Cele mai recente stiri

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RUSSIAN in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa RUSSIAN

Sending European forces to Ukraine, the priority of the Franco-British agenda

publicat 2025-03-28 00:00:24 (Bursa)
Sending European forces to Ukraine, the priority of the Franco-British agenda Although only a few European nations want to participate, France and Britain will continue to outline plans for the deployment of European troops to Ukraine as guarantees for the RUSSIAN Federation and #39;s compliance with a peace agreement, French... ...continuare.

Geopolitics and soap operas, Turkish films deepen Russia and #39;s demographic crisis

publicat 2025-03-27 00:00:19 (Bursa)
Geopolitics and soap operas, Turkish films deepen Russia and #39;s demographic crisis The RUSSIAN Veterans and #39; Organization has called on RUSSIAN authorities to ban Turkish soap operas, arguing that they create an idealized image of men, which affects ...continuare.

Sergey Lavrov: 'Without the guarantees demanded by Russia, Ukraine and #39;s maritime trade remains blocked'

publicat 2025-03-26 00:00:48 (Bursa)
Sergey Lavrov: 'Without the guarantees demanded by Russia, Ukraine and #39;s maritime trade remains blocked' RUSSIAN representatives asked their American counterparts during negotiations held in Riyadh on Monday for clear guarantees so that the Kremlin authorities would allow the resumption of commercial traffic in the Black Sea to and from Ukraine, Sergey Lavrov,... ...continuare.

RUSSIAN Finance Ministry wants to step up privatization

publicat 2025-03-19 00:00:15 (Bursa)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>RUSSIAN</span> Finance Ministry wants to step up privatization The RUSSIAN Finance Ministry considers it appropriate to discuss the possibility of large-scale privatizations again, the relevant minister, Anton Siluanov, said yesterday at a meeting of the Board of Directors of Rosimushchestvo, the federal agency for the... ...continuare.

The Trump Effect: Europe arms itself and continues to support Ukraine

publicat 2025-03-07 00:00:14 (Bursa)
The Trump Effect: Europe arms itself and continues to support Ukraine After debates lasting almost six hours, European leaders agreed yesterday at European Council that EU member states urgently need rearmament to increase their defence and security capacities and capabilities in the face of the current challenges posed by the ...continuare.

Russia no longer has a seat on UEFA Executive Committee

publicat 2025-02-26 00:00:10 (Bursa)
Russia no longer has a seat on UEFA Executive Committee Russia will no longer have a representative on the UEFA Executive Committee after the April 3 elections in Belgrade, the Serbian capital. Aleksandr Dyukov, the president of the RUSSIAN Football Federation and chief executive of Gazprom Neft, is not on the... ...continuare.

Veniturile marilor proprietari imobiliari din Rusia au crescut semnificativ in 2024

publicat 2025-02-25 13:30:37 (Puterea)
Veniturile marilor proprietari imobiliari din Rusia au crescut semnificativ in 2024 Forbes a publicat recent clasamentul anual „Kings of RUSSIAN Real Estate 2025”, evidentiind cresterea considerabila a veniturilor din chirii pentru cei mai mari proprietari de proprietati comerciale din Rusia. In fruntea listei marilor... ...continuare.

Iulian Fota: 'The RUSSIANs are being brought out of diplomatic isolation and are re-entering the game of the great powers'

publicat 2025-02-19 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Iulian Fota: 'The <span style='background:#EDF514'>RUSSIAN</span>s are being brought out of diplomatic isolation and are re-entering the game of the great powers' Political analyst Iulian Fota, former presidential advisor and former secretary of state in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, claims that following yesterday and #39;s negotiations in Riyadh, the ones who won are the RUSSIANs, regardless of whether the... ...continuare.

Trump and Putin negotiate Ukraine and #39;s future: What and #39;s next?

publicat 2025-02-19 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Trump and Putin negotiate Ukraine and #39;s future: What and #39;s next? At first glance, the US-RUSSIAN negotiations that took place yesterday in Riyadh seem to resemble those of the Wild West. Donald Trump, posing as the new sheriff of the world, wants to reach an agreement with the international criminal (if we take into... ...continuare.

The fate of Ukraine, discussed in Paris and Riyadh; What European leaders established

publicat 2025-02-18 00:00:25 (Bursa)
The fate of Ukraine, discussed in Paris and Riyadh; What European leaders established The great powers are currently negotiating the fate of the conflict between the RUSSIAN Federation and Ukraine, negotiations to which officials from Bucharest were not invited to participate, although Foreign Minister Emil Hurezeanu claims that we will... ...continuare.

DIICOT: RUSSIAN hybrid threat exploded in 2024

publicat 2025-02-13 00:00:14 (Bursa)
DIICOT: <span style='background:#EDF514'>RUSSIAN</span> hybrid threat exploded in 2024 The number of hybrid attacks from the RUSSIAN Federation on our country increased in 2024, according to the activity report for last year of the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) posted on the website of the public... ...continuare.

