TYPE in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa TYPE
The use of artificial intelligence, a pillar of the development of online commerce
publicat 2024-11-19 00:00:10 (Bursa)
The development of online commerce is closely related to artificial intelligence, better said to its use on new platforms and for the modeling of new applications characteristic of each TYPE of consumer/client, stated the participants at the 'European...
Piata suplimentelor alimentare din Romania, estimata la peste 670 de milioane de euro. Care sunt sortimentele preferate
publicat 2024-11-14 14:15:02 (Adevarul)
Piata de suplimente alimentare din Romania a cunoscut o crestere constanta, conform unui studiu publicat de TYPE Nature, bazat pe date de piata conform Cegedim Pharma and Hospital Report.
Drones to combat pollution
publicat 2024-11-12 00:00:25 (Bursa)
Drones can do good things too, they are not just weapons of war. Authorities in the Indian capital, New Delhi, have tested a protoTYPE of a sprinkler drone to combat the most resistant points of air pollution.
O super ciuperca genitala se raspandeste, avertizeaza medicii din SUA!
publicat 2024-11-07 09:15:26 (Puterea)
O super ciuperca extrem de rezistenta, care afecteaza organele genitale, a fost identificata in Statele Unite, Franta si se spune ca se raspandeste si in Regatul Unit. O super ciuperca genitala sau un super fung genital. Sunt enunturi nelinistitoare privind Trichophyton mentagrophytges ...continuare.
Digital traps in the era of green mobility
publicat 2024-11-05 00:00:08 (Bursa)
Amid an accelerated growth in the number of electric cars globally, hackers are exploiting new digital fraud techniques, including 'quishing', a form of phishing that uses fake QR codes. Cybersecurity experts at Eset draw attention to this TYPE of attack,...
Honda recheama 1,7 milioane de masini in SUA din cauza unui defect la sistemul de directie
publicat 2024-10-09 18:15:14 (Mediafax)
Rechemarea vizeaza modele cu anul de fabricatie intre 2022 si 2025 printre care regasim modele precum Civic, Civic TYPE R, CR-V, HR-V si Acura Integra, noteaza Reuters, citat de Ziarul Financiar.
USA vs. China: what is the world and #39;s superpower?
publicat 2024-10-07 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The US and China are two great powers of the world, but their sources of power vary significantly, according to a Ray Dalio analysis (Great Power Index 2024) that identified eight basic pillars that measure a nation and #39;s TYPEs of strength.
Rich Homie Quan a murit la 34 de ani. Era unul dintre cei mai cunoscuti rapperi din SUA
publicat 2024-09-06 10:30:07 (Libertatea)
Rich Homie Quan, unul dintre cei mai cunoscuti rapperi din SUA, a murit, joi, la 34 de ani. De-a lungul carierei, s-a clasat in topul Billboard Hot 100 cu melodii precum „TYPE of Way” si „Flex (Ooh, Ooh, Ooh)”. Artistul a murit in...
Doliu in lumea muzicii: Rapperul american Rich Homie Quan a murit la numai 34 de ani
publicat 2024-09-06 10:00:07 (Jurnalul-National)
Rapperul american Rich Homie Quan, care s-a clasat in topul Billboard Hot 100 cu piese precum "TYPE of Way" si 'Flex (Ooh, Ooh, Ooh)", a murit joi, potrivit relatarilor din presa, transmite Reuters. Artistul avea 34 de ani.
Rapperul american Rich Homie Quan a murit la varsta de 34 de ani
publicat 2024-09-06 09:45:02 (Antena3)
Rapperul american Rich Homie Quan, care s-a clasat in topul Billboard Hot 100 cu piese precum "TYPE of Way" si "Flex (Ooh, Ooh, Ooh)", a murit joi, potrivit relatarilor din presa, transmite Reuters, potrivit...
A murit rapperul american Rich Homie Quan
publicat 2024-09-06 09:30:11 (Puterea)
Rapperul american Rich Homie Quan, care s-a clasat in topul Billboard Hot 100 cu piese precum "TYPE of Way" si 'Flex (Ooh, Ooh, Ooh)", a murit joi, potrivit relatarilor din presa, transmite Reuters. Artistul avea 34 de ani. Rapperul a murit in locuinta sa...
Americans and #39; investments in listed shares, close to a record
publicat 2024-08-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The share of financial assets invested by Americans (households and non-profit entities) in listed stocks is approaching record levels, just above the peak recorded in 2021, according to a visualcapitalist.com analysis, which points out that investor confidence, a strong (US) economy and the...
Research - the domestic drone is taking shape
publicat 2024-08-07 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The Minister of Research, Bogdan Ivan, and the Minister of Economy, Stefan Radu Oprea, visited the 'Elie Carafoli' National Aerospace Research and Development Institute (INCAS) where they claim to have found solutions for building a drone protoTYPE that...
CORRESPONDENCE FROM CYPRUS Flaounes, salty or sweet pascha for the Resurrection of the Lord
publicat 2024-05-04 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Easter holidays are a real explosion of light and joy for Cypriots, after the Lent (Sarakosti) of Easter, and their preparation begins as early as Maundy Thursday when the eggs are dyed and the famous flaounes, a TYPE of local Easter, are baked in the...
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