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Bill Gates, in fata justitiei olandeze, acuzat de manipulare in cazul vaccinarii anti-Covid 19

publicat 2024-11-25 00:15:19 (Bursa)
Bill Gates, in fata justitiei olandeze, acuzat de manipulare in cazul vaccinarii anti-Covid 19 Bill Gates, cofondator al Microsoft si filantrop de renume mondial, este convocat miercuri, 27 noiembrie, la tribunalul din localitatea olandeza LeeuWARDEN, pentru a fi audiat public in dosarul in care este acuzat de inselaciune si daune cauzate de... ...continuare.

Bill Gates in Dutch court, accused of manipulation in Covid-19 vaccination case

publicat 2024-11-25 00:15:19 (Bursa)
Bill Gates in Dutch court, accused of manipulation in Covid-19 vaccination case Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and world-renowned philanthropist, is summoned to the court in the Dutch town of LeeuWARDEN on Wednesday, November 27, to be heard publicly in the case in which he is accused of fraud and damages caused by the COVID-19... ...continuare.