Cele mai recente stiri

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THIR in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa THIR

EPPO Report: We are in THIRd place in the top of fraud of European money

publicat 2025-03-04 00:00:07 (Bursa)
EPPO Report: We are in <span style='background:#EDF514'>THIR</span>d place in the top of fraud of European money *The European Public Prosecutor and #39;s Office opened 251 of the 380 active investigations in our country last year *The total estimated damage in the 251 cases is 2.3 billion euros, out of a total damage of 13.07 billion euros at the EU level regarding the investigations opened in 2024 *Most... ...continuare.

Survey: One-THIRd of Central Banks Postponing Launch of Digital Currencies

publicat 2025-02-13 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Survey: One-<span style='background:#EDF514'>THIR</span>d of Central Banks Postponing Launch of Digital Currencies Nearly a THIRd of central banks have postponed plans to launch digital versions of their currencies, according to a study published this week by Reuters. ...continuare.

Inspirat de Silent Hill si Resident Evil, HideWorks a dezvaluit noul sau joc horror: Liminal Point.

publicat 2025-02-11 18:30:25 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Inspirat de Silent Hill si Resident Evil, HideWorks a dezvaluit noul sau joc horror: Liminal Point. HideWorks tocmai si-a anuntat noul joc horror, inspirat de unele dintre cele mai mari titluri din industrie.Fanii Silent Hill si Resident Evil au acum un nou joc care este asteptat cu nerabdare!O experienta de supravietuire horror psihologicaHideWorks a dezvaluit cel mai nou proiect al sau:... ...continuare.

Rapid disputa astazi primul amical din Dubai: adversara ii va fi o echipa de liga a patra

publicat 2025-01-10 12:00:11 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Rapid disputa astazi primul amical din Dubai: adversara ii va fi o echipa de liga a patra Rapid va disputa astazi primul meci amical in Dubai, urmand sa o infrunte de la ora 15:00 pe Al Hilal United, echipa din THIRd Division League in Emiratele Arabe Unite, echivalentul ligii a patra.Duelul va fi liveTEXT pe GSP.ro cu toate informatiile de la... ...continuare.

Cand se supara elefantul…

publicat 2025-01-09 09:15:29 (Puterea)
Cand se supara elefantul… Doua persoane au fost ranite grav si alte 20 au fost vatamate, miercuri, dupa ce un elefant a devenit violent in timpul unui festival religios din statul Kerala, in sudul Indiei. Incidentul s-a produs la Tirur, in districtul Malappuram, la aproximativ 350 de kilometri nord de ...continuare.

Holde Agri Invest receives a three million lei loan from SevenX Ventures

publicat 2024-11-21 00:00:22 (Bursa)
Holde Agri Invest receives a three million lei loan from SevenX Ventures * This is the THIRd loan the company has accessed in the last month and a half from the vehicle in which Iulian Circiumaru is involve SevenX Ventures, an investment vehicle controlled by Iulian Circiumaru, has lent Holde Agri Invest three million lei,... ...continuare.

Which BSE titles did Pilon II funds trade in the THIRd quarter?

publicat 2024-11-14 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Which BSE titles did Pilon II funds trade in the <span style='background:#EDF514'>THIR</span>d quarter? * Aripi, Metropolitan Life and the fund managed by BCR Pensii liquidated their holdings in Fondul Proprietatea * Arobs Transilvania Software - the new name from the Pilon II portfolios * Six of the seven mandatory private pension funds invested 413 million lei in bonds issued by Romgaz ...continuare.

Retraining, the watchword for the labor market in 2025

publicat 2024-11-13 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Retraining, the watchword for the labor market in 2025 Almost two-THIRds (60%) of employees want to undergo professional retraining in the next year, the main reasons for which they want a career change being a better salary, professional development prospects and the transition to remote or hybrid work, reveal... ...continuare.

Harris conduce in sondajele nationale

publicat 2024-11-06 05:30:13 (Bursa)
Harris conduce in sondajele nationale FiveTHIRtyEight - platforma americana care foloseste modele statistice ca sa prezica rezultate - afiseaza, la aceasta ora, ca in sondajele nationale, in frunte, se afla Kamala Harris, candidata Partidului Democrat, cu un scor de 48.0% ...continuare.