Kommersant: Intense activity at the Moscow Stock Exchange hides an economic failure

publicat 2025-02-06 00:30:24 (Bursa)
Kommersant: Intense activity at the Moscow Stock Exchange hides an economic failure The RUSSIAN capital market is currently relying on the launch of IPOs of state-owned companies, a development model that is not sustainable for the Moscow Stock Exchange, according to a comprehensive analysis published by the Kommersant daily under the... ...continuare.

Successful entrepreneurs in Russia - puppets of the Kremlin

publicat 2025-01-28 00:00:24 (Bursa)
Successful entrepreneurs in Russia - puppets of the Kremlin The success of some RUSSIAN brands is due to the connection that the heads of the respective companies have with Vladimir Putin, claims Andrei Kolesnikov in an article published in the RUSSIAN publication Kommersant,... ...continuare.

Bank of Russia proposes to increase transparency of companies going public

publicat 2025-01-27 00:00:19 (Bursa)
Bank of Russia proposes to increase transparency of companies going public The Bank of Russia proposes to increase transparency of public stock offerings, and to make this possible, it is necessary to change the content of information disclosed by issuers and adapt it to the needs of retail investors, whose role has increased on the ...continuare.

RUSSIAN drone attack at the border: MApN has deployed two F-16 aircraft to monitor the situation

publicat 2025-01-17 13:15:32 (Mediafax)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>RUSSIAN</span> drone attack at the border: MApN has deployed two F-16 aircraft to monitor the situation "The RUSSIAN forces resumed their drone strikes on civilian targets and port infrastructure in Ukraine on the morning of January 17, near the border with Romania, in Tulcea County. The monitoring and surveillance systems of the Ministry of National Defense... ...continuare.

Calin Georgescu, a RUSSIAN Push; The Evidence

publicat 2024-12-17 00:00:15 (Bursa)
Calin Georgescu, a <span style='background:#EDF514'>RUSSIAN</span> Push; The Evidence The RUSSIAN influence on our political choices has yet to be proven, as the Romanian special services fumble with laughable details - did Calin Georgescu talk to Horatiu Potra at the horse stable, or did he just drink tea in the adjacent room? ...continuare.

Federatia Rusa a vrut sa construiasca 108 avioane, dar a reusit doar 7

publicat 2024-12-14 17:00:16 (Libertatea)
Federatia Rusa a vrut sa construiasca 108 avioane, dar a reusit doar 7 Dupa ce a inceput invazia pe scara larga a Ucrainei, in februarie 2022, Rusia planuia sa construiasca 108 avioane de pasageri, dar, pana in prezent a finalizat doar sapte. De asemenea, au fost realizate si doua prototipuri, care sunt folosite pentru testare, relateaza BBC ...continuare.

RUSSIAN Railways ar putea reduce cheltuielile cu 40% in 2025 din cauza dobanzilor ridicate

publicat 2024-12-06 10:00:17 (Bursa)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>RUSSIAN</span> Railways ar putea reduce cheltuielile cu 40% in 2025 din cauza dobanzilor ridicate RUSSIAN Railways ar putea reduce cheltuielile cu aproximativ 40% in 2025, comparativ cu 2024, din cauza dobanzilor ridicate, a anuntat directorul financiar al companiei. ...continuare.

How Romania Becomes Part of Russia

publicat 2024-12-04 00:00:12 (Bursa)
How Romania Becomes Part of Russia Romania will soon be part of Russia, posted on the internet Aleksandr Dugin, the well-known RUSSIAN ideologue with fascist overtones, close to Vladimir Putin, probably thinking that he was helping his friend, Calin Georgescu, to become president of Romania... ...continuare.

Ukraine conflict: new intervention options considered by NATO and European leaders

publicat 2024-11-27 00:30:23 (Bursa)
Ukraine conflict: new intervention options considered by NATO and European leaders As the conflict in Ukraine continues to escalate, NATO and its European allies are considering new and more ambitious options to support Kiev. According to sources cited by Le Monde and other French and American publications, sensitive discussions have resumed in recent days on the possibility of... ...continuare.

The rise of Calin Georgescu, under the microscope of the international press: criticism from the West, support from the RUSSIAN Federation

publicat 2024-11-26 00:00:09 (Bursa)
The rise of Calin Georgescu, under the microscope of the international press: criticism from the West, support from the <span style='background:#EDF514'>RUSSIAN</span> Federation The unexpected result of the first round of the presidential elections in Romania captured the attention of the international press and generated a series of critical reactions from the Western press and benevolent ones from the Kremlin-served press, which analyzed in detail the evolution of... ...continuare.

