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SHARP in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa SHARP

Alarming Study: U.S. Bird Populations in Dramatic Decline

publicat 2025-03-17 00:00:13 (Bursa)
Alarming Study: U.S. Bird Populations in Dramatic Decline A new report on bird populations in the United States reports an alarming decline, with 112 species at a 'tipping point' due to habitat loss and climate change. Of those, 42 species are experiencing SHARP declines, raising alarm bells in the scientific... ...continuare.

Slam dunk monstruos in NBA. E considerat cosul anului (VIDEO)

publicat 2025-02-27 20:30:28 (OnlineSport)
Slam dunk monstruos in NBA. E considerat cosul anului (VIDEO) În meciul dintre Portland Trail Blazers si Washington Wizards, disputat miercuri noapte în NBA, Shaedon SHARPe a avut o performanta remarcabila, înregistrând un record personal de 36 de puncte si contribuind decisiv la victoria... ...continuare.

European carmakers and #39; shares plunge on Trump tariffs

publicat 2025-02-04 00:00:25 (Bursa)
European carmakers and #39; shares plunge on Trump tariffs The shares of Europe and #39;s biggest carmakers fell SHARPly yesterday in response to US President Donald Trump and #39;s announcement on Saturday that he would impose new tariffs on imports from China, Mexico and Canada. ...continuare.

Students criticize the government program

publicat 2025-01-14 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Students criticize the government program Students entered 2025 with a SHARPer critical spirit than the one manifested in the recent period. The National Alliance of Student Organizations of Romania (ANOSR) criticizes the Government Program for the period 2024-2028, adopted by the Romanian... ...continuare.

Coffee and cocoa beans - the commodities with the biggest gains in 2024

publicat 2025-01-09 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Coffee and cocoa beans - the commodities with the biggest gains in 2024 Coffee and cocoa bean futures prices have seen some of the biggest increases among commodities in 2024, fueled by a SHARP drop in supply and escalating global trade tensions. ...continuare.

Veste soc pentru locuitorii unui cartier: Toata strada lor a fost scoasa la vanzare, cu tot cu case. Unii stau acolo de 25 de ani

publicat 2024-11-07 11:15:18 (Antena3)
Veste soc pentru locuitorii unui cartier: Toata strada lor a fost scoasa la vanzare, cu tot cu case. Unii stau acolo de 25 de ani Locuitorii unui cartier din Marea Britanie au fost socati sa afle ca intreaga lor strada, cu 24 de case, va fi scoasa la licitatie.Dock Road din SHARPness, Gloucestershire, va fi scoasa la licitatie saptam?... ...continuare.

Veste soc pentru locuitorii unui cartier: Toata strada lor a fost scoasa la vanzare, cu tot cu case. Unii stau acolo de 25 de ani

publicat 2024-11-07 11:15:18 (Antena3)
Veste soc pentru locuitorii unui cartier: Toata strada lor a fost scoasa la vanzare, cu tot cu case. Unii stau acolo de 25 de ani Locuitorii unui cartier din Marea Britanie au fost socati sa afle ca intreaga lor strada, cu 24 de case, va fi scoasa la licitatie.Dock Road din SHARPness, Gloucestershire, va fi scoasa la licitatie saptam?... ...continuare.

Black Friday 2024 la Kaufland: Top 3 televizoare Smart cu discount-uri irezistibile

publicat 2024-11-06 09:45:24 (Go4IT)
Kaufland vine cu trei oferte tentante de Black Friday 2024 la televizoarele Smart SHARP si KIVI, in perioada 6-12 noiembrie. Cu preturi atractive si dotari de ultima generatie, aceste modele de televizoare va ofera posibilitatea […]Articolul Black... ...continuare.

Black Friday 2024 la Lidl: Televizor SHARP Android TV si robot de aspirare Silvercrest cu reduceri atractive

publicat 2024-10-31 11:00:10 (Go4IT)
Black Friday 2024 la Lidl: Televizor <span style='background:#EDF514'>SHARP</span> Android TV si robot de aspirare Silvercrest cu reduceri atractive Black Friday 2024 aduce la Lidl doua oferte pentru cumparatorii in cautare de tehnologie la preturi de neratat. In prim-plan se afla un televizor Full HD Android TV marca SHARP si un robot de aspirare […]Articolul Black Friday 2024 la Lidl: Televizor... ...continuare.

