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WEBSITE in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa WEBSITE

Filarmonica George Enescu are de astazi un nou WEBSITE

publicat 2025-02-20 14:00:50 (ProTV)
Filarmonica George Enescu are de astazi un nou <span style='background:#EDF514'>WEBSITE</span> PARTENERIAT: Moderna si accesibila, platforma Filarmonicii George Enescu face parte din procesul sau strategic de transformare si dezvoltare la nivel international ...continuare.

Bucovina-Club de Munte sold land for 1.2 million euros

publicat 2025-02-19 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Bucovina-Club de Munte sold land for 1.2 million euros Bucovina-Club de Munte, a company controlled by the former SIF Muntenia, sold nine land lots with a total area of 94,877 square meters, located in Gura Humorului, Arinis area, Suceava county, through a competitive auction, according to a report by the issuer published on the Bucharest Stock... ...continuare.

DN Agrar - 175 million lei turnover last year, up 16%

publicat 2025-02-17 00:00:12 (Bursa)
DN Agrar - 175 million lei turnover last year, up 16% * The company will publish its preliminary results for 2024 on February 27; for last year, DN Agrar budgeted a net profit of 30 million lei Livestock farm operator DN Agrar achieved a preliminary consolidated turnover of 175 million lei last year, equivalent to a 16% increase compared to 2023,... ...continuare.

Huge risk to European savings

publicat 2025-02-14 00:00:08 (Bursa)
Huge risk to European savings The strategy of political decision-makers in Brussels regarding the financing of the measures in the Draghi plan, although it also refers to public sources, is based exclusively on private sources, civil society representatives say according to an article published on Wednesday on the Euractiv.de... ...continuare.

DIICOT: Russian hybrid threat exploded in 2024

publicat 2025-02-13 00:00:14 (Bursa)
DIICOT: Russian hybrid threat exploded in 2024 The number of hybrid attacks from the Russian Federation on our country increased in 2024, according to the activity report for last year of the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) posted on the WEBSITE of the public... ...continuare.

Site-urile institutiilor din SUA au inceput sa scurteze abrevierea privind diversitatea identitatilor sexuale. Este doar LGB

publicat 2025-02-04 13:45:40 (ProTV)
Site-urile institutiilor din SUA au inceput sa scurteze abrevierea privind diversitatea identitatilor sexuale. Este doar LGB La doar doua saptamâni dupa ce presedintele Donald Trump a semnat câteva ordine executive referitoare la persoanele trans, WEBSITE-urile mai multor agentii guvernamentale din SUA au taiat din abrevierea referitoare la aceasta comunitate sexuala. ...continuare.

Bucovina-Club de Munte wants to sell land for at least 1.9 million euros

publicat 2025-02-04 00:00:25 (Bursa)
Bucovina-Club de Munte wants to sell land for at least 1.9 million euros * The company gave up on tourism last year, selling the Best Western Bucovina Hotel The management of Bucovina-Club de Munte, a company controlled by the former SIF Muntenia, has summoned shareholders for March 10 to approve the sale of real estate assets in Suceava County that are part of the... ...continuare.

EIB under pressure: European leaders call for greater financial support for the defense industry

publicat 2025-02-03 00:00:09 (Bursa)
EIB under pressure: European leaders call for greater financial support for the defense industry In an unprecedented concerted effort, Romania and 18 other European Union member states have signed and sent a letter to the European Investment Bank (EIB), calling for a more active role for it in financing the security and defense sector, according to an article published on the Euractiv ...continuare.

Automotive industry crisis reduces Bosch and #39;s gross profit by 24%

publicat 2025-02-03 00:00:09 (Bursa)
Automotive industry crisis reduces Bosch and #39;s gross profit by 24% The German company Bosch is facing a reduction of 24% in gross profit achieved last year compared to 2023, due to the crisis facing the automotive industry and the machine construction sector, according to an article published at the end of last week by the German news ...continuare.

New 'specials' in the budgetary system

publicat 2025-01-30 00:00:12 (Bursa)
New 'specials' in the budgetary system According to a draft emergency ordinance currently in decisional transparency on the WEBSITE of the Ministry of Finance, the Government wants to exempt 32 people from the budgetary system, civil servants, from the stability austerity measures for the year... ...continuare.

Meta Estate Trust buys back its preferred shares

publicat 2025-01-27 00:00:19 (Bursa)
Meta Estate Trust buys back its preferred shares * The transaction will be followed by a conversion into ordinary shares, through a capital increase Meta Estate Trust, a holding company operating in the real estate sector, has sent the repurchase agreements to the holders of preferred shares by e-mail, according to the repurchase plan approved... ...continuare.

Rapid replenishment of arms stocks - a priority at European level

publicat 2025-01-23 00:00:21 (Bursa)
Rapid replenishment of arms stocks - a priority at European level EU countries that are also NATO members must increase their arms stocks more quickly, said European Defence Commissioner Andrius Kubilius, yesterday, at the annual conference of the European Defence Agency, according to the Euractiv WEBSITE. ...continuare.

