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UKRAINE in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa UKRAINE

Sending European forces to UKRAINE, the priority of the Franco-British agenda

publicat 2025-03-28 00:00:24 (Bursa)
Sending European forces to <span style='background:#EDF514'>UKRAINE</span>, the priority of the Franco-British agenda Although only a few European nations want to participate, France and Britain will continue to outline plans for the deployment of European troops to UKRAINE as guarantees for the Russian Federation and #39;s compliance with a peace agreement, French... ...continuare.

Sergey Lavrov: 'Without the guarantees demanded by Russia, UKRAINE and #39;s maritime trade remains blocked'

publicat 2025-03-26 00:00:48 (Bursa)
Sergey Lavrov: 'Without the guarantees demanded by Russia, <span style='background:#EDF514'>UKRAINE</span> and #39;s maritime trade remains blocked' Russian representatives asked their American counterparts during negotiations held in Riyadh on Monday for clear guarantees so that the Kremlin authorities would allow the resumption of commercial traffic in the Black Sea to and from UKRAINE, Sergey Lavrov,... ...continuare.

Romania’s position in the context of peace negotiations in UKRAINE, on the CSAT agenda for March 28

publicat 2025-03-21 13:00:31 (Mediafax)
Romania’s position in the context of peace negotiations in <span style='background:#EDF514'>UKRAINE</span>, on the CSAT agenda for March 28 MediafaxThe interim President of Romania, Ilie Bolojan, has convened the meeting of the Supreme National Defense Council for Friday, March 28, at the Cotroceni Palace. Romania's position in the context of peace Nnegotiations in UKRAINE is on the agenda of... ...continuare.

Viktor Orban refuses to sign EU support for UKRAINE

publicat 2025-03-21 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Viktor Orban refuses to sign EU support for <span style='background:#EDF514'>UKRAINE</span> European Union (EU) leaders, gathered yesterday at a summit held in Brussels, reaffirmed their commitment to supporting UKRAINE in the war with Russia, with the exception of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who refused to sign the document, an... ...continuare.

Un spion transnistrean a fost arestat la Odesa. Misiunea pe care o avea de la coordonatorul sau de la Tiraspol, un colaborator al GRU

publicat 2025-03-20 14:45:32 (Libertatea)
Un spion transnistrean a fost arestat la Odesa. Misiunea pe care o avea de la coordonatorul sau de la Tiraspol, un colaborator al GRU Serviciul de Securitate al Ucrainei (SBU) a arestat joi, la Odesa, un „spion rus din Transnistria” care avea misiunea de a fura tehnologii secrete privind dronele folosite de armata ucraineana, relateaza The New Voice of UKRAINE. Suspectul a... ...continuare.

Liderii europeni vad convorbirea Trump-Putin ca un pas spre pace in Ucraina

publicat 2025-03-19 18:45:26 (Bursa)
Liderii europeni vad convorbirea Trump-Putin ca un pas spre pace in Ucraina Liderii europeni Antonio Costa si Ursula von der Leyen au reactionat la convorbirea telefonica dintre presedintele american Donald Trump si presedintele rus Vladimir Putin din 18 martie, exprimand un optimism precaut cu privire la implicatiile acesteia pentru Ucraina, potrivit celor consemnate de... ...continuare.

UKRAINE, Congo and Jordan - the largest recipients of aid through USAID

publicat 2025-03-11 00:00:14 (Bursa)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>UKRAINE</span>, Congo and Jordan - the largest recipients of aid through USAID The United States of America provided UKRAINE, in 2024, with support of 6.1 billion dollars through the Agency for International Development (USAID), this being the highest financial aid granted by the US last year, according to an analysis by... ...continuare.

Americans - divided opinions on supporting UKRAINE

publicat 2025-03-10 00:00:20 (Bursa)
Americans - divided opinions on supporting <span style='background:#EDF514'>UKRAINE</span> * 45% of Republicans Believe America Should Reduce Military Aid to UKRAINE, 35% of Democrats Want to Increase It Since Russia and #39;s full-scale invasion of UKRAINE in February 2022, Americans and #39; views on... ...continuare.