Banks on Wall Street warn: The performance of American shares will fall SHARPly

publicat 2024-10-29 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Banks on Wall Street warn: The performance of American shares will fall <span style='background:#EDF514'>SHARP</span>ly * JPMorgan: 'Equity valuations are moving back toward the mean over time, which should translate into lower returns in the coming years' * Goldman Sachs: 'The golden decade of US stock market returns is over' * Ed Yardeni: 'US stocks are poised for a strong boom, thanks to increased productivity' ...continuare.

#SHARPclassics 2024 - concertele in care artistii renunta la frac

publicat 2024-09-18 23:30:20 (Ziarul-Financiar)
#<span style='background:#EDF514'>SHARP</span>classics 2024 - concertele in care artistii renunta la frac #SHARPclassics este seria spectacolelor ce imbina muzica clasica, jazz-ul si sunetele electronice, intr-un mix captivant de traditie si inovatie. Evenimentele vor avea loc intre 23 si 28 septembrie in spatii neconventionale din Bucuresti, precum Combinatul... ...continuare.

#SHARPclassics 2024 - concertele in care artistii renunta la frac

publicat 2024-09-18 17:00:09 (Mediafax)
#<span style='background:#EDF514'>SHARP</span>classics 2024 - concertele in care artistii renunta la frac Sub initiativa pianistului Daniel Ciobanu, nu mai putin de 22 de artisti romani si internationali vor oferi publicului o serie de concerte care transforma spatiile urbane in scene vibrante. De la reinterpretarile indraznete ale muzicii lui Beethoven, la combinatii inedite de jazz mediteranean si... ...continuare.

#SHARPclassics 2024 - concertele in care artistii renunta la frac

publicat 2024-09-11 16:00:09 (Jurnalul-National)
#<span style='background:#EDF514'>SHARP</span>classics 2024 - concertele in care artistii renunta la frac #SHARPclassics este seria spectacolelor ce imbina muzica clasica, jazz-ul si sunetele electronice, intr-un mix captivant de traditie si inovatie. Evenimentele vor avea loc intre 23 si 28 septembrie in spatii neconventionale din Bucuresti, precum Combinatul... ...continuare.

The end of the pandemic, researched by scientists

publicat 2024-08-30 00:30:02 (Bursa)
The end of the pandemic, researched by scientists Recent research published in The European Physical Journal B offers an interesting explanation for the SHARP decline in deaths from Covid-19 in the United States between August 2022 and March 2023. Although vaccines have played a crucial role in fighting... ...continuare.

Index gains ahead of Q2 reports

publicat 2024-08-12 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Fidelis bonds worth 2.1 billion lei were listed on the BVB in July * Dividends of almost 1.9 billion lei from OMV Petrom The indices of the Main Market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) had slight increases in July, before the SHARP fall at the... ...continuare.

Tech IPOs fell SHARPly after 2021 and #39;s record high

publicat 2024-06-27 00:00:02 (Bursa)
US tech giants have enjoyed a wave of success in the US stock market, driving much of the rise in the S and P 500 index since the outbreak of the pandemic (in 2020) to date. Five of the companies currently referred to as the 'Magnificent Seven' (Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Alphabet, Nvidia, Meta... ...continuare.

The US and China dominate the art auction market

publicat 2024-04-17 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* In the United States, 23% of the profile transactions were made, with revenues of 5.2 billion dollars * In France, the number of works sold by more than one million dollars increased SHARPly * Modern art generated 40% of the total revenues from auctions... ...continuare.

The residential market, in decline

publicat 2024-03-29 00:00:11 (Bursa)
*Contractors in the building materials industry face a SHARP decline in residential construction orders * Activity in the residential sector in January 2024 was 53.6% lower than in January 2023, and the trend continues for the first quarter of the current year ...continuare.

Prefera Foods: 'We have the ability to pay on time the obligations related to the securities listed on the BVB'

publicat 2024-03-07 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* 'We do not have information that could significantly affect the market price of the bonds that have not been made public' * The company and #39;s bond price fell SHARPly on high volumes ...continuare.