Harris conduce in sondajele nationale in ziua alegerilor prezidentiale din SUA

publicat 2024-11-06 05:15:07 (Bursa)
Harris conduce in sondajele nationale in ziua alegerilor prezidentiale din SUA FiveTHIRtyEight - platforma americana care foloseste modele statistice ca sa prezica rezultate - afiseaza, la aceasta ora, ca in sondajele nationale, in frunte, se afla Kamala Harris, candidata Partidului Democrat, cu un scor de 48.0% ...continuare.

Publicul american are o parere mai proasta despre Donald Trump decat despre Kamala Harris

publicat 2024-11-05 21:00:11 (Bursa)
Publicul american are o parere mai proasta despre Donald Trump decat despre Kamala Harris FiveTHIRtyEight - o platforma americana care foloseste modele statistice ca sa prezica rezultate - afiseaza, la aceasta ora, ca publicul este defavorabil Kamalei Harris in proportie de 48,1%, in timp ce favorabil ii este in proportie de 46,1% ...continuare.

Slight declines for indices ahead of financial reporting season

publicat 2024-11-04 00:30:12 (Bursa)
Slight declines for indices ahead of financial reporting season * OMV Petrom, TeraPlast and BRD have published their results for the THIRd quarter * Record subscriptions of 3.5 billion lei, in the latest Fidelis government bonds offer ...continuare.

Israeli High-Tech: Economic growth in times of crisis

publicat 2024-11-01 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Israeli High-Tech: Economic growth in times of crisis *Companies in the high-tech industry in Israel recorded in the first nine months of 2024 revenues of $10.2 billion *The largest transaction in the THIRd quarter was in the company Safe Superintelligence, which was worth one billion dollars, i.e. 41 % of... ...continuare.

The THIRd year of a presidential term brought the best performance for the S and P 500

publicat 2024-10-31 00:00:07 (Bursa)
The <span style='background:#EDF514'>THIR</span>d year of a presidential term brought the best performance for the S and P 500 In US history, the THIRd year of a presidential term has been the most favorable for the US stock market, which may be due to policies adopted in those years to stimulate the economy ahead of the next election, according to an analysis visualcapitalist.com,... ...continuare.

Actrita Teri Garr, cunoscuta din filmele "Tootsie" si "Young Frankenstein", a murit la 79 de ani

publicat 2024-10-30 07:45:15 (ProTV)
Actrita Teri Garr, cunoscuta din filmele Actrita nominalizata la Oscar Teri Garr, cunoscuta din filme precum "Young Frankenstein", "Close Encounters of the THIRd Kind" si "Tootsie", a încetat din viata la vârsta de 79 de ani, a anuntat marti managerul ei,... ...continuare.

The price of electricity is increasing due to the heat wave

publicat 2024-10-21 12:00:17 (Bursa)
The price of electricity is increasing due to the heat wave The THIRd quarter of 2024 was marked by a series of major challenges for Romania and #39;s economy. ...continuare.

Classical ME Summit: Exploring New Directions in Classical Music Management

publicat 2024-10-09 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Classical ME Summit: Exploring New Directions in Classical Music Management The THIRd edition of the Classical ME Summit, the annual conference dedicated to professionals in the field of classical music, will take place between November 2 and 4 in Timisoara. ...continuare.

Downward trend regarding the purchase of fully electric cars

publicat 2024-10-09 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Downward trend regarding the purchase of fully electric cars *Dan Vardie, president of APIA, states that one of the causes is the halving of the value of the vouchers granted to the beneficiaries of the Rabla program The downward trend of registrations of fully electric cars, recorded in the first six months of 2024, continued in the ...continuare.

Excellence, awarded by female entrepreneurship

publicat 2024-09-25 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Excellence, awarded by female entrepreneurship Representatives of private companies, public companies, but also of public institutions such as the National Bank of Romania, Financial Supervision Authority, ANRE, and internationally awarded students in various fields were rewarded with various prizes by the European Women and #39;s Patronage... ...continuare.

Bank of America: Artificial intelligence is just in its infancy

publicat 2024-09-16 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Bank of America: Artificial intelligence is just in its infancy * AI represents the THIRd major technology cycle of the past 50 years, according to a survey conducted by BofA * 'Investments in artificial intelligence may reach over a trillion dollars in the next few years; drawing a parallel with the Internet, we are... ...continuare.

