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QUALITY in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa QUALITY

A partnership of two companies will create the new Integrated Air QUALITY Plan in the Capital

publicat 2025-03-21 13:00:31 (Mediafax)
A partnership of two companies will create the new Integrated Air <span style='background:#EDF514'>QUALITY</span> Plan in the Capital MediafaxA partnership formed by two companies will create the new Integrated Air QUALITY Plan (PICA), announced Mayor General Nicusor Dan on Friday.Articolul A partnership of two companies will create the new Integrated Air ...continuare.

Pagina verde. Cat de poluata este Romania: ne aflam in top zece in Europa, umar la umar cu Turcia. Spania si Franta sunt la polul opus

publicat 2025-03-19 17:31:02 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Pagina verde. Cat de poluata este Romania: ne aflam in top zece in Europa, umar la umar cu Turcia. Spania si Franta sunt la polul opus Romania este, ca nivel al poluarii cu PM 2,5 adica particule fine care odata ajunse in sistemul respirator nu mai pot fi eliminate, a sasea tara din Europa, la egalitate cu Turcia, arata datele din raportul 2024 World Air QUALITY Report, realizat de... ...continuare.

Domeniile Ostrov reports 10% revenue growth in 2024

publicat 2025-02-27 14:15:36 (Bursa)
Domeniile Ostrov reports 10% revenue growth in 2024 Domeniile Ostrov registered a significant sales increase of ovear 10% in 2024 compared to the previous year, according to a press release. This performance was supported by continuous investments in wine QUALITY, state-of-the-art technology, and the... ...continuare.

Examin, start-up romanesc specializat in automatizari si analize video bazate pe inteligenta artificiala, atrage o finantare pre-seed de 200.000 de euro. "Fondurile vor fi utilizate pentru dezvoltarea unui produs compatibil cu cerintele pietei"

publicat 2025-01-23 12:30:41 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Examin, start-up romanesc specializat in automatizari si analize video bazate pe inteligenta artificiala, atrage o finantare pre-seed de 200.000 de euro. stanga - Andrei Moga, cofondator si CTO al Examin; dreapta - Cosmin Pertz, cofondator si CEO al Examin. Examin, un start-up romanesc specializat in automatizarea si analiza video cu ajutorul inteligentei artificiale, a atras o finantare pre-seed de 200.000 de euro de la un investitor privat, au... ...continuare.

2024 Olympics: Poor QUALITY of medals, stain on the image of the organizers

publicat 2025-01-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
2024 Olympics: Poor <span style='background:#EDF514'>QUALITY</span> of medals, stain on the image of the organizers The degradation of the medals offered at last year and #39;s Olympics represents an image problem for absolutely everyone involved in this mega-sports competition. ...continuare.

Radu Budeanu, patronul CanCan si Gandul, a cumparat Mediafax: "Sunt fericit ca portofoliul nostru se va extinde cu acest prestigios brand"

publicat 2025-01-10 19:30:01 (Adevarul)
Radu Budeanu, patronul CanCan si Gandul, a cumparat Mediafax: Brandul Mediafax, infiintat de Adrian Sarbu in 1991, a fost cumparata de Titluri QUALITY, anunta vineri, 10 ianuarie, agentia de stiri. ...continuare.

Patronul Gandul, Cancan si Pro Sport, Radu Budeanu, a cumparat agentia Mediafax, infiintata de Adrian Sarbu dupa Revolutie

publicat 2025-01-10 19:15:25 (Libertatea)
Patronul Gandul, Cancan si Pro Sport, Radu Budeanu, a cumparat agentia Mediafax, infiintata de Adrian Sarbu dupa Revolutie Compania Titluri QUALITY Srl, detinuta de Radu Budeanu, a achizitionat pe 8 ianuarie 2025 brandul Mediafax impreuna cu produsele media asociate, incluzand site-ul, agentia foto si fluxul de stiri, potrivit comunicatului de presa, in care nu este specificata... ...continuare.

Titluri QUALITY cumpara brandul Mediafax

publicat 2025-01-10 14:45:35 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Titluri <span style='background:#EDF514'>QUALITY</span> cumpara brandul Mediafax Titluri QUALITY a achizitionat de la Mediamex Investment brandul Mediafax si produsele media purtand acest nume: site-ul, agentia foto si fluxul de stiri. Tranzactia a fost agreata pe 8 ianuarie 2025. Titluri QUALITY... ...continuare.

