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RATED in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa RATED

A partnership of two companies will create the new IntegRATED Air Quality Plan in the Capital

publicat 2025-03-21 13:00:31 (Mediafax)
A partnership of two companies will create the new Integ<span style='background:#EDF514'>RATED</span> Air Quality Plan in the Capital MediafaxA partnership formed by two companies will create the new IntegRATED Air Quality Plan (PICA), announced Mayor General Nicusor Dan on Friday.Articolul A partnership of two companies will create the new Integ...continuare.

Europe spends, US dictates: ReArmEU becomes Enrich USA?

publicat 2025-03-17 00:00:13 (Bursa)
Europe spends, US dictates: ReArmEU becomes Enrich USA? Europe is in an acceleRATED rearmament race, but the direction of this massive investment raises uncomfortable questions. Instead of strengthening the European Union and #39;s defense industry, the European Commission and #39;s ambitious plan seems to... ...continuare.

176 ultra-rich with a total wealth of over $400 billion have emigRATED since 2020

publicat 2025-03-14 00:00:17 (Bursa)
176 ultra-rich with a total wealth of over $400 billion have emig<span style='background:#EDF514'>RATED</span> since 2020 * China, Switzerland and the US have received the most rich people in the last decade * Eastern Europe has recorded the largest outflow of billionaires ...continuare.

Romania and #39;s eCommerce Market to Surpass euro8 Billion in 2025

publicat 2025-03-13 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Romania and #39;s eCommerce Market to Surpass euro8 Billion in 2025 The value of the Romanian eCommerce market will exceed euro8 billion in 2025, after reaching euro7.7 billion in 2024, according to a specialized report. According to the second edition of the 'eCommerce Insights 2025' study, conducted by MerchantPro, the local eCommerce market has demonst...continuare.

Under the patronage of Calin Georgescu, the sovereignist candidates - sepaRATED, but together

publicat 2025-03-13 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Under the patronage of Calin Georgescu, the sovereignist candidates - sepa<span style='background:#EDF514'>RATED</span>, but together After the rejection of Calin Georgescu and #39;s candidacy by the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) and the confirmation of this decision by the Constitutional Court, the leaders of the far-right parties in Romania, George Simion (AUR) and Anamaria Gavrila (POT), decided to submit their own... ...continuare.

Hagi, almost in tears after receiving the highest distinction of the Romanian state

publicat 2025-03-12 13:00:30 (Mediafax)
Hagi, almost in tears after receiving the highest distinction of the Romanian state MediafaxOn Wednesday, Gheorghe Hagi was decoRATED by the interim president of Romania, Ilie Bolojan, with the highest distinction of the state, the Star of Romania in the rank of Knight. He received the distinction with emotion.Articolul Hagi, almost in... ...continuare.

Gheorghe Piperea, ECR MEP: 'Nancy Faeser is re-introducing STASI to Germany'

publicat 2025-03-07 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Gheorghe Piperea, ECR MEP: 'Nancy Faeser is re-introducing STASI to Germany' The 'Counseling Compass for Conspiracy Thinking' program, recently launched by Nancy Faeser, Germany and #39;s Interior Minister, and set to become operational on 28 February 2025, is nothing more than a plan to re-educate the population or reinstate the STASI - the former political police of the... ...continuare.

BYD vinde actiuni pentru a obtine 5,2 miliarde de dolari

publicat 2025-03-04 15:00:32 (Income-Magazine)
BYD vinde actiuni pentru a obtine 5,2 miliarde de dolari BYD, producatorul chinez de vehicule electrice (EV), a lansat luni o operatiune de vanzare a actiunilor sale listate la Bursa de la Hong Kong, sperand sa obtina 5,2 miliarde de dolari printr-o oferta de tip ”acceleRATED book-building”, conform... ...continuare.

BYD vizeaza 5,2 miliarde de dolari prin vanzarea de actiuni

publicat 2025-03-03 18:45:26 (Bursa)
BYD vizeaza 5,2 miliarde de dolari prin vanzarea de actiuni Producatorul chinez de vehicule electrice (EV) BYD a demarat luni o operatiune de vanzare a actiunilor sale listate la Bursa din Hong Kong, vizand atragerea a 5,2 miliarde de dolari printr-o oferta de tip 'acceleRATED book-building' ...continuare.