The Trump Effect: Europe arms itself and continues to support UKRAINE

publicat 2025-03-07 00:00:14 (Bursa)
The Trump Effect: Europe arms itself and continues to support <span style='background:#EDF514'>UKRAINE</span> After debates lasting almost six hours, European leaders agreed yesterday at European Council that EU member states urgently need rearmament to increase their defence and security capacities and capabilities in the face of the current challenges posed by the Russian Federation and #39;s... ...continuare.

First international reactions to the US president and #39;s speech

publicat 2025-03-06 00:00:31 (Bursa)
First international reactions to the US president and #39;s speech Donald Trump and #39;s statements to US congressmen have sparked numerous international reactions, with the first official responses being from UKRAINE, Denmark, Canada and China. ...continuare.

UKRAINE - Mineral Resources Worth Nearly $15 Trillion

publicat 2025-03-04 00:00:07 (Bursa)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>UKRAINE</span> - Mineral Resources Worth Nearly $15 Trillion The anticipated agreement between the Ukrainian government and the US administration on the exploitation of the European country and #39;s mineral resources at odds with Russia was not signed as expected on February 28, as a White House meeting between US President Donald Trump and Ukrainian... ...continuare.

The transatlantic alliance under pressure: Macron and Starmer, a common front in the face of Trump

publicat 2025-02-26 00:00:11 (Bursa)
The transatlantic alliance under pressure: Macron and Starmer, a common front in the face of Trump Despite an Iliescian consensus, achieved sinuously from the meanders of the concrete, displayed by Emmanuel Macron and Donald Trump at the press conferences before and after the high-level meeting, the statements of the two heads of state show a cruel reality: the US and Europe are more divided... ...continuare.

Premierul Marii Britanii anunta cel mai mare pachet de sanctiuni pentru Rusia

publicat 2025-02-24 15:30:39 (Mediafax)
Premierul Marii Britanii anunta cel mai mare pachet de sanctiuni pentru Rusia "De la Majestatea Sa, Regele, la lucratorii din sistemul sanitar care sunt voluntari in spitalele din Ucraina, la comunitatile care au primit refugiati ucraineni cu bratele deschise - si de aceea am semnat luna trecuta parteneriatul nostru de o suta de ani cu presedintele Zelenski - credem in... ...continuare.

Ursula von der Leyen promite ajutor pentru Ucraina: munitie, bani, dar si securitate energetica

publicat 2025-02-24 15:30:39 (Mediafax)
Ursula von der Leyen promite ajutor pentru Ucraina: munitie, bani, dar si securitate energetica "24 februarie 2022 este o zi care va ramane pentru totdeauna in infamie. Astazi, ne alaturam voua in comemorarea eroilor cazuti ai Ucrainei si a celor care inca lupta pe front. O natiune pasnica a fost invadata fara niciun motiv, in afara de obsesia imperiala a lui Putin", a spus, luni,... ...continuare.

Justin Trudeau promite armament si bani pentru Ucraina

publicat 2025-02-24 15:30:39 (Mediafax)
Justin Trudeau promite armament si bani pentru Ucraina "Aceasta ordine, desi imperfecta, a adus cea mai pasnica si prospera era din istoria umanitatii. Nu ne putem intoarce in trecut, nu putem reveni la o epoca in care forta dicteaza dreptatea. Trebuie sa facem tot posibilul pentru a permite Ucrainei sa obtina o pace dreapta si durabila - o pace care... ...continuare.

Presedintele Germaniei: Rusia este cea care a inceput acest razboi

publicat 2025-02-24 13:00:33 (Mediafax)
Presedintele Germaniei: Rusia este cea care a inceput acest razboi Presedintele Germaniei, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, a fost, la randul sau, prezent la summitul Support UKRAINE 2025, unde s-a adresat celor prezenti. "Domnule Presedinte, dragi colegi si prieteni, permiteti-mi sa transmit mesajul principal chiar de la inceput,... ...continuare.

