PRISON in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa PRISON
Pope Francis calls for freedom for journalists
publicat 2025-01-28 00:00:24 (Bursa)
Pope Francis has made a firm appeal for the release of all journalists 'unjustly imPRISONed' and for the protection of press freedom, considered essential for a free society. Although the speech was prepared in advance and distributed to participants, the...
Sosoaca does not succeed in disguising his anti-Semitism
publicat 2024-05-16 00:00:03 (Bursa)
A terrible scandal caused Senator Diana Sosoaca at the joint session of the Parliament on Tuesday, dedicated to the Day of Solidarity and Friendship between Romania and Israel (May 14 is the National Day of Israel), who claimed from the podium that the National Day of Honoring the Martyrs should...
Trump, amenintat din nou cu "incarcerarea" si amendat cu 1.000 de dolari de Merchan in procesul penal de la New York
publicat 2024-05-06 20:00:09 (
Judecatorul Juan Merchan l-a amendat din nou cu 1.000 de dolari "pentru ca a incalcat ordinul facand comentarii publice despre juriu modul in care a fost selectat", se arata intr-o hotararea scrisa.Merchan l-a avertizat pe Trump ca viitoare incalcari sunt "pasibile de...
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