TRANSITION in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa TRANSITION
Electric buses dominate the European market: Romania, among the countries with the fastest TRANSITION
publicat 2025-03-04 00:00:07 (Bursa)

Without asking citizens and #39; permission, European leaders want to use their savings for the green TRANSITION
publicat 2025-02-04 00:00:23 (Bursa)

About 300 new mines - needed for the energy TRANSITION
publicat 2025-01-28 00:00:24 (Bursa)

Pollution, a Complicated Problem for Large Urban Agglomerations
publicat 2025-01-09 00:00:06 (Bursa)

Deloitte: costurile tranzitiei energetice s-ar putea diminua cu aproape 25% folosind instrumente de reducere a riscurilor pentru proiectele verzi
publicat 2024-11-20 12:15:40 (Ziarul-Financiar)

Studiu Deloitte: Costurile tranzitiei energetice s-ar putea diminua cu aproape un sfert
publicat 2024-11-20 12:00:18 (Bursa)

Bursa. EnergoNuclear a semnat la COP 29 in Baku un contract cu FCSA Joint Venture pentru dezvoltarea Unitatilor 3 si 4 de la Cernavoda. Valoarea contractului este estimata la 3,2 mld. euro
publicat 2024-11-15 17:00:25 (Ziarul-Financiar)

Retraining, the watchword for the labor market in 2025
publicat 2024-11-13 00:00:07 (Bursa)

Key differences between the Trump and Biden Administrations
publicat 2024-11-05 00:00:07 (Bursa)

Hidroelectrica si compania norvegiana SINTEF au demarat un proiect comun in domeniul producerii de energie electrica in hidrocentrale
publicat 2024-11-04 13:30:23 (Income-Magazine)

Banks favor customers who have green behavior
publicat 2024-10-30 00:00:14 (Bursa)

Sorin Mihanta, Selmi Wood Concept SRL: 'European funding, insufficient for the TRANSITION from a mining-based economy to a sustainable one'
publicat 2024-10-25 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Money for the green TRANSITION, embezzled by EU member states
publicat 2024-09-12 00:00:03 (Bursa)

Digital TRANSITION, a step forward made by the authorities
publicat 2024-07-17 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitization, Bogdan Ivan, announced the signing of the contract for the development of the e-learning platform related to investment 19 'Skills in advanced technologies for SMEs', financed by PNRR.
The world today - 'neutral' between La Nina and El Nino weather patterns
publicat 2024-06-17 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The world is meteorologically in a TRANSITIONal phase.
'Aerostar Bacau is a very important partner for Lockheed Martin'
publicat 2024-05-28 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* (Interview with Gregory Day, responsible for the development of the F-35 program in Canada and Europe and Monessa Balzhiser, Flight Ops Business Operations Manager and the first female F35 test pilot)
*Lockheed Martin produces 146 F35 aircraft per year
*Authorities from Bucharest have...
Activistii fac presiuni asupra Apple. Legatura companiei cu retinerea expertilor climatici din Vietnam
publicat 2024-04-11 09:00:46 (Mediafax)

ERT Report: Underfunded Investments in the Development of Energy Transmission and Distribution Networks
publicat 2024-04-11 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The energy TRANSITION appears to be at a standstill as member states need total investments in transmission and distribution networks of euro800 billion by 2030 according to a study by the Energy Round Table, a body made up of the main energy developers...
China Beige Book: 'China and #39;s intention to boost exports will trigger a new trade war next year'
publicat 2024-03-08 00:00:06 (Bursa)
China plans to TRANSITION to a healthier growth model, but its strategy may set off a real showdown with other major economies, the CEO of Chinese economic data and analysis platform China Beige Book, Leland Miller, told CNBC, quoted by Business Insider.
Studiu: Proiectul Neptun Deep, responsabil de 209 milioane tone CO2
publicat 2024-03-06 19:30:04 (Bursa)
Greenpeace Romania si Bankwatch Romania au lansat studiul elaborat de ERCST (European Roundtable on Climate Change and Sustainable TRANSITION) care analizeaza impactul climatic al proiectului de extragere a gazelor din Marea Neagra (din perimetrul Neptun...
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