The Bologna Secretariat will be based in Bucharest
publicat 2024-05-20 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Starting from July 2024, Romania and the Republic of Moldova will host the Secretariat of the Monitoring Group of the Bologna Process, the most extensive voluntary intergovernmental cooperation, which brings together 49 member states and the European Commission, together with advisory members, the Minister of Education, Ligia, announced last week Deca.
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Alte stiri de la Bursa:
• Patinaj artistic: Julia Sauter s-a clasat pe locul 8 dupa programul scurt
U BT Cluj, esec neasteptat in BKT EuroCup
Economic Studies: 12,000 Places for Bachelor and #39;s, Master and #39;s and Doctorate
Abandonul scolar, combatut si cu mese sanatoase
School dropout, also combated with healthy meals
Descoperire majora: o noua 'Super-Terra'
Major discovery: a new 'Super-Earth'
Macro Newsletter 30 Ianuarie 2025
Prognoza meteo (30-31 ianuarie 2025)
TradeVille: Ryanair isi reduce din nou tinta privind traficul de pasageri
Noii 'speciali' din sistemul bugetar
New 'specials' in the budgetary system
Monitorizare avansata pentru eoliene si fotovoltaice la PPC Romania
Studii economice: 12.000 de locuri la licenta, masterat si doctorat
Frauda de 700.000 de euro in Delta Dunarii descoperita de OLAF
• Patinaj artistic: Julia Sauter s-a clasat pe locul 8 dupa programul scurt
U BT Cluj, esec neasteptat in BKT EuroCup
Economic Studies: 12,000 Places for Bachelor and #39;s, Master and #39;s and Doctorate
Abandonul scolar, combatut si cu mese sanatoase
School dropout, also combated with healthy meals
Descoperire majora: o noua 'Super-Terra'
Major discovery: a new 'Super-Earth'
Macro Newsletter 30 Ianuarie 2025
Prognoza meteo (30-31 ianuarie 2025)
TradeVille: Ryanair isi reduce din nou tinta privind traficul de pasageri
Noii 'speciali' din sistemul bugetar
New 'specials' in the budgetary system
Monitorizare avansata pentru eoliene si fotovoltaice la PPC Romania
Studii economice: 12.000 de locuri la licenta, masterat si doctorat
Frauda de 700.000 de euro in Delta Dunarii descoperita de OLAF
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