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SHIPS in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa SHIPS

Emma Raducanu confirma participarea la Indian Wells, dupa experienta neplacuta de la Dubai

publicat 2025-02-27 20:00:28 (Bursa)
Emma Raducanu confirma participarea la Indian Wells, dupa experienta neplacuta de la Dubai Emma Raducanu va evolua la turneul WTA de la Indian Wells, in ciuda incidentului de hartuire trait recent la Dubai Tennis ChampionSHIPS, ...continuare.

Emma Raducanu, dupa ce a fost tinta comportamentului obsesiv al unui barbat din public: "Voi fi bine"

publicat 2025-02-20 12:30:52 (ProTV)
Emma Raducanu, dupa ce a fost tinta comportamentului obsesiv al unui barbat din public: Emma Raducanu spune ca va fi bine dupa o „experienta dificila” în care a fost vizata de un barbat care „a avut un comportament obsesiv” la Dubai Tennis ChampionSHIPS. ...continuare.

Sabalenka da vina pe lipsa de concentrare pentru eliminarea de la Dubai ChampionSHIPS

publicat 2025-02-20 12:30:31 (Mediafax)
Sabalenka da vina pe lipsa de concentrare pentru eliminarea de la Dubai Champion<span style='background:#EDF514'>SHIPS</span> De trei ori campioana de Grand Slam, Sabalenka si-a inceput sezonul cu un titlu la Brisbane, dar a avut probleme de forma dupa ce nu a reusit sa castige a treia victorie consecutiva la Australian Open luna trecuta. ...continuare.

European funds: project for the training and development of professional skills

publicat 2025-01-23 00:00:21 (Bursa)
European funds: project for the training and development of professional skills The Valahia University of Targoviste announces the implementation of a project with European funds for the training and development of professional skills required on the labor market, with students being able to participate in workplace learning programs through intern...continuare.

The Renaissance of Organic Communities

publicat 2024-12-17 00:00:15 (Bursa)
The Renaissance of Organic Communities The Renaissance of organic communities refers to a return to the traditional structures of human communities, which are naturally organized without artificial constraints imposed by modern economic, ideological, or technological systems. This idea involves rebuilding social and economic... ...continuare.

Escalating tension in the Black Sea: Russia threatens NATO with measures against non-littoral SHIPS

publicat 2024-11-13 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Escalating tension in the Black Sea: Russia threatens NATO with measures against non-littoral <span style='background:#EDF514'>SHIPS</span> Although the Western media and certain experts have suggested that Ukraine, with the support of Western weaponry, has significantly undermined the capabilities of the Black Sea Fleet, Nikolai Patrushev, president of the Maritime College of the Russian Federation, claims, in an interview published... ...continuare.

Orsova Naval Shipyard - increasing profit and decreasing revenues, in the first nine months of the year

publicat 2024-11-12 00:00:24 (Bursa)
Orsova Naval Shipyard - increasing profit and decreasing revenues, in the first nine months of the year * The company concluded, last week, two contracts worth 8.6 million euros, for the delivery of two SHIPS in the Netherlands The Orsova Naval Shipyard (SNO) reported, for the first nine months of the year, a profit of 5.6 million lei, with 41.2% more than at... ...continuare.

Orsova Naval Shipyard concluded two contracts of 8.6 million euros, for the delivery of two SHIPS in the Netherlands

publicat 2024-11-06 00:00:17 (Bursa)
Orsova Naval Shipyard concluded two contracts of 8.6 million euros, for the delivery of two <span style='background:#EDF514'>SHIPS</span> in the Netherlands * This year the company concluded four more contracts, for the construction of four SHIPS worth 14 million euros The Orsova Shipyard (SNO) concluded two contracts for the construction and delivery of two river vessels to the Dutch company Rensen-Driessen... ...continuare.

Student scholarSHIPS increased

publicat 2024-10-29 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Student scholar<span style='background:#EDF514'>SHIPS</span> increased The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, announces that she has approved the new order regarding student scholarSHIPS. According to the minister: 'Bigger scholarSHIPS for students! I have approved the new ministerial... ...continuare.

CITR: The Covid 19 pandemic - one of the causes of Damen Mangalia and #39;s insolvency

publicat 2024-09-19 00:00:03 (Bursa)
CITR: The Covid 19 pandemic - one of the causes of Damen Mangalia and #39;s insolvency *The representatives of the receiver claim that the construction site can remain operational, and in a few years to register a profit *Florin Constantin, CITR Senior Partner: 'The company is considering the possibility of contracting new projects for the construction of offshore structures'... ...continuare.

ScholarSHIPS for student athletes will not be affected by the changes to the Framework Methodology

publicat 2024-08-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Scholar<span style='background:#EDF514'>SHIPS</span> for student athletes will not be affected by the changes to the Framework Methodology The changes made to the Framework Methodology for awarding school scholarSHIPS, valid in the 2024-2025 school year, do not affect the sports students who are potential beneficiaries thereof, the Ministry of Education said. ...continuare.

Orsova Naval Shipyard concluded a contract of 4.05 million euros, for the delivery of a ship in the Netherlands

publicat 2024-07-29 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* This year the company concluded three more contracts, for the construction of three SHIPS worth ten million euros ...continuare.

