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Prosecutor General and #39;s Office, criminally notified for Diana Sosoaca and #39;s statements in the European Parliament

publicat 2025-02-18 00:00:25 (Bursa)

Prosecutor General and #39;s Office, criminally notified for Diana Sosoaca and #39;s statements in the European Parliament The Institute for the Investigation of the Crimes of Communism and the Memory of Romanian Exile (IICCMER) notified, yesterday, the Prosecutor and #39;s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice (Prosecutor General) against MEP Diana Iovanovici Sosoaca, whom it accuses of committing the crime of 'promoting, in public, the cult of persons guilty of committing crimes of genocide against humanity and war crimes', according to Article 5 of Emergency Ordinance no. 31/2002.

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