Titluri QUALITY cumpara brandul Mediafax

publicat 2025-01-10 13:30:25 (Mediafax)
Titluri <span style='background:#EDF514'>QUALITY</span> cumpara brandul Mediafax Tranzactia a fost agreata pe 8 ianuarie 2025. ...continuare.

Zalando: Romanian consumers want a personalized and innovative shopping experience

publicat 2024-11-14 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Zalando: Romanian consumers want a personalized and innovative shopping experience *Product selection, QUALITY and brands are key factors in choosing online fashion stores Romanian consumers are increasingly looking for a richer, more personalized and innovative online shopping experience when buying fashion items, shoes and accessories,... ...continuare.

Kamala Harris or Donald Trump - who will lead the US in the next four years?

publicat 2024-11-05 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Kamala Harris or Donald Trump - who will lead the US in the next four years? *More than 239 million American citizens choose their president today *Voting for the president is exercised indirectly, through the representatives (electors) of each American state *Polls conducted in recent days show eQUALITY between the two candidates... ...continuare.

Calitatea este un criteriu care primeaza atunci cand alegi obiectele sanitare pentru baie - GQS German QUALITY explica de ce

publicat 2024-10-02 11:15:08 (Antena3)
Calitatea este un criteriu care primeaza atunci cand alegi obiectele sanitare pentru baie - GQS German <span style='background:#EDF514'>QUALITY</span> explica de ce In 2024, consumatorii se confrunta cu o piata suprasaturata de optiuni, unde nu doar diversitatea produselor atrage atentia, ci si gama larga de preturi si promisiuni de performanta. De la obiecte sanitare... ...continuare.

Cosmin Catanas, QUALITY Assurance Manager, Ecolab: Cea mai mare provocare pentru noi este resursa umana. In Victoria, unde avem fabrica, sunt 3000-4000 de locuitori si noi avem peste 300 de angajati

publicat 2024-09-23 15:00:20 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Cosmin Catanas, <span style='background:#EDF514'>QUALITY</span> Assurance Manager, Ecolab: Cea mai mare provocare pentru noi este resursa umana. In Victoria, unde avem fabrica, sunt 3000-4000 de locuitori si noi avem peste 300 de angajati Autor: Roxana Rosu Fabrica Ecolab din Victoria, judetul Brasov, produce rasini schimbatoare de ioni, care se folosesc in multe industrii, precum cea nucleara, alimentara, de epurare si farma, productia mergand integral la export, la companii globale, a declarat Cosmin Catanas, ...continuare.

Adrian Negru, Raiffeisen Asset Management: 'Long-term, recurring investments in QUALITY companies are the secret of success'

publicat 2024-09-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Adrian Negru, Raiffeisen Asset Management: 'Long-term, recurring investments in <span style='background:#EDF514'>QUALITY</span> companies are the secret of success' * 'The reaction of the stock markets is not necessarily correlated in the short term with the fundamentals of the companies' * 'I think we will have bigger performance discrepancies between sectors and companies' ...continuare.

Locul misterios din Romania care are o plaja cu nisip fin si o apa limpede. Cazarile sunt cu mult mai ieftine fata de litoralul Marii Negre: "E pace si multa liniste"

publicat 2024-08-01 18:00:04 (Click)
Locul misterios din Romania care are o plaja cu nisip fin si o apa limpede. Cazarile sunt cu mult mai ieftine fata de litoralul Marii Negre: Turistii merg in Sulina si se bucura de frumusetea micului orasel aflat intre Dunare si mare, precum si de spectacolul naturii de pe canalele deltei. Sulina este un loc incarcat de istorie, fiind cel mai estic oras din Uniunea Europeana. Totodata, plaja Sulina a primit premiul ...continuare.

The Oradea State Philharmonic will perform in unconventional spaces

publicat 2024-07-24 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The QUALITY artistic act can also take place outside the established areas. ...continuare.

Trust in institutions, stronger in developing countries than in developed ones

publicat 2024-07-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Edelman Trust Institute: Globally, trust in institutions has increased by one percentage point - from 55% last year to 56% in 2024 In today and #39;s world, factors such as polarization, misinformation, scandals, economic instability and ineQUALITY have... ...continuare.

Samsung suspenda livrarile noilor casti Galaxy Buds 3 Pro din cauza unor probleme de QUALITY control

publicat 2024-07-19 16:30:06 (Go4IT)
Samsung suspenda livrarile noilor casti Galaxy Buds 3 Pro din cauza unor probleme de <span style='background:#EDF514'>QUALITY</span> control Samsung suspenda livrarile pentru Galaxy Buds 3 Pro din cauza unor probleme de QUALITY control. Mai multi utilizatori au raportat probleme de calitate. In urma plangerilor facute de clientii care si-au primit deja dispozitivele, Samsung […]Articolul... ...continuare.