Tommy Paul il invinge pe Lorenzo Musetti si castiga turneul de tenis Queen's Club ChampionSHIPS

publicat 2024-06-23 20:00:08 (Mediafax)
Tommy Paul il invinge pe Lorenzo Musetti si castiga turneul de tenis Queen's Club Champion<span style='background:#EDF514'>SHIPS</span> Al treilea titlu din cariera al jucatorului in varsta de 27 de ani il va duce deasupra lui Taylor Fritz in clasamentul ATP, devenind cel mai bine clasat american la simplu masculin. ...continuare.

Andy Murray se impune la Queen's in cel de-al 1.000-lea meci la profesionisti

publicat 2024-06-18 23:45:07 (Jurnalul-National)
Andy Murray se impune la Queen's in cel de-al 1.000-lea meci la profesionisti Fostul numar unu mondial Andy Murray a sarbatorit marti cel de-al 1.000-lea meci de simplu la nivel de circuit, cu o victorie in fata lui Alexei Popyrin cu 6-3, 3-6, 6-3. Britanicul s-a calificat in turul al doilea la Queen's Club ChampionSHIPS. ...continuare.

Adidas, Nike and Coca-Cola, the brands associated by consumers with Euro 2024

publicat 2024-06-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* In reality, only Adidas and Coca-Cola are official sponsors of the competition, the Nike brand never being associated with UEFA UEFA Euro 2024 is one of the most watched football competitions in the world, so it and #39;s no surprise that famous brands are giving significant sums, through... ...continuare.

ZF: Flip.ro, care vinde telefoane reconditionate, a investit intr-o scoala proprie de tehnicieni

publicat 2024-06-05 18:45:08 (Mediafax)
ZF: Flip.ro, care vinde telefoane reconditionate, a investit intr-o scoala proprie de tehnicieni "Pentru ca zona aceasta de e­ducatie sufera, am in­vestit in­clu­siv intr-o scoala proprie de teh­nicieni. Acesta este tot un ele­ment de inovatie pentru ca ii tre­cem prin tot ce inseamna repa­ra­tia unui telefon, sudura la micro­scop, dezasamblare si asamblare a unor componente", a spus... ...continuare.

Ce inseamna mesajul SOS si cand a fost folosit prima oara

publicat 2024-05-21 21:45:07 (Jurnalul-National)
Ce inseamna mesajul SOS si cand a fost folosit prima oara Multe persoane cred, in mod eronat, ca mesajul SOS provine de la Save Our Souls (Salvati-ne sufletele) sau Save Our SHIPS (Salvati-ne navele). ...continuare.

CNCD makes recommendations related to the granting of scholarSHIPS

publicat 2024-04-04 00:00:03 (Bursa)
School grants have become a real headache for the authorities. The National Council for Combating Discrimination recommended to the Ministry of Education not to make any distinction in awarding scholarSHIPS between students from the private, respectively... ...continuare.

Interviu: Actorul George Lungoci, vocea comandantului de nava Andrei Teodorescu din World of WarSHIPS

publicat 2024-04-01 15:15:21 (Go4IT)
Interviu: Actorul George Lungoci, vocea comandantului de nava Andrei Teodorescu din World of War<span style='background:#EDF514'>SHIPS</span> Cel mai recent update pentru World of WarSHIPS introduce primul comandant de nava roman din joc, Andrei Teodorescu, a carui voce este interpretata de actorul George Lungoci. In varsta de 55 de ani, actorul nascut […]Articolul Interviu: Actorul George... ...continuare.

Primul capitan roman urca la bordul World of WarSHIPS in versiunea din martie

publicat 2024-03-21 18:30:07 (Income-Magazine)
Primul capitan roman urca la bordul World of War<span style='background:#EDF514'>SHIPS</span> in versiunea din martie Wargaming, dezvoltator si editor al jocului de lupte navale de renume mondial, World of WarSHIPS, livreaza in Early Access colectia mult-asteptata de crucisatoare Commonwealth. Linia de nave nou-nouta este acompaniata de un Event Pass nou cu doua linii de... ...continuare.

Jocul World of WarSHIPS primeste primul comandant de nava roman

publicat 2024-03-15 10:00:10 (Go4IT)
Jocul World of War<span style='background:#EDF514'>SHIPS</span> primeste primul comandant de nava roman Wargaming, dezvoltatorul si publisher-ul jocului de lupte navale World of WarSHIPS, livreaza in Early Access colectia mult-asteptata de crucisatoare Commonwealth. Linia nou-nouta de nave este acompaniata de un Event Pass nou, cu doua cai de... ...continuare.

Ciolacu buries Dancila and #39;s corvettes: the Naval Forces remain without battleSHIPS

publicat 2024-03-15 00:00:02 (Bursa)
In yesterday and #39;s meeting, the Ciolacu government repealed HG 48/2018 regarding the multifunctional corvette program through which the Romanian Naval Forces should have been endowed with four marine corvettes and through which the maintenance of the two frigates of the navy and #39;s... ...continuare.

Romania va intalni Spania in finala mica a Rugby Europe ChampionSHIPS

publicat 2024-03-03 20:15:07 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Romania va intalni Spania in finala mica a Rugby Europe Champion<span style='background:#EDF514'>SHIPS</span> "Stejarii" si "Los Leones" se vor intalni pentru bronz, pe 17 martie, de la ora 19:15, la Paris pe stadionul Jean Bouin. Anul trecut, Romania a invins Spania cu 31-25 si s-a clasat pe pozitia a treia.Spania a fost invinsa, duminica, de Portugalia cu 33-30 (13-20) in semifinalele Rugby Europe... ...continuare.