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UNPR in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa UNPR

Altman and #39;s AI Super-Agents Threaten to Transform the Global Economy

publicat 2025-01-23 00:00:21 (Bursa)
US President Donald Trump and #39;s announcement of the 'Stargate' project, which aims to fund at least $500 billion in programs to develop Artificial Intelligence, is a signal of the intensification of the global race for technological dominance, a competition in which the US seems to be at the... ...continuare.

Altman and #39;s AI Super-Agents Threaten to Transform the Global Economy

publicat 2025-01-23 00:00:21 (Bursa)
Altman and #39;s AI Super-Agents Threaten to Transform the Global Economy US President Donald Trump and #39;s announcement of the 'Stargate' project, which aims to fund at least $500 billion in programs to develop Artificial Intelligence, is a signal of the intensification of the global race for technological dominance, a competition in which the US seems to be at the... ...continuare.

Uniunea Nationala a Patronatului Roman solicita mentinerea voucherelor de vacanta

publicat 2024-12-24 14:30:24 (Income-Magazine)
Uniunea Nationala a Patronatului Roman solicita mentinerea voucherelor de vacanta Uniunea Nationala a Patronatului Roman (UNPR) sustine demersul patronatelor din turism solicitand sa nu se elimine voucherele de vacanta, deoarece ar avea „consecinte catastrofale” pentru turismul romanesc. „In timp ce alte state investesc... ...continuare.

WHO warns: Climate crisis is a global health crisis

publicat 2024-12-17 00:00:15 (Bursa)
WHO warns: Climate crisis is a global health crisis The Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, stressed, during a hearing at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), that the climate emergency is essentially an UNPRecedented health crisis. Climate change, far... ...continuare.

Artificial Intelligence Offers Solutions to Combat Plastic Pollution

publicat 2024-11-27 00:30:23 (Bursa)
Artificial Intelligence Offers Solutions to Combat Plastic Pollution Plastic pollution has reached UNPRecedented levels. Four global policies could eliminate almost all plastic pollution on Earth, according to a study conducted with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) by researchers at the University of California,... ...continuare.

Calin Georgescu - the big winner of the first round of the presidential elections

publicat 2024-11-25 02:30:27 (Bursa)
Calin Georgescu - the big winner of the first round of the presidential elections Calin Georgescu is the big winner of the first round of the presidential elections, as he recorded an UNPRecedented progress for a relatively obscure candidate who was credited with 2% at the beginning of the electoral campaign and was in first place, with... ...continuare.

UNPRecedented fires in the last 40 years

publicat 2024-10-25 00:00:11 (Bursa)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>UNPR</span>ecedented fires in the last 40 years One of the main holiday destinations for Romanians, Greece, has faced major challenges this year. The country faced in 2024 the 'most difficult year from a climate point of view in the last 40 years and #39; and #39;, a year during which vegetation fires destroyed 44,000 hectares, Greek Prime... ...continuare.

Compania elvetiana SUNPRo Oils a demarat investitia de 20 milioane euro in noua fabrica de ulei din Zona Libera Galati

publicat 2024-09-12 08:00:11 (Puterea)
Compania elvetiana S<span style='background:#EDF514'>UNPR</span>o Oils a demarat investitia de 20 milioane euro in noua fabrica de ulei din Zona Libera Galati Compania cu capital elvetian si cipriot SUNPRo Oils a adus in Zona Libera Galati primele utilaje cu care va fi echipata noua fabrica de ulei pe care o va construi in Zona Libera Galati, prin investitii de 20 milioane euro. In februarie 2023, primarul... ...continuare.

Paris Olympics: UNPRecedented ceremony, the biggest television production ever made

publicat 2024-07-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games, which will take place on the River Seine on July 26, will be the biggest television production 'ever made' by the audiovisual branch of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), which will this event. ...continuare.

IDF Report: Israeli Armed Forces Totally Fail to Protect Citizens on October 7, 2023

publicat 2024-07-17 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The Israeli Armed Forces (IDF) were caught by surprise and totally UNPRepared to quickly intervene to defend Jewish citizens in kibbutzim on the Gaza border against Hamas attacks on October 7, 2023, according to a first report published by the IDF on the... ...continuare.

Gabriel Oprea reapare in viata publica, la meciul Romaniei. "Cu baiatul meu, Gabriel Junior 1"

publicat 2024-06-26 17:00:02 (Antena3)
Gabriel Oprea reapare in viata publica, la meciul Romaniei. Fostul vicepremier al Romaniei si lider UNPR, Gabriel Oprea, reapare in viata publica inainte de meciul nationalei. Oprea s-a dus la Frankfurt, impreuna cu familia, pentru meciul Romania-Slovacia. ...continuare.

The hurricane season is shaping up to be an UNPRecedented one

publicat 2024-05-27 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Extreme natural phenomena multiply and increase in intensity. ...continuare.

Noul prefect al Galatiului, o tanara avocata abonata la sinecurile oferite de PSD

publicat 2024-04-12 22:00:29 (Puterea)
Noul prefect al Galatiului, o tanara avocata abonata la sinecurile oferite de PSD A depus juramantul noul prefect de Galati, Andreea Anamaria Naggar, o tanara avocata, in varsta de 35 de ani, care nu s-a remarcat prin nicio initiativa, iar inainte de a deveni consilier judetean din partea PSD castiga din avocatura 1.400 lei lunar. Andreea Anamaria Naggar a fost membra a... ...continuare.