Razboiul din Ucraina a afectat economia Romaniei cu 1,6 pp in 2022

publicat 2025-01-21 08:00:31 (Income-Magazine)
Razboiul din Ucraina a afectat economia Romaniei cu 1,6 pp in 2022 Razboiul din Ucraina a afectat economia Romaniei cu 1,6 puncte procentuale in 2022, iar inflatia ar fi crescut mai putin cu 1 punct procentual, arata studiul ‘Macroeconomic Consequences of the War in Ukraine on Central and Eastern European Economies: A SVAR Analysis’ publicat pe ...continuare.

Cat de mult a afectat razboiul din Ucraina economia Romaniei: Impactul este aproximativ dublu fata de cel estimat pentru celelalte state

publicat 2025-01-20 17:45:02 (Adevarul)
Cat de mult a afectat razboiul din Ucraina economia Romaniei: Impactul este aproximativ dublu fata de cel estimat pentru celelalte state Razboiul din Ucraina a afectat economia Romaniei cu 1,6 puncte procentuale in 2022, iar inflatia ar fi crescut mai putin cu 1 punct procentual, arata un studiu publicat pe WEBSITE-ul BNR. ...continuare.

ZF IT Generation. Start-up Pitch. Andrei-Fredy Craciun, cofondator al Loopple AI, solutie AI pentru constructia de WEBSITE-uri: Vrem ca anul acesta sa ajungem la 300.000 de utilizatori si venituri de 100.000 de euro. In doua luni de la lansare avem 10.000 de utilizatori, inclusiv platitori

publicat 2025-01-17 08:00:30 (Ziarul-Financiar)
ZF IT Generation. Start-up Pitch. Andrei-Fredy Craciun, cofondator al Loopple AI, solutie AI pentru constructia de <span style='background:#EDF514'>WEBSITE</span>-uri: Vrem ca anul acesta sa ajungem la 300.000 de utilizatori si venituri de 100.000 de euro. In doua luni de la lansare avem 10.000 de utilizatori, inclusiv platitori Start-up-ul local Loopple AI, ca­re dezvolta o solutie bazata pe teh­nologia inteligentei artificiale pentru constructia rapida de WEBSITE-uri, tin­teste sa atraga peste 300.000 de utili­za­tori si sa genereze venituri de mini­mum 100.000 de euro pana la... ...continuare.

Fake news in the hydrotechnical field: the ministers of Energy and Environment have notified DIICOT

publicat 2025-01-10 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Fake news in the hydrotechnical field: the ministers of Energy and Environment have notified DIICOT Mircea Fechet - Minister of Environment, Water and Forests - and Sebastian Burduja - Minister of Energy have notified the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) against individuals who intentionally disseminated false information, through online media channels... ...continuare.

PPC, fostul Enel Romania, anunt important pentru clienti inainte de sarbatori. Unele servicii vor fi temporar indisponibile

publicat 2024-12-23 16:45:25 (Libertatea)
PPC, fostul Enel Romania, anunt important pentru clienti inainte de sarbatori. Unele servicii vor fi temporar indisponibile PPC, fostul Enel Romania, a facut un anunt important pentru clienti, inainte de sarbatori, in contextul unor modificari importante ale programului. PPC Energie si PPC Energie Muntenia isi actualizeaza platformele online de comunicare cu clientii. Astfel, in zilele de 27-28 decembrie, ...continuare.

Inox Magurele enters into preventive composition procedure

publicat 2024-12-23 00:30:22 (Bursa)
Inox Magurele enters into preventive composition procedure * The company did not pay the last coupon and principal of a one million euro bond issue listed on the BVB The Ilfov Court has ordered the opening of the preventive composition procedure for the company Inox Magurele, according to a report by the issuer published on the ...continuare.

Primul WEBSITE din istorie implineste, azi, 34 de ani: Nasterea Internetului modern

publicat 2024-12-20 20:15:27 (Go4IT)
Primul <span style='background:#EDF514'>WEBSITE</span> din istorie implineste, azi, 34 de ani: Nasterea Internetului modern La fix 34 de ani distanta, pe 20 decembrie 1990, computerul NeXT al lui Tim Berners-Lee gazduia primul WEBSITE din istorie. Desi astazi navigam prin miliarde de pagini web pline de continut multimedia, totul a […]Articolul Primul ...continuare.

ZF IT Generation. Start-up Pitch. Dimitrie Baitanciuc, cofondator si CEO, Brizy - platforma pentru constructia rapida de WEBSITE-uri: Anul acesta am trecut de pragul de un milion de euro venituri anuale recurente. In 2025 vrem sa ne dublam businessul

publicat 2024-12-20 08:00:26 (Ziarul-Financiar)
ZF IT Generation. Start-up Pitch. Dimitrie Baitanciuc, cofondator si CEO, Brizy - platforma pentru constructia rapida de <span style='background:#EDF514'>WEBSITE</span>-uri: Anul acesta am trecut de pragul de un milion de euro venituri anuale recurente. In 2025 vrem sa ne dublam businessul Start-up-ul romanesc Brizy, care a dezvoltat o platforma pentru constructia rapida de WEBSITE-uri, tinteste sa isi dubleze businessul in 2025, dupa ce anul acesta a trecut deja de pragul de 1 milion de euro ca venituri anuale recurente. ...continuare.