Mars analysis: 'European states must invest massively in the defense industry'

publicat 2024-09-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Mars analysis: 'European states must invest massively in the defense industry' European states living under the threat of the Russian Federation must invest massively in the production capacities of the national defense industry, says an analysis by the think-tank Mars (formerly the 2 March Foundation - 2-Mars) published in the French daily La Tribune, group which is made... ...continuare.

Noutati WhatsApp: Vom putea trimite in curand mesaje catre alte aplicatii

publicat 2024-09-09 13:15:06 (Go4IT)
Noutati WhatsApp: Vom putea trimite in curand mesaje catre alte aplicatii In contextul Actului Legislativ privind Pietele Digitale in Uniunea Europeana, Meta face pasi importanti catre o interoperabilitate extinsa a platformelor sale de mesagerie cu alte aplicatii. Aceasta initiativa este cunoscuta sub numele de „...continuare.

Cat costa cea mai "tare" bere din lume. Are 75% alcool si este mai puternica decat whisky-ul. "Are gust de arsura"

publicat 2024-09-08 15:15:12 (ProTV)
Cat costa cea mai „Are gust de arsura”, a declarat un degustator de bere dupa ce a încercat BeiTHIR Fire, o bere scotiana care, cu un alcool de 75 %, pretinde a fi cea mai tare bere din lume.   ...continuare.

Fermierii francezi trag un semnal de alarma: recolta de grau din acest an este la minimul ultimilor 40 de ani

publicat 2024-09-07 14:15:08 (Income-Magazine)
Fermierii francezi trag un semnal de alarma: recolta de grau din acest an este la minimul ultimilor 40 de ani Recolta de grau moale a Frantei din acest an este preconizata sa coboare la cea mai mica valoare din ultimii 40 de ani, iar Asociatia Generala a Cultivatorilor de Grau si alte Cereale (AGPB) avertizeaza ca randamentele la hectar au fost afectate in mod „structural”, transmite... ...continuare.

Cea mai "tare" bere din lume este fabricata in Scotia si costa enorm. Un bautor s-a ales cu "limba amortita"

publicat 2024-09-04 11:30:01 (Adevarul)
Cea mai BeiTHIR Fire este o bere scotiana care, cu o concentratie alcoolica de 75 %, pretinde a fi cea mai tare bere din lume. ...continuare.

ECA report: Money from PNRRs has a very hard time reaching the real economy

publicat 2024-09-03 00:00:02 (Bursa)
ECA report: Money from PNRRs has a very hard time reaching the real economy *Only a THIRd of the funds allocated through the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism were used by the European states until the end of 2023 *Of that amount, only 50% entered the accounts of the final beneficiaries *ECA experts claim that there is a high risk... ...continuare.

Iulian Fota: 'A nuclear war is one without winners'

publicat 2024-08-29 00:00:05 (Bursa)
Iulian Fota: 'A nuclear war is one without winners' A nuclear war is a war without winners, says Iulian Fota, a specialist in international relations, who pointed out that a nuclear confrontation would lead to a planetary catastrophe. His statements come in the context of recent remarks by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who once again... ...continuare.

Frightening: Russia once again plays the atomic bomb tune

publicat 2024-08-29 00:00:05 (Bursa)
Frightening: Russia once again plays the atomic bomb tune The THIRd World War will not be limited to Europe, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned again on Tuesday, addressing the United States in a press conference in Moscow. ...continuare.

How many times have the Russians threatened with a nuclear attack?

publicat 2024-08-29 00:00:04 (Bursa)
How many times have the Russians threatened with a nuclear attack? Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has once again threatened a world war, including references to nuclear weapons. On Tuesday, the Russian official said that the West is 'playing with fire' by allowing Ukraine to strike deep into Russia with Western missiles and warned the United States that... ...continuare.

Premiere: Tesla overtaken by BMW on the EU electric car market

publicat 2024-08-26 00:30:03 (Bursa)
Premiere: Tesla overtaken by BMW on the EU electric car market The German car manufacturer BMW sold more electric vehicles in the European Union for the first time in history than the American rival Tesla, and this happened in July 2024, when the German manufacturer managed to increase its deliveries in a market which, overall, it has slowed, according to... ...continuare.