Anti-Semitism exploded

publicat 2024-07-17 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* (Episode 2) * The planet does not have enough Jews In its annual economic ineQUALITY reports, Oxfam reported that the richest 1% of the global population own more wealth than the remaining 99% combined. ...continuare.

(P) Descopera si Comanda Smartwatch iQUALITY | Vezi ce modele iti recomandam in 2024

publicat 2024-07-08 16:15:11 (ProTV)
(P) Descopera si Comanda Smartwatch i<span style='background:#EDF514'>QUALITY</span> | Vezi ce modele iti recomandam in 2024 Cauti un smartwatch care sa-ti permita monitorizarea sanatatii, primirea notificarilor, apelarea si personalizarea stilului? ...continuare.

For American investors in our country, the major problem is the lack of fiscal predictability

publicat 2024-07-03 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The lack of fiscal predictability is an acute problem for American investors in our country, the representatives of the American Chamber of Commerce in Romania (AmCham) stated yesterday, during the press conference in which they presented the sixth edition of the Barometer on the ...continuare.

Climate change affects the QUALITY of life of dogs and cats

publicat 2024-07-01 03:15:03 (Bursa)
Climate change affects the lives of all living things on the planet. These do not bypass pet dogs and cats, who are now faced year-round with fleas and ticks, parasites that feed on blood and can transmit potentially fatal diseases. ...continuare.

Erste raises the price target for the MedLife share to 6.06 lei, 17% above yesterday and #39;s market quote

publicat 2024-06-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Analysts changed the recommendation from 'Hold' to 'Accumulate', for the shares of the healthcare provider * 'Romania has promising growth, both in terms of GDP and purchasing power, and QUALITY healthcare is still far from ubiquitous,' the Erste report... ...continuare.

Descopera si comanda noile smartwatch iQUALITY cu o curea cadou + livrare gratuita + 15% Reducere

publicat 2024-06-04 16:30:03 (Antena3)
Descopera si comanda noile smartwatch i<span style='background:#EDF514'>QUALITY</span> cu o curea cadou + livrare gratuita + 15% Reducere Te-ai intrebat vreodata daca un ceas inteligent poate cu adevarat sa-ti schimbe stilul de viata? Acum este momentul sa afli raspunsul! Cu ceasurile smartwatch inovatoare de la iQUALITY, aveti oportunitatea de a experimenta tehnologia de varf combinata cu un... ...continuare.

Luna europeana a diversitatii, sarbatorita la Ambasada Greciei prin promovarea independentei economice a femeilor

publicat 2024-05-31 15:30:03 (Bursa)
Peste 130 de femei si barbati, cu pozitii cheie in diferite industrii, s-au reunit la Ambasada Greciei la Bucuresti pentru a dezbate solutii prin care Romania poate depasi penultimul loc la egalitate de gen in UE, potrivit celui mai recent raport al European Institute for Gender E...continuare.

Ceasuri Smartwatch si Casti Bluetooth iQUALITY | Vezi Oferta de Paste 2024

publicat 2024-04-24 15:30:07 (Libertatea)
iQUALITY aduce oferte inegalabile de Paste. La iQUALITYStore.ro gasesti: ceasuri smartwatch si casti Bluetooth pline de inovatie. Avem o gama variata pentru ceas smartwatch barbati si ceas smartwatch femei. Fiecare... ...continuare.

The pay gap between women and men is almost non-existent in Luxembourg

publicat 2024-04-15 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Several countries among the 38 members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have made significant progress in reducing income ineQUALITY between men and women. ...continuare.

Lansarea EUROPAfest 2024 la Palatul Elisabeta. It's all about live QUALITY music !

publicat 2024-04-10 19:00:12 (Jurnalul-National)
Lansarea EUROPAfest 2024 la Palatul Elisabeta. It's all about live <span style='background:#EDF514'>QUALITY</span> music ! Caracterizat prin autenticitate, diversitate si tinuta, EUROPAfest face parte din elita festivalurilor europene, contribuind cu fiecare editie la promovarea unei imagini pozitive a Romaniei in intreaga lume. ...continuare.

'School differently', violence has gotten out of control

publicat 2024-04-05 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Violence among minors is becoming a problem that authorities are finding increasingly difficult to control. School is no longer a safe place, and conflicts (some imported from outside, others exported to the streets) seriously affect the QUALITY of education. ...continuare.