Mullen lanseaza in piata un index care masoara relatia dintre brand si consumator

publicat 2024-06-12 15:15:36 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Agentia de marketing si comunicare Mullen lanseaza in piata un index care masoara relatia dintre brand si consumator Hortensia Nastase, Vice-PRESIDENT Creative Services, Lowe Group Agentia de marketing si comunicare Mullen, parte a Lowe Group, a lansat Indexul Mpatiei, un instrument ce analizeaza perceptia consumatorului roman asupra brandurilor, atribuindu-le diverse... ...continuare.

Electoral earthquake: Drula resigns from the head of the USR

publicat 2024-06-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The results of Sunday and #39;s elections left deep traces both among the losers and among the winners, if we take into account the latest moves on the Romanian political scene. After the USR candidates lost the renewal of the mayoral mandate in Brasov and Bucharest - Sector 1 and Sector 2,... ...continuare.

Negotiations for the center coalition necessary to reinstate Ursula von der Leyen

publicat 2024-06-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Ursula von der Leyen has a good chance of getting the 361 votes needed in the European Parliament, to renew her mandate as PRESIDENT of the European Commission, if the European People and #39;s Party will not conclude any agreement, any alliance with the... ...continuare.

Christine Lagarde, PRESIDENT of the ECB: 'We will be very attentive to all the figures related to wages, services, productivity and profit'

publicat 2024-06-10 03:00:57 (Bursa)
The European Central Bank (ECB) will follow the services sector very closely for the next monetary policy decisions, warned the PRESIDENT of the institution, Christine Lagarde, in an interview granted, on Friday, to the French channel BFM Business, part of... ...continuare.

Ukraine exported a record amount of sugar in May

publicat 2024-06-05 00:00:02 (Bursa)
In May, Ukraine set a new record for the amount of sugar exported in a single month, 108,000 tons, of which 65% went to the EU and 35% to other countries, the acting PRESIDENT of The National Association of Sugar Producers of Ukraine (Ukrsugar), Yana... ...continuare.

Claudia Buch, ECB: 'We are ready to force banks to counter climate risks'

publicat 2024-06-05 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Eurozone banks are making progress in countering climate-related risks, but more needs to be done, and the European Central Bank is ready to force lenders to act if necessary, Claudia Buch, the new PRESIDENT of the Supervisory Board of the European Union,... ...continuare.

Strict limits for Ukraine on the use of American weapons on the territory of Russia

publicat 2024-06-04 00:00:02 (Bursa)
PRESIDENT Joe Biden and #39;s decision to allow Ukrainian forces to use American weapons in the border areas with the Russian Federation, except for the use of ATACMS - long-range missiles, is only a facility given to Ukraine to strengthen its defense... ...continuare.

Romanii de la Trans Sped l-au numit pe Tiberius Popa in functia de CEO al companiei

publicat 2024-06-03 10:00:10 (Money.ro)
Romanii de la Trans Sped l-au numit pe Tiberius Popa in functia de CEO al companiei Popa aduce cu el o bogata experienta in implementarea de mari proiecte de IT si telecomunicatii, avand un parcurs profesional  in functii de conducere la companii de top precum Ooredoo Group Qatar, Vodafone, Deutsche Telekom, Orange si UPC. De asemenea, noul CEO al Trans Sped este absolvent... ...continuare.

Trump raised record campaign donations after the guilty verdict

publicat 2024-06-03 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* On Friday, they were approaching 35 million dollars Donald Trump and #39;s campaign for the US PRESIDENTial election announced on Friday that, in a single day, the amounts donated after a jury in New York on Thursday found the Republican guilty in his... ...continuare.

The PRESIDENT of the Academy paid tribute to a great revolutionary

publicat 2024-05-30 00:15:02 (Bursa)
The PRESIDENT of the Romanian Academy, Ioan-Aurel Pop, spoke about the personality of a great revolutionary during the scientific session 'Bicentenary of the birth of Avram Iancu - Hero, contemporaries, era', event dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the... ...continuare.

Effervescence of candidates in the local and European parliamentary elections

publicat 2024-05-29 00:30:03 (Bursa)
The local and European parliamentary elections on June 9 constituted a new opportunity for more than 200,000 citizens to submit their candidacy for the position of mayor, local councilor, county councilor, PRESIDENT of the county council or deputy in the... ...continuare.