Von der Leyen in UKRAINE: Plans for economic, military and diplomatic support

publicat 2025-02-24 00:00:28 (Bursa)
Von der Leyen in <span style='background:#EDF514'>UKRAINE</span>: Plans for economic, military and diplomatic support Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, will meet with the President of UKRAINE, Volodymyr Zelensky, to discuss recent developments and the next steps in strengthening the European path of this state, according to a press release... ...continuare.

Sondaj: 63% dintre ucraineni il sustin pe Zelenski, contrar afirmatiilor lui Trump

publicat 2025-02-21 15:15:32 (Mediafax)
Sondaj: 63% dintre ucraineni il sustin pe Zelenski, contrar afirmatiilor lui Trump Un sondaj realizat de proiectul Identity and Borders in Flux: The case of UKRAINE (IBIF), in parteneriat cu Institutul International de Sociologie din Kiev (KIIS), arata ca 63% dintre ucraineni aproba activitatea presedintelui Volodimir Zelenski, noteaza... ...continuare.

Razboiul din Ucraina, ziua 1094. Surse Reuters: Americanii si rusii s-au intalnit in secret in Elvetia pentru a purta discutii neoficiale despre razboiul din Ucraina / Rubio: Intalnirea dintre Trump si Putin depinde de progresele in negocierile de pace / Zelenski: Intalnirea cu emisarul american Kellogg reda speranta

publicat 2025-02-21 14:45:30 (Mediafax)
Razboiul din Ucraina, ziua 1094. Surse Reuters: Americanii si rusii s-au intalnit in secret in Elvetia pentru a purta discutii neoficiale despre razboiul din Ucraina / Rubio: Intalnirea dintre Trump si Putin depinde de progresele in negocierile de pace / Zelenski: Intalnirea cu emisarul american Kellogg reda speranta 63% dintre ucraineni il aproba pe Zelenski ca presedinte, arata un sondaj Aproximativ 63% dintre ucraineni aproba actiunile lui Volodymyr Zelensky in calitate de presedinte, potrivit unui sondaj realizat de proiectul Identity and Borders in Flux: The case of ...continuare.

Tanczos Barna: We must be prepared to participate in the reconstruction of UKRAINE

publicat 2025-02-21 00:00:13 (Bursa)
Tanczos Barna: We must be prepared to participate in the reconstruction of <span style='background:#EDF514'>UKRAINE</span> * 'Fidelis government bonds represent a first step for many investors towards the capital market' * 'Our interest is that the external exposure is as low as possible, and that the income generated from these bond issues is as profitable as possible for investors in the country' ...continuare.

Gold has a strong start of the year; what are the big investment banks and #39; forecasts?

publicat 2025-02-20 06:45:17 (Bursa)
Gold has a strong start of the year; what are the big investment banks and #39; forecasts? * Goldman Sachs: 'If uncertainty remains high, gold prices could reach $3,300 an ounce by year-end' * Morgan Stanley: 'We are alert to any slowdown in demand from central banks, which may arise in the event of a possible peace agreement between Russia and ...continuare.

Polish Official: Europe incapable of securing a demarcation line between Russia and UKRAINE

publicat 2025-02-20 06:45:17 (Bursa)
Polish Official: Europe incapable of securing a demarcation line between Russia and <span style='background:#EDF514'>UKRAINE</span> The European Union is currently unable to provide peacekeeping forces in the event of the creation of a demarcation line between UKRAINE and Russia after the cessation of hostilities, a plan that has been advanced in recent days by officials within the... ...continuare.