Urmariti azi de la ora 19 la emisiunea la ZF IT Generation: Cum ajuta un start-up romanesc companiile sa isi construiasca WEBSITE-uri in doar cateva secunde folosind AI? O discutie cu Dimitrie Baitanciuc, cofondator si CEO al Brizy.

publicat 2024-12-19 16:45:50 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Urmariti azi de la ora 19 la emisiunea la ZF IT Generation: Cum ajuta un start-up romanesc companiile sa isi construiasca <span style='background:#EDF514'>WEBSITE</span>-uri in doar cateva secunde folosind AI?  O discutie cu Dimitrie Baitanciuc, cofondator si CEO al Brizy. Autor: Ioana Nita Urmariti azi de la ora 19 la emisiunea la ZF IT Generation: Cum ajuta un start-up romanesc companiile sa isi construiasca WEBSITE-uri in doar cateva secunde folosind AI? Cum se poate transforma automat profilul de Google My Business al... ...continuare.

Record funding for agriculture: euro3 billion allocated to farmers by the European Investment Bank

publicat 2024-12-11 00:15:07 (Bursa)
Record funding for agriculture: euro3 billion allocated to farmers by the European Investment Bank European entrepreneurs in agriculture, forestry and fisheries will benefit from a total of euro3 billion in financing from the European Investment Bank (EIB), according to a press release published yesterday on the financial and banking institution and #39;s ...continuare.

Elena Lasconi - favorite of BURSA Newspaper readers

publicat 2024-12-06 00:00:08 (Bursa)
Elena Lasconi - favorite of BURSA Newspaper readers Elena Lasconi, the current mayor of the Arges city of Campulung, candidate from the Save Romania Union will be the future president of Romania, according to the choice of the readers of the BURSA newspaper expressed in the online survey conducted between December 3-5 on the ...continuare.

Serban Suciu - digital creator | Ed.12 - VIDEO

publicat 2024-12-05 10:30:27 (Money.ro)
Serban Suciu - digital creator | Ed.12 - VIDEO Serban Suciu este digital creator. Ceea ce face el intr-o zi nu a fost inca pe deplin descris in fise de post sau denumiri ocupationale din Romania. Pe scurt, Serban preia enegia spectaculoasa a evenimentelor si proiectelor culturale din realitate si o transforma in "ispita" pentru mediul online... ...continuare.

European Commission steps up antitrust checks on pharmaceutical sector

publicat 2024-12-04 00:00:12 (Bursa)
European Commission steps up antitrust checks on pharmaceutical sector According to a recent report by the European Commission on the application of competition rules, the pharmaceutical industry is under intense scrutiny, aimed at ensuring access to innovative and affordable medicines, the WEBSITEs mondaq.com and... ...continuare.

Fondul Proprietatea shareholders approve delisting of London GDRs

publicat 2024-12-03 00:00:18 (Bursa)
Fondul Proprietatea shareholders approve delisting of London GDRs * Nicholas Paris elected as member of FP Board of Representatives * FP receives two offers for director position; Franklin Templeton drops out after more than a decade at FP helm The shareholders of Fondul Proprietatea (FP) approved, in yesterday and #39;s meeting, the delisting of global... ...continuare.

Grup Serban Holding - profit up 48% in the first nine months of the year

publicat 2024-12-02 03:01:21 (Bursa)
Grup Serban Holding - profit up 48% in the first nine months of the year * Nicolae Serban, CEO: 'GSH focused less on increasing turnover and more on optimizing margins' Grup Serban Holding (GSH), a company active in several areas of agriculture, obtained in the first nine months of the year a consolidated net profit of 18.4 million lei, 48% more than in the same... ...continuare.

Goldring sees Aages shares in the range of 7.08-7.11 lei, above the current market price

publicat 2024-12-02 03:01:21 (Bursa)
Goldring sees Aages shares in the range of 7.08-7.11 lei, above the current market price * Analysts estimate that the induction heating equipment manufacturer will exceed the budgeted turnover and profit for this year The Market Analysis and Strategies Department of the Goldring brokerage house estimates a target price of between 7.08 lei and 7.11 lei for the shares of the induction... ...continuare.

iHunt turns profitable after a loss last year

publicat 2024-11-26 00:00:09 (Bursa)
iHunt turns profitable after a loss last year * The company is focusing on expanding its network of electric vehicle charging stations, according to the issuer and #39;s report Online retailer and manufacturer of mobile phones, gadgets and accessories iHunt Technology (HUNT) achieved a net turnover of 31.1 million lei in the first nine... ...continuare.

Star Residence Invest sells assets from its portfolio

publicat 2024-11-26 00:00:09 (Bursa)
Star Residence Invest sells assets from its portfolio * The company is in the process of liquidating its assets because it does not record income from renting the properties it owns Star Residence Invest (REIT), a company established as a real estate investment vehicle aimed at distributing dividends obtained from rentals, concluded last week two... ...continuare.