Majoritatea rusilor isi doresc incetarea imediata a razboiului si peste jumatate dintre ei cer inceperea negocierilor de pace | Sondaj

publicat 2024-11-23 16:45:18 (Libertatea)
Majoritatea rusilor isi doresc incetarea imediata a razboiului si peste jumatate dintre ei cer inceperea negocierilor de pace | Sondaj Un sondaj recent realizat de grupul de cercetare RUSSIAN Field arata o schimbare semnificativa in atitudinea rusilor fata de razboiul din Ucraina. Potrivit Meduza, 53% dintre respondenti sustin inceperea negocierilor de pace, in timp ce 36% doresc... ...continuare.

Sondaj rusesc: 79% dintre rusi sunt in favoarea unui acord de pace cu Ucraina - maximul absolut de la inceputul razboiului

publicat 2024-11-23 11:45:14 (ProTV)
Sondaj rusesc: 79% dintre rusi sunt in favoarea unui acord de pace cu Ucraina - maximul absolut de la inceputul razboiului Numarul rusilor în favoarea negocierilor de pace sau a unui acord de pace imediat cu Ucraina a atins cel mai înalt nivel de la începutul razboiului pe scara larga, potrivit unui sondaj realizat de grupul de cercetare RUSSIAN Field. ...continuare.

RUSSIAN WARSHIP, GO F* *K yourself" nu poate fi inregistrat ca marca UE">Ucraina a pierdut. Semnul figurativ constand din sintagma "RUSSIAN WARSHIP, GO F* *K yourself" nu poate fi inregistrat ca marca UE

publicat 2024-11-22 23:00:14 (Puterea)
Ucraina a pierdut. Semnul figurativ constand din sintagma RUSSIAN WARSHIP, GO F* *K yourself" nu poate fi inregistrat ca marca UE"> Administratia Serviciului de Stat de Graniceri al Ucrainei a contestat o decizie a Oficiului Uniunii Europene pentru Proprietate Intelectuala (EUIPO), care a refuzat inregistrarea unui semn figurativ ca marca UE. Sloganul in cauza, pentru care se cerea inregistrarea ca marca protejata in UE,... ...continuare.

The electoral campaign, agitated by the 'RUSSIAN agent' case

publicat 2024-11-14 00:00:14 (Bursa)
The electoral campaign, agitated by the '<span style='background:#EDF514'>RUSSIAN</span> agent' case The 'RUSSIAN agent' case has seriously stirred up the waters in the local electoral campaign. George Simion, a candidate in the presidential elections, fell into the middle. ...continuare.

UE nu permite Ucrainei sa emita un timbru ofensator la adresa Rusiei

publicat 2024-11-13 20:45:15 (Money.ro)
UE nu permite Ucrainei sa emita un timbru ofensator la adresa Rusiei BRUXELLES/KYIV (Reuters) – UE nu permite Politiei de frontiera din Ucraina sa inregistreze o marca in Uniunea Europeana pentru insulta sa din timpul razboiului “RUSSIAN warship, go fuck yourself!”, deoarece este un slogan politic, a... ...continuare.

Escalating tension in the Black Sea: Russia threatens NATO with measures against non-littoral ships

publicat 2024-11-13 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Escalating tension in the Black Sea: Russia threatens NATO with measures against non-littoral ships Although the Western media and certain experts have suggested that Ukraine, with the support of Western weaponry, has significantly undermined the capabilities of the Black Sea Fleet, Nikolai Patrushev, president of the Maritime College of the RUSSIAN... ...continuare.

Brutarii din Germania au schimbat afacerea painii in Rusia prin inovatii si retete noi. Ingredientele ,,RUSSIAN Twig Cookies"

publicat 2024-11-09 19:15:25 (Libertatea)
Brutarii din Germania au schimbat afacerea painii in Rusia prin inovatii si retete noi. Ingredientele ,,<span style='background:#EDF514'>RUSSIAN</span> Twig Cookies Competitia este intotdeauna benefica pentru consumator. Datorita concurentei sanatoase, acum aproape 200 de ani, moscovitii au beneficiat de brutarii curate si ordonate, cu paine mereu proaspata, relateaza The Moscow Time. Competitia intre brutari in Moscova a adus beneficii consumatorilor,... ...continuare.

The FBI, at the center of fake news related to the initiation of investigations into election fraud

publicat 2024-11-06 00:00:17 (Bursa)
The FBI, at the center of fake news related to the initiation of investigations into election fraud FBI officials warned yesterday that several videos, which they attribute to a RUSSIAN propaganda operation, contain false information, in which they say that the institution has opened several investigations into fraud in the US presidential election, NBC... ...continuare.

Prime Transaction: How can the US election influence the capital markets?

publicat 2024-11-05 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Prime Transaction: How can the US election influence the capital markets? * 'Trump is expected to push again for tax and interest cuts, but he may also take actions that will damage financial markets' * 'The risk of a defeat of Ukraine and a possible RUSSIAN attack on another European country is greater with Donald Trump in... ...continuare.