Marius Gubernat, Salrom: Am depus catre Comisia Europeana doua proiecte in valoare totala de 450 mil. euro pentru explorarea si exploatarea grafitului in judetul Gorj

publicat 2025-02-28 16:15:50 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Marius Gubernat, Salrom: Am depus catre Comisia Europeana doua proiecte in valoare totala de 450 mil. euro pentru explorarea si exploatarea grafitului in judetul Gorj Autor: Eduard Ivanovici Invitat la editia din 2025 a ZF Power Summit, Marius Gubernat, director, IntegRATED Management Department, Salrom, a declarat ca societatea a depus doua proiecte in valoare totala de aproape 450 de milioane de euro catre Comisia... ...continuare.

HP a lansat Poly Studio V12 Video Bar si Poly Lens Pro la ISE 2025

publicat 2025-02-28 11:15:29 (Go4IT)
HP a lansat Poly Studio V12 Video Bar si Poly Lens Pro la ISE 2025 In cadrul evenimentului ISE 2025 (IntegRATED Systems Europe), desfasurat in aceasta perioada in Barcelona, HP a anuntat noi solutii de colaborare audio/video, inclusiv Poly Studio V12 Video Bar, impreuna cu servicii complete de management si... ...continuare.

Solutia Kaspersky pentru consumatori primeste premiul AV-Comparatives Top-RATED Product

publicat 2025-02-25 16:30:21 (Bursa)
Solutia Kaspersky pentru consumatori primeste premiul AV-Comparatives Top-<span style='background:#EDF514'>RATED</span> Product Kaspersky Standard, solutia principala din portofoliul Kaspersky Consumer, a fost distinsa cu premiul anual 'Top-RATED Product' acordat de AV-Comparatives pentru performantele remarcabile obtinute in testele dedicate produselor pentru utilizatori... ...continuare.

Tanczos Barna: We must be prepared to participate in the reconstruction of Ukraine

publicat 2025-02-21 00:00:13 (Bursa)
Tanczos Barna: We must be prepared to participate in the reconstruction of Ukraine * 'Fidelis government bonds represent a first step for many investors towards the capital market' * 'Our interest is that the external exposure is as low as possible, and that the income geneRATED from these bond issues is as profitable as possible for... ...continuare.

Investors are ignoring Trump and #39;s measures for now, buying stocks

publicat 2025-02-18 00:00:25 (Bursa)
Investors are ignoring Trump and #39;s measures for now, buying stocks When US President Donald Trump was inauguRATED and announced that he would impose new tariffs on imports from US geopolitical allies and rivals, the initial reaction of the stock market was cautious, but the mood of investors has changed as the... ...continuare.

Dollar dynamics under the terms of American presidents

publicat 2025-02-17 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Dollar dynamics under the terms of American presidents Since Republican Donald Trump was inauguRATED as US President in January 2025, the US dollar has been very sensitive to the US administration and #39;s announcements regarding tariffs, given its role in global trade and confidence in the economy. ...continuare.

US inflation - above expectations

publicat 2025-02-13 00:00:14 (Bursa)
US inflation - above expectations US inflation acceleRATED in January 2025, for the fourth month in a row, reaching 3% at an annual rate, while analysts expected a slowdown, AFP reports. ...continuare.

Marina SUA a testat cu succes distrugerea unei drone cu laserul HELIOS

publicat 2025-02-06 13:30:03 (Adevarul)
Marina SUA a testat cu succes distrugerea unei drone cu laserul HELIOS Marina SUA a testat cu succes sistemul laser HELIOS (High-Energy Laser with IntegRATED Optical Dazzler and Surveillance) pe una dintre navele sale de razboi, potrivit unui raport lansat recent, relateaza NavyTimes. ...continuare.

Samsung a anuntat noua generatie de display-uri cu AI si consum de energie aproape 0

publicat 2025-02-05 15:46:25 (Go4IT)
Samsung a anuntat noua generatie de display-uri cu AI si consum de energie aproape 0 Samsung a adus la IntegRATED Systems Europe (ISE) 2025 o serie de inovatii menite sa transforme piata display-urilor comerciale. Printre acestea, se numara noua tehnologie Color E-Paper, care promite un consum energetic aproape nul, dar […]Articolul... ...continuare.

Marina SUA a publicat o noua imagine cu "arma SF". HELIOS poate distruge fizic o tinta prin energia unidirectionata sau o poate "orbi"

publicat 2025-02-03 15:45:28 (Mediafax)
Marina SUA a publicat o noua imagine cu Laserul de inalta energie cu sistem optic si de supraveghere integrat (HELIOS - High Energy Laser with IntegRATED Optical-dazzler and Surveillance) reprezinta un mijloc de atac impotriva ambarcatiunilor de mici dimensiuni si a dronelor, cu costuri minime. ...continuare.