Marius Pandel: 'AnimaWings vrea sa aduca o alternativa, nu concurenta, in sectorul aviatiei'

publicat 2024-05-29 00:30:03 (Bursa)
* 'Anima este proiectul nostru de suflet, bazat pe calitatea serviciilor si pe satisfactia pasagerilor', spune Marius Pandel, PRESIDENT of the Board in cadrul companiei * Dan Andrei, Flight Operations Director: 'Fiecare leu cheltuit trebuie sa se regaseasca... ...continuare.

The Romanian Academy of Scientists has a new PRESIDENT

publicat 2024-05-28 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The first half of this year was marked by elections, of all kinds. ...continuare.

19 mai: 30 de ani de la moartea fostei prime-doamne a SUA Jacqueline Kennedy, sotia presedintelui John F. Kennedy VIDEO

publicat 2024-05-19 00:15:02 (Adevarul)
19 mai: 30 de ani de la moartea fostei prime-doamne a SUA Jacqueline Kennedy, sotia presedintelui John F. Kennedy VIDEO Pe 19 mai 1535, exploratorul francez Jacques Cartier se intorcea in America de Nord. In 1962 Marilyn Monroe canta celebrul "Happy Birthday, Mr PRESIDENT" in onoarea lui John F. Kennedy, iar la exact 32 de ani distanta murea Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. ...continuare.

Iohannis and #39; candidacy for the headship of NATO failed in Washington

publicat 2024-05-09 10:15:03 (Bursa)
Klaus Iohannis was woken up to reality by American PRESIDENT Joe Biden, who did not give him any sign of US support for the candidacy for the position of NATO Secretary General, rather he would have asked him to think about supporting Ukraine by ceding one... ...continuare.

Aurel Cazacu: 'The American side is the mastermind of this operation to donate some Patriot systems to Ukraine'

publicat 2024-05-09 10:15:03 (Bursa)
Military expert Aurel Cazacu believes that PRESIDENT Klaus Iohannis and #39; statement regarding a possible donation of a Patriot system to Ukraine should be seen as an operation launched by the American side and not by our country. ...continuare.

Klaus Iohannis, awarded in the USA

publicat 2024-05-08 00:00:03 (Bursa)
PRESIDENT Klaus Iohannis is in the USA, where he is to be handed over tomorrow, May 9, around 2:00 a.m. - Romanian time, the Distinguished International Leadership Award for 2024, at the Atlantic Council gala. ...continuare.

Air transport services of 8.5 million lei for the Presidency

publicat 2024-05-08 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The PRESIDENTial Administration organized a public procurement, a procedure following which four companies won a four-year framework agreement for air passenger transport services in the country and abroad, the maximum value of the contract being 8.5... ...continuare.

Seful Pentagonului a discutat cu ministrul roman al Apararii. Ce rol ar putea juca Romania in livrarea noilor arme americane catre Ucraina

publicat 2024-04-25 14:30:09 (Mediafax)
Seful Pentagonului a discutat cu ministrul roman al Apararii. Ce rol ar putea juca Romania in livrarea noilor arme americane catre Ucraina Pachetul PRESIDENTial Drawdown Authority (PDA) are o valoare estimata la 1 miliard de dolari si include capacitati pentru a sprijini cele mai urgente cerinte ale Ucrainei, inclusiv interceptori de aparare aeriana, proiectile de artilerie, vehicule blindate... ...continuare.

The PSD PRESIDENT explained, in part, the decision to give up the 'candidate' Carstoiu

publicat 2024-04-24 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Many political decisions remain unexplained to the general public, which often creates real gulfs between voters and those requesting the vote. ...continuare.

Klaus Iohannis signs documents related to defense in South Korea

publicat 2024-04-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
PRESIDENT Klaus Iohannis is, once again, on an official visit abroad. ...continuare.

Loans - the financial bomb from the EU budget

publicat 2024-04-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
*EU loans will exceed EUR 1000 billion in the coming years *Of the total loans, EUR 80 billion have been allocated to support Ukraine *The risks for Ukraine and #39;s financing are extremely high according to Ambroise Fayolle, the vice-PRESIDENT of the EIB... ...continuare.

Paris Olympics: The Olympic flame will be lit today

publicat 2024-04-16 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The Olympic flame will be lit today at the ancient site of Olympia in Greece in the presence of IOC PRESIDENT Thomas Bach, almost 100 days before the opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics, before a vast journey that will take it from Acropolis in Paris. ...continuare.