EPP calls for a just peace: 'Nothing about UKRAINE without UKRAINE'

publicat 2025-02-19 00:00:12 (Bursa)
EPP calls for a just peace: 'Nothing about <span style='background:#EDF514'>UKRAINE</span> without <span style='background:#EDF514'>UKRAINE</span>' Any peace agreement must respect UKRAINE and #39;s sovereignty and be negotiated with its participation on the principle of 'Nothing about UKRAINE without UKRAINE, nothing about... ...continuare.

Trump and Putin negotiate UKRAINE and #39;s future: What and #39;s next?

publicat 2025-02-19 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Trump and Putin negotiate <span style='background:#EDF514'>UKRAINE</span> and #39;s future: What and #39;s next? At first glance, the US-Russian negotiations that took place yesterday in Riyadh seem to resemble those of the Wild West. Donald Trump, posing as the new sheriff of the world, wants to reach an agreement with the international criminal (if we take into account the arrest warrant issued by the... ...continuare.

The fate of UKRAINE, discussed in Paris and Riyadh; What European leaders established

publicat 2025-02-18 00:00:25 (Bursa)
The fate of <span style='background:#EDF514'>UKRAINE</span>, discussed in Paris and Riyadh; What European leaders established The great powers are currently negotiating the fate of the conflict between the Russian Federation and UKRAINE, negotiations to which officials from Bucharest were not invited to participate, although Foreign Minister Emil Hurezeanu claims that we will... ...continuare.

'We are witnessing a shift towards deglobalization of the global economy'

publicat 2025-02-13 00:00:14 (Bursa)
'We are witnessing a shift towards deglobalization of the global economy' * (Interview with Georgi Georgiev, portfolio manager at Karoll Capital Management, Bulgaria) * 'The political environment, the historical burden of the communist regime, and the geographical location, close to a turbulent zone with various conflicts, are the main vulnerabilities of the Romanian... ...continuare.

O unitate ucraineana descrie cum se desfasoara un atac cu drone: "Nu este ca si cum ai juca Call of Duty. Au schimbat razboiul"

publicat 2025-02-08 08:46:17 (Libertatea)
O unitate ucraineana descrie cum se desfasoara un atac cu drone: Ecrane, casti si controlere. Pilotarea unei drone pare o chestiune cunoscuta gamerilor, dar operarea unei drone pe campul de lupta nu seamana deloc cu o actiune dintr-un joc video, au afirmat pentru Business Insider membri ai unitatii speciale de drone din Ucraina. Sursa video: X/Defense of ...continuare.

Trump and #39;s Double Standard: Support for Israel, blockade of UKRAINE and NGOs

publicat 2025-02-05 00:00:18 (Bursa)
Trump and #39;s Double Standard: Support for Israel, blockade of <span style='background:#EDF514'>UKRAINE</span> and NGOs In a demonstration of double standards and selective priorities, the Trump administration took an unprecedented decision on January 20: a 90-day suspension of all US foreign aid. ...continuare.

Rusii anunta in ce conditii incep negocierile de pace cu Ucraina: "Cate teritorii ai ocupat, toate sunt ale tale"

publicat 2025-01-31 11:00:26 (Libertatea)
Rusii anunta in ce conditii incep negocierile de pace cu Ucraina: In contextul conversatiei asteptate dintre Donald Trump si Vladimir Putin si al eventualelor negocieri privind razboiul din Ucraina, propaganda rusa a publicat un interviu cu o personalitate a Clubului Valdai, think thank afiliat Kremlinului, Fiodor Lukianov, care confirma pretentiile Moscovei,... ...continuare.

NATO Treaty, the first obstacle in Calin Georgescu and #39;s foreign policy regarding UKRAINE

publicat 2025-01-31 00:00:08 (Bursa)
NATO Treaty, the first obstacle in Calin Georgescu and #39;s foreign policy regarding <span style='background:#EDF514'>UKRAINE</span> The NATO Treaty is the first obstacle in Calin Georgescu and #39;s foreign policy regarding UKRAINE, which claims that, in the event of a peace imposed by Trump in the neighboring country, Romania could take advantage and request the return of former... ...continuare.