Debt, deficit, political instability: Fitch revises Romania and #39;s outlook to negative

publicat 2025-02-03 00:00:09 (Bursa)
Debt, deficit, political instability: Fitch revises Romania and #39;s outlook to negative The second half of 2024 represented a critical turning point for Romania and #39;s economy and political stability. In an attempt to counter the ever-expanding budget deficit and ensure macroeconomic balance, the government implemented a series of measures that, instead of stabilizing public... ...continuare.

Advanced monitoring for wind and photovoltaics at PPC Romania

publicat 2025-01-30 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Advanced monitoring for wind and photovoltaics at PPC Romania PPC Renewables Romania, the company that deals with the production of energy from renewable sources within the PPC Group, inauguRATED yesterday a control room through which it monitors and manages all the company and #39;s local renewable energy production... ...continuare.

Budget Disaster and Political Instability in Romania

publicat 2025-01-27 00:00:19 (Bursa)
Budget Disaster and Political Instability in Romania The last financial quarter of last year was a time of intense complexity for the Romanian economy, in which political and economic forces faced significant challenges geneRATED by the general elections, the tense geopolitical context and an extremely... ...continuare.

De la antreprenor local la sef global: Vladimir Sterescu, romanul care va conduce 8.000 de angajati ai CGS pe trei continente

publicat 2025-01-15 10:45:47 (Ziarul-Financiar)
De la antreprenor local la sef global: Vladimir Sterescu, romanul care va conduce 8.000 de angajati ai CGS pe trei continente Antreprenorul roman Vladimir Sterescu a fost numit presedinte al diviziei globale de outsourcing a Computer GeneRATED Solutions (CGS), devenind unul dintre putinii antreprenori IT din Romania care, dupa ce si-au vandut businessul catre o corporatie, au... ...continuare.

Primul roman la varful companiei Americane CGS Vladimir Sterescu devine presedinte al diviziei globale de outsourcing

publicat 2025-01-15 10:15:19 (Bursa)
Primul roman la varful companiei Americane CGS Vladimir Sterescu devine presedinte al diviziei globale de outsourcing Computer GeneRATED Solutions (CGS), lider global in servicii de outsourcing, aplicatii software si solutii de invatare bazate pe AR/VR, anunta numirea lui Vladimir Sterescu in pozitia de Presedinte al Diviziei Globale de Outsourcing. Acesta devine primul... ...continuare.

Students criticize the government program

publicat 2025-01-14 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Students criticize the government program Students entered 2025 with a sharper critical spirit than the one manifested in the recent period. The National Alliance of Student Organizations of Romania (ANOSR) criticizes the Government Program for the period 2024-2028, adopted by the Romanian Government, stating 'with disappointment' that... ...continuare.

Groundbreaking Archaeological Discoveries in Turkiye in 2024

publicat 2025-01-13 11:15:15 (Bursa)
Groundbreaking Archaeological Discoveries in Turkiye in 2024 Turkiye, which has recently made a splash in archaeological circles worldwide with groundbreaking discoveries, continues to unveil significant findings through year-round excavations, revealing traces of life from thousands of years ago. The number of archaeological studies in the country, which... ...continuare.

Pollution, a Complicated Problem for Large Urban Agglomerations

publicat 2025-01-09 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Pollution, a Complicated Problem for Large Urban Agglomerations Big city living has some advantages, but also many disadvantages. Extreme pollution is among the disadvantages. Vietnam and #39;s capital, Hanoi, shrouded in a thick layer of smog in recent weeks, is at the top of the world and #39;s most polluted cities, a context in which the government says it... ...continuare.

Tanczos Barna: 'The first version of the state budget will be ready by January 27'

publicat 2025-01-09 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Tanczos Barna: 'The first version of the state budget will be ready by January 27' The Minister of Finance, Tanczos Barna, stated yesterday in an interview with Kossuth Radio, quoted by the Maszol publication, that the Ciolacu government will finalize the first version of the state budget by January 27, without resorting to tax increases, and reite...continuare.

Simone Biles nu stie inca daca va concura si la JO din 2028. "Poate as da dovada de lacomie"

publicat 2025-01-04 09:00:22 (ProTV)
Simone Biles nu stie inca daca va concura si la JO din 2028. Gimnasta americana Simone Biles a afirmat, într-un interviu recent pentru Sports IllustRATED, ca nu a decis înca daca îsi va continua cariera pentru a evolua si la Jocurile Olimpice de la Los Angeles, din 2